
Ken left here and told the boss to hurry over.

Since you can go out through the giant photography phone worm, live broadcast this picture.

Isn’t that interesting.

Slap the world government in the face on the spot!

It is estimated that after seeing this, the five old stars turned red with anger, but with this group of people, it is impossible to come directly to the Chambord Islands.

So Ken naturally doesn’t have to worry about this.

No matter how many strong people come here, they can’t endanger him safely.

As long as he has the Gate Fruit, he can leave at any time!

“But I think… Ten Devil Fruits is a bit unrealistic. ”

“By means of the world government … These days, about five have been raised. ”

“Five Devil Fruits… Barely. ”

“It’s good that you can exchange it for an evolutionary crystal.”

On Ken’s way there, the thought floated through his mind.

After all, ten devil fruits can not be bought by money at all.

The main thing is that it is too rare.

Otherwise, the world government would not be so grinding.

Just like.

If Ken demanded the surrender of a billion Bailey ransom… It is estimated that the world government will not frown and hand over the ransom on the spot!

A billion ransom for the power of the behemoth of the world government.

It’s really nothing at all!

But ten devil fruits… The difficulty is completely difficult.

You must know that ten Devil Fruits can completely cultivate a small elite squad!

It’s just a pity.

Money for Ken only.

Already useless.

He needs to get stronger now… Evolutionary crystals that must be systematically exchanged!


The Great Sage helped him too much… Ken also wants the Great Sage to evolve completely!

And then.

Let the Great Sage really come to him and help him!


Ken’s figure turned into a thunderbow light, and a thunderous sound spread in the sky, and everywhere he went, a booming noise exploded madly!


Arrive again at the highest position in the Chambord Islands.

He looked down.

It was discovered that the two CP0 spy agency personnel had arrived for a long time, and it seemed that they were waiting for his arrival.

“The ransom has been brought.”

“Let’s meet Draco!”

“We’re not sure Draco isn’t alive yet.”

“If you want a ransom… You have to be at least fair! ”

The two CP0 spy agency personnel raised their heads, looked at Ken at the top, and couldn’t help shouting.


Ken was expressionless and directly interrupted the other party.

“Don’t worry.”

“Let me see the domineering scan… In the end, has your world government driven unrelated people out of the Chambord Islands? ”

The voice fell.

An astonishing domineering aura was instantly released.

In a short time.

Shrouding the entire Chambord Islands again.

All the details inside and out… It’s all under control!

But it was a surprise.

The most powerful person currently staying in the Chambord Islands.

It’s really these two CP0 spies at the moment!

“So afraid that I killed Draco?”

“It seems that the world government is afraid of the death of Draco.”

“So I agreed to my unreasonable request.”

Ken previously asked the world government to drive out these unrelated personnel, naturally including the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters Qingnaïve, as well as Karp, who acted secretly, and the dark organization powerhouse who did not know.

These people are considered unstable factors, civilians do not matter, anyway, they have no intention of swept in, and they can be harmed without harming them.

And if all the personnel come to besiege him.

Ken definitely can’t beat that many people!

Let’s just say that Qingzhi and Karp joined forces.

Ken can’t already fight, if you deal with it alone, maybe you can fight against it!


To be on the safe side.

He still asked the world government to drive out the unrelated personnel, so that even if he dealt with two CP0 spy agency personnel alone, at least he would definitely not lose!

After all, if you don’t drive away.

The world government also did not dare to guarantee that he, the “madman”, would not kill Draco on the spot!


“Our world government didn’t cheat you, did we?”

The two CP0 spy agency personnel were still a little shocked when they saw Ken once again release this amazing domineering attitude.

They have never encountered such a domineering face!

Of course.

If the strength is strong to a certain extent.

Even with such a broad knowledge and domineering… It is also extremely difficult to deal with the real strong!


“At least I didn’t detect it.”

After Ken carefully probed and found that there were no unrelated people, he nodded in satisfaction, and then he couldn’t help but say: “Where is the ransom?” ”

When the two spy agency personnel heard this, they couldn’t help frowning, but they still took out the rosewood box, the surface was shiny, the cut surface was neat, and there were three devil fruits stored inside.

After three days, the world government struggled to buy the Devil Fruit.


Their world government could only take out six devil fruits.

This is already the limit.

There are no Devil Fruits in the market at all!

All of them are purchased at a great price!

“Ten Devil Fruit Ransom… We didn’t meet the mark. ”

“But we brought six Devil Fruits… If you feel you can. ”

“Then release the Draco, deliver with one hand, and hand over with the other!”

The two CP0 spy agency personnel directly opened the rosewood box, and suddenly six devil fruits with bright surfaces and spirals appeared on the spot.

In an instant.

Ken squinted his eyes and said secretly in his heart.

“It’s about what I thought, originally I thought it was just five.”

“But since there are six Devil Fruits… Then I will laugh mercilessly into my pocket! ”

The next moment.

He stretched out his right hand to touch the air, directly opened the door of the alien space, and quickly brought Charros Saint out.

The moment it came out.

Charros Saint looked at the Chambordi Islands, which he had not seen for a long time, and his face was stunned.

These days.

He has completely slimmed down, and seeing the Chambord Islands again, this familiar feeling, really a long time!

“What are you messing with?”

“I let you out… Hurry up and scold the world government! ”

“Otherwise, be careful I’ll hack you to death!”

Ken looked at Charros Saint’s sluggish appearance, he frowned, and used the radio waves to transmit into Charros Saint’s mind alone, directly threatening these words.


When Charles Ross heard this, he was a little afraid.

He lowered his head… After meeting the CP0 spy organization.

Charros Saint was so angry that he cursed on the spot, this is a real emotion, even if Ken does not force him, Charros Saint will do the same!

This is his nature, it is just that he is afraid of being struck by Kenn lightning these days!

“Damn the world government!”

“What’s going on with you guys?”

“Isn’t it just ten strange fruits, why are you so poor? Can’t afford this? ”

“And they are actually reluctant to hand it over?”

“I’ll fuck you!”

“Do you know how much I suffered!”

“I’m a Draco… When I get home, I will absolutely complain to death about your world government!” ”

“Give you money to do things in the world government, can I look up to you, but I don’t do things with money?”

“You are the rice bucket!”

“Useless stuff!”

“It’s all rubbish!”

“I’m going to shoot you all then!”

The voice fell.

The boss who was about to go bankrupt before, controlling the giant camera phone worm, has filmed this scene and transmitted it to the world!

“Big news!”

“It’s actually up to me to record it again!”

This boss’s eyes sparkled, and he really felt happy in his heart!

Draco… Actually insulting the world government on the spot?

This is also too exciting!

Scolding words… Words and hearts!

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