After the two CP0 spy agency personnel saw Charros Saint, they couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief and secretly said in their hearts.

“Charros Saint is still alive!”

“It looks like the task can be accomplished.”

Fortunately, Draco did not die.

Otherwise, this mission will be a complete failure!

Although it is not clear what happened to Charros San … It was as if it suddenly appeared inexplicably in the air!

However, this should be a special Devil Fruit ability.

It is even a rare space system ability.

It’s just that.

Charrosseng’s insult really chilled the two CP0 spy agency personnel.

“Isn’t it just ten strange fruits?”

How dare you say it?

Why are Draco so stupid?

The starting price of this thing is hundreds of millions!

After getting it… The starting price has long exceeded 100 million, at least it is more expensive!

Especially at this time of day.

The world government is raising Devil Fruit… When it is sold in the underground market, the price is already more expensive!

Because it is clear to all personnel.

Draco has been kidnapped.

Kidnapping the master… Asking for a ransom is ten devil fruits!

It is also impossible for the World Government to have a reserve of ten Devil Fruits.

If the price is raised at this time… The world government can only buy it with tears!

This can’t be bought!

If there is no ransom… Draco may really die!

For this.

This time I bought six Devil Fruits… The overall value has also exceeded two billion!

These black-hearted merchants… It’s ruthless!

As a result, the world government has secretly manipulated these businesses, and if they are discovered, they will fall into the crime!

Feel free to set the market price?

Arrest you with a backhand!


“There may be something wrong with this Charros Holy Brain.”

“I think it’s also… But it should be him, not him himself will not have such a character. ”

“Okay… Whoever makes people is Draco! ”

“Then I’ll pay the ransom.”

The two CP0 spy agency personnel looked at each other, and their eyes were a little helpless.

But this move.

The two of them are already clear… Charros San is definitely who he is!

After all, such a stupid Draco.

It is estimated that it is only him!

“Handing over with one hand.”

“One-handed delivery.”

The two CP0 spy agency personnel raised their heads and shouted in their mouths: “Start trading now!” ”


The top of the Chambord Islands.

When Charrossan found out that these two World Government officials actually ignored him, he wanted to shout insults again.


At this time, the saint of Charros clearly saw the distance under his feet.

So high!

How could it be so high!

If you lose your footing and fall, you will definitely die!

“Back back, back off!”

Charros Saint quickly lay on the ground and carefully retreated, so frightened that his breathing became rapid.


Ken held the collar of Charrose’s holy robe and forcibly pulled it back to prevent this guy from really falling!

After all, this guy is such an idiot.


When Ken heard this, he replied.

“Then you send a person up and personally come to trade with me!”

“I won’t go down, if I go down, what will you two do to besiege me?”

“So the other member, please don’t move… Avoid thinking I want to suddenly save Draco. ”

“After all, if it were an accident… I could have accidentally killed this Draco. ”


The voice fell.

The two CP0 spies had no choice but to send one person up for the time being to trade.


They really didn’t dare to make a move on Kean!

You must know that Charrose Saint is next to Ken!

If you do it.

The attack accidentally swept to Charros Saint.

This is not the attack range that the Draco can withstand, and he will definitely die on the spot!

“You go up.”

“If you can… When the time comes, we can take this person! ”

“Join forces directly!”

The two CP0 spy agency personnel have a tacit understanding, rely on eye contact, and roughly understand their respective meanings.

They felt that if they joined forces.

It shouldn’t be difficult to deal with Ken.

The hard part is… Ken’s lightning strike burst ability is extremely terrifying.

As well as extremely fast.

Really want to catch Ken… It’s not easy!

Crucially, Ken must also let unrelated people go.

This makes it even harder!

Otherwise, if there are admirals here … It is estimated that this leader who kidnapped the Draco did not dare to be so presumptuous!

For this.

The World Government is currently giving instructions.

That is to rescue Draco first!

As for Ken, the unknown criminal dominant… Don’t do it yet!

Avoid provoking to deal with… Caused Draco to die!

The next moment.

A CP0 member used his moon steps and began to step through the air, speeding to the top!

A full half minute later.

This CP0 spy agency officer came to the top position.

At this time.

Ken is far from this CP0 spy agency officer… Only less than ten meters away!

But he didn’t do it.

If you suddenly start your hands.

If the Devil Fruit is accidentally destroyed… Then there will be a complete blood loss!

That’s right.

Devil Fruit can actually be destroyed!

After all, the devil fruit is a “fruit” type of fruit after all.

It’s not invincible.

Slightly apply means … It can be easily destroyed into powder!

In this way, the energy in it can be dissipated instantly.


When I didn’t eat it… If you destroy the Devil Fruit.

It will be scattered all over the world again, wait for a while, concentrate its energy, and it will be transformed into the devil fruit again.

For this.

Ken avoids having the CP0 spy agent destroy the Devil Fruit.

With the strength of such an organization of personnel.

Surely many times stronger than CP9 members!

At least a lot stronger than Luqi.

Presumably destroying the Devil Fruit is also an extremely easy task.

“How are you going to trade?”

CP0 personnel spoke in a somewhat indifferent tone.

Ken was in no hurry.

The world government is in even more hurry than he is … After all, I was afraid that Draco would die!

“Just like you said.”

“Deliver with one hand, hand over with the other.”

“Now… Give me a deposit first! ”

“Don’t you have six Devil Fruit ransoms?”

“Give me three devil fruits first!”

Ken said after a moment of thought.

Charros Saint was right behind him.

He also doesn’t believe that CP0 members can be rescued in front of his nose!


The CP0 organization personnel who stayed under the ground did not dare to act rashly.

After all.

No one knows.

If you move around at will… Will it lead to the death of Draco!

This also makes Ken not afraid of the world government at all!

The world government is too afraid of Draco’s death.

Resulting in an absolute disadvantage!

“Give you three first?”

“What are you kidding!”

“If you get three Devil Fruits… What to do if I take Draco directly? ”

“What if you even kill Draco on the spot?”

“I won’t believe you!”

When the CP0 organizer heard this, he couldn’t help but retort.


Ken didn’t care, shrugging his shoulders, his tone a little cold.

“That deal failed.”

“I just tear up the ticket.”

The voice fell.

He secretly opened the door of the other world, personally took out the golden machete, and directly put it on the neck of Charros.

Just wave it gently.

The head of a Draco.

You can land directly on the ground!

“Wait, wait!”

“World Government!”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you dare not save me?”

“Isn’t it just a few broken fruits!”

“Don’t hurry up and give it to him yet!!!

“You world governments are stupid !!!”

Charros Saint was so frightened that his guts were about to break, his face was pale, and he did not dare to move, for fear that his head would be cut off!

“I’ll give it to you!”

“Don’t do it!”

This made the CP0 spy agency personnel suddenly shrink their pupils in fright, and quickly threw the rosewood boxes in their hands, each of which stored three devil fruits, and one stayed on him to avoid giving them all to Ken.

Deposit…… Give it, give it!

It’s better than now that Draco is dead!

Such a close distance.

Even if you want to kill Ken… He didn’t dare either!

Draco is too close!

The attack easily affected Draco!

Unless you can kill the dominant person in front of you with one hit!

And really fighting… It’s different!

Ken is going to kill him and Draco!

He wants to protect Draco… As well as fending off Ken’s attack!

The position is different.

No matter how strong he is… There is nothing you can do!

This time, the mission.

What a hassle to death!

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