Ken saw the rosewood box thrown over, he caught it with his backhand, opened it and found that there were three devil fruits inside, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but show a little smile.

“Wouldn’t you have done this earlier?”

“It’s so grinding.”

“No wonder the Draco people insult your world government!”


This CP0 member is really unhappy.

What a typical person who gets cheap and sells well!


“You hurry up and let go of Draco!”

The CP0 member shouted in his mouth: “The remaining three devil fruits, I will naturally give them to you!” ”

Ken squinted his eyes, hearing this, he couldn’t help but think in his heart.

“Let go of Draco?”

“How is it possible!”

“Knowing that I have such a move as an alien space… This Draco must die! ”

“And most importantly … It’s that I have too many things in my alien space that cannot be exposed. ”

“Avoid being exposed by this idiot Draco… He must not be allowed to live! ”

However, it is better to get the remaining three devil fruits first.

“The deal continues.”

Ken pulled up Charrose Saint with one hand and shouted at the CP0 members: “How about we throw out the things in our hands directly at the same time?” ”

This made Charros Saint look a little angry.


He’s a Draco!

Nobles of the world!

This is not a thing!

But in front of Kean… Charros Saint did not dare to speak indiscriminately.

These days, if he annoys Ken, Ken will immediately torture him with lightning strikes.

Led to Charros St. … The most feared person today is Ken!

It is estimated that they already have psychological shadows!

“Throw it over?”

“It’s so bold.”

The CP0 person was troubled, but nodded anyway: “Good!” ”

The voice fell.

Ken silently counted with the CP0 man.




Ken’s gesture suddenly changed and he threw Charros Saint down with force!

This is if it succeeds in falling.

Saint Charros must be shattered!



Charros Saint’s entire body was affected by gravity, and he instantly began to fall, so fast that he was about to land on the ground!

“You ——!”

“Damn it!”

This CP0 person is so scared that he is really a vicious person!


He hurriedly threw out the rosewood box in his hand and threw it directly upwards to avoid Ken suddenly attacking Draco!

And then.

“Six Styles Moon Step ——!”

His figure soared into the air, and he rushed directly to the position of the Draco Charros Saint, avoiding really letting the Draco fall to the ground!

Anyway, the other party must need the Devil Fruit very much.

I believe that the Devil Fruit will not fall like this!

So that he can save Charros Saint!

Saving Draco is the most important thing!

Otherwise, if he didn’t throw out the rosewood box in his hand, he would definitely be blocked by Ken!


Ken was a little surprised when he saw the other party’s action.

I thought the other party would not react.

It seems to be quite clever.

He threw down… The other party will throw it!

The location is naturally different!

In this way, it will be difficult for him to stop the personnel of the CP0 spy agency.


The other party also underestimated him.


Ken snapped his fingers, crisp.

“Space open——! door”

In an instant.

The Charros saint, who originally began to fall, and the rosewood box in the upper half of the air.

Suddenly, the space in front of him began to crack and directly swallow into the alien space!


One person.

One thing.

Disappear on the spot and disappear without a trace!


The CP0 spy agency officer watched Charros Saint disappear directly in front of him, and he felt incomparably unbelievable!

Just a little!

Give two more seconds.

He can take away Draco Charros Saint!

And this Devil Fruit ability… It’s amazing!

Can you actually control the space?

But he saw Chalros Saint with his own eyes… It was swallowed up on the spot by the gap in space!

No wonder.

No wonder you can’t find Draco Charros Saint these days!

It turned out that it was actually hidden in this strange space!


“How dare you fool me!”

The CP0 spy agency officer was so angry that he returned on the spot and began to attack Ken!


“How about playing you?”

“Your world government probably guessed too… I can’t let Draco go so easily! ”

“But you actually sent me the Devil Fruit!”

“I have to say it’s really grateful!”

“Or… You guys are stupid! ”

A mocking look appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth, and he did not panic at all when he saw the CP0 spy agency personnel who began to attack.

The backhand is to blast out the lightning strike to resist the past!

“30 million volts thunder beast ——!”

A fierce thunder behemoth instantly condensed, knocked the enemy away on the spot, and opened its huge mouth, tearing and biting the enemy, and the thunder and lightning on its body directly scorched towards the target!

“Rokushi Iron Block!”

“Armed color domineering!”

The personnel of the CP0 spy agency did not hesitate to defend, but in the face of lightning strikes, they could not resist at all!

In an instant.

The sound of thunder erupted!

“Boom ——!”

The figure of the personnel of the CP0 spy agency flew out upside down in an instant, and the whole body was pitch black, as if it had been electrocorched!


The remaining CP0 spy agency personnel on the ground found that something was completely wrong, and he had already used six moon steps, and was rushing directly over!


On the way to come over.

This person still has a phone bug in his hand and directly sends a request for support.

“General Yellow Ape——!”

“Trouble you come over immediately!”

“Arrest this person!”

“Only your speed… This dominant criminal can be arrested! ”

The voice fell.

The waters off the Chambord Islands.

The sky is filled with dazzling golden light!

“Oh my God!”

“Yellow Ape?!”

Ken looked sideways at the scene, his pupils widening slightly.

Damn it!

He saw that the domineering color could only cover the entire Chambord Islands.

The sea outside can’t be shrouded at all!

But he’s also amazing.

Otherwise, the yellow ape would not stay in the outer seas.

It seems that the world government still wants to catch him!


Directly let the young and childish leave… Instead, he replaced the yellow ape to arrest him?

It’s kind of clever!

To know the speed of the yellow ape… It’s a blast away!


“Take your life!”

The remaining CP0 spy agency personnel found that his companion’s body was scorched black and his life was dying, and he was a little unbelievable.

Although the two of them are not extremely strong among CP0 spies, they are also in the middle and upper aspects.

If you are in the headquarters of the Navy, you can definitely become a vice admiral!

Of course.

Among the lieutenant generals … There are also strong and weak points.

At best, the two of them can only match the slightly stronger lieutenant general.

The strongest vice admiral is naturally the naval hero Vice Admiral Karp!

It’s just that this person doesn’t want to be promoted to general at all, so he stays in lieutenant general for a long time.

As well as Lieutenant General Tsuru!

However, Vice Admiral Tsuru is not quite a combatant, and now he is old, and he is even more a staff officer of the headquarters of the Navy!

The really strongest lieutenant generals and others … That is naturally Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit and Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin!

These two have already been claimed by the headquarters of the Navy to have the title of “alternate admiral”!

The slight weaknesses are Lieutenant General Mole, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider and others.

The next ones are basically ordinary lieutenant generals.

The two of them also competed with Lieutenant General Mole and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider.

Didn’t lose.

There is no victory.

But didn’t expect… This dominant criminal.

The strength is actually so terrifying?


This guy’s lightning strikes are too amazing!

Six-style iron block and armed color domineering.

It’s impossible to stop it!

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