Seeing that the yellow ape is coming.

Ken is not willing to fight the yellow ape… After all, this is his biological uncle, who has been here for a year, and he already has family affection for the yellow ape.

For the yellow ape… He still approves.

Ken has also taken the yellow ape as a relative.

If there is no yellow ape to help before.

He also couldn’t enter Advance City… It can make the strength grow so fast!

For this.

He was grateful to the yellow ape… He is also unwilling to make a move on the yellow ape.

This is a matter of principle.

The yellow ape is kind to him!

If it weren’t for the fact that the yellow ape once went to get the devil fruit… Give it to him.

He can’t activate the system either!

Not even the strength now!

If this time it is General Akainu… He naturally will not retreat!

“The Devil Fruit has also arrived this time.”

“Draco, I didn’t let the world government rescue either.”

“This time the world government must have made the world laugh!”


“Might as well leave here!”

“And I also want to exchange for evolutionary crystals… Hurry up and let the Great Sage evolve into the King of Wisdom! ”

The thought raced through Ken’s mind, and he couldn’t help but nod, intending to leave.

Right now.

Requirements for redeeming Evolution Crystals… It has also been thoroughly reached!

And he currently has eight Devil Fruits in his hands!

Such an amazing existence!

It is estimated that the crew of the Four Emperors of Pirates possess the ability of the Devil Fruit… That’s about the amount, right?

In an instant.

Ken’s figure began to turn into a thunder element, and he left!


“Take your life!”

“Hugh is leaving!”

Suddenly, the remaining member of the CP0 spy agency saw that Ken wanted to leave, he was actually not afraid, his arm spread with armed domineering, and he rushed directly over, wanting to block Ken for a moment!

He already knows … Ken’s Devil Fruit ability.

It should be the fruit of nature!

As long as the armed color is used to domineering… You can stop Ken!


The Yellow Ape Admiral from the headquarters of the Navy can come … Presumably, he will be able to catch this criminal who kidnapped the leader of the Draco!

The devil fruit that will be taken away when the time comes.

As well as Draco, they can be rescued!


“You want to die?”

“I fulfill you!”

“Dead ——!”

Ken saw that the golden light in the distance was getting closer and closer, and he felt a little bad, and even this member of the CP0 spy agency who was looking for death actually dared to stop it!

The next moment.

Ken’s eyes were full of killing intent, and he did not hesitate to release a killing move!

“100 million volts thunder bombarded ——!”

It was as if endless lightning elements instantly condensed and directly turned into a vast impact force, attacking the personnel of the CP0 spy agency!

“Boom ——!”

With a shocking bang!

The entire area dissipated instantly!

Together with the two CP0 spies, they also turned into ashes in an instant!

It even made the roots of the Yarchiman mangrove instantly spread out cracks and began to collapse on the spot!

Once the highest apex of the Chambord Islands.

One hit can be destroyed!

The domineering of the thunder fruit… It is not armed color domineering and six-style iron blocks can resist at all!

Even if it’s like Ken… Before, he also relied on the resistance of thunder antibodies, and forcibly resisted it!

If there were no rubber fruit owner Luffy… There is simply no one under the sky who can block it head-on, and they have not been harmed!

Right now.

The dazzling golden light in the distance still arrives here!

The figure of the yellow ape appeared instantly, seeing that this area had been destroyed, his eyes fluctuated a little, and he touched his chin full of scum, and began to say classic mantras in his mouth.

“You’re a little scary.”

“You monster is so destructive that I don’t know if I can beat you?”

“How come there are such monsters all over the world.”

“I feel like I’m not good anymore, I can’t beat it.”


When Ken saw the appearance of the yellow ape, a cold sweat appeared on his face, fortunately, he had a mimicry transformation effect and would not reveal his true identity.

Yellow ape this mantra.

He’s heard it countless times!

One bite is so scary.

One foot at a supernova.

This is no joke!

The strength of the yellow ape… In fact, it is no worse than the young and red dogs!

It’s just that the justice of the yellow ape … It’s like ambiguous justice!

Yellow apes like to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

For this.

Even if there is a task ahead… He may not have done it on purpose!

The yellow ape is more… Get the job done with the mood!

Get up on the wrong side of the bed.

He doesn’t care who you are… Kill it right!

When you’re in a good mood.

Even if the pirate is under the feet of the yellow ape… You can kill at any time.

He will also lift his foot and pat his ass to leave.

“It’s not easy to deal with.”

“Point, I don’t want to make a move on the yellow ape either.”

Ken had a headache, and did not expect to be blocked for a moment, and the yellow ape had already arrived.


He doesn’t intend to reveal his true identity.

Although the yellow ape is a justice that is ambiguous!

But the yellow ape’s heart is justice after all!

If he reveals his identity … Does the yellow ape accept?

After all, such a big crime was committed.

The yellow ape can’t keep him!

And the world government is estimated to have been furious to the extreme.

The ransom devil fruit was given to him.

Draco was also not rescued.

Even two members of the CP0 spy agency died at his hands!

This is completely against the world government!

“Hey, hey, hey.”

“Are you underestimating me like that?”

“That’s not okay.”

“The task that the old man of the Warring States ordered me to make… Let me arrest you. ”

“It seems that it can only … Give it a try. ”

“And I heard that your attack means… About the same as me? ”

“It’s extremely fast… Extremely explosive. ”

“Is it about the same type of natural devil fruit as me?”

When the yellow ape saw Ken’s lost mind, he would not show mercy, after all, he did not expect that this prisoner who committed a heinous crime was actually his doting nephew Kenan?

How can it be.

Just the appearance of this bald homeless man in front of you?

His nephew Ken is quite handsome, and he is a handsome man!

How can this kind of lewd skinhead be compared?

The next moment.

Coldness flashed under the yellow ape’s eyes, and he muttered to himself.

“You’ve heard… What does it taste like to kick at the speed of light? ”

The voice fell.


He instantly condensed the photon on his calf, and the whole person kicked out a leg sweeping attack at the speed of light!

This is if it gets kicked.

With the blessing of the yellow ape’s physical skills… It will definitely be possible to let the pirate supernova lie here and be seriously injured on the spot!


Ken suddenly struck a crisis, his body turned into a thunder element, burst out with extreme speed, and instantly began to dodge!

“Boom ——!”

The sound of thunder exploded wildly.

The air is already rubbing!

He’s already extremely fast!


The moment the yellow ape figure kicked over, the attack fell into the air, but instead kicked the Yarqiman mangrove not far away, instantly causing an island-like huge mangrove to collapse!

“What a speed.”

“No one can dodge this trick for a long time.”

“This person is not much slower than me.”

The yellow ape squinted his eyes, knowing that he was extremely fast, even if someone released his domineering power, he could easily kick the other party!


The other party’s natural Devil Fruit… Really similar to his shining fruit!


“It kind of makes me feel interesting.”

“Come again——!”

“Tiancong Cloud Sword ——!”

The yellow ape didn’t really fight for a long time, his face instantly became a little serious, his hands were clasped together, and then slowly pulled away, and a photon long sword was suddenly born!

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