“Yellow Ape, is this a little more serious?”

“Why did you even take out the Tiancong Cloud Sword!”

“You really don’t really want to arrest me on the spot, do you?”

“This is completely out of line with the personality of the yellow ape!”

Ken watched the yellow ape’s face change slightly, and suddenly became serious, which made him feel extremely surprised, and even a little miserable.

It’s not good who comes.

Coming to the yellow ape!

The key is that this is still his biological uncle… He already recognized the yellow ape as a relative!

If you kill your loved ones.

Is he still human?

The bad yellow ape has helped him so many times… It’s impossible for him not to remember it!

Ken is naturally not a white-eyed wolf.

It is impossible to be ungrateful, and he is extremely grateful to the yellow ape.

Otherwise, he would not have the protection of the yellow ape… The front must have been extremely miserable.

He attacked Draco… That’s naturally Draco deserves it!

Draco committed so many ugly events, but no one dared to stop them.

This made Ken feel quite unhappy.

So many people in the world are afraid of Draco?

He is not afraid!

Plus in terms of principle, Ken basically will not break!

I definitely don’t want to fight with the yellow ape!

“If it doesn’t work.”

“I’ll slip away right away!”

“But… I also want to talk a little bit. ”

“It’s better to point until you stop!”

Ken actually wanted to fight with the yellow ape in his heart.

The person he once admired, the yellow ape… It’s not so far-fetched these days!

Sooner or later.

He can reach the strength of the yellow ape’s strength!

Even…… Beyond the past!

The next moment.

“Thunder roars——!”

Ken even simulated the moves of the Yellow Ape Tiancong Cloud Sword on the spot, clasped his hands together, and then slowly pulled away, and a thunder giant sword was suddenly born!

In an instant.

A look of surprise flashed under the eyes of the yellow ape nearby.


“This move is actually similar to mine?”

“It’s getting more and more fun!”

This leader who kidnapped Draco, naturally the Devil Fruit was a bit similar to him… Even the moves can be similar?


The other party seems to be imitating him on the spot!

The yellow ape is not too young, his eyes are quite old, and he can see at a glance that Ken’s moves are completely learned on the spot, and even extremely rusty, as if he is not very skilled.

This is a monster!

Before he dared to come to the Chambord Islands… But I heard about it on the childish side.

This leader who kidnapped Draco was domineering… Enough to stun the whole world!

Can envelop the entire Chambord Islands area!

This is not good to support the CP0 spy agency personnel of the world government.

After all, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the Draco… They must be evicted from those who have nothing to do with them.

For this.

Sengoku felt extremely tricky, so he let Qingzhi leave, but let him, an extremely fast general, arrive.

As long as there are special circumstances, the world government cannot defeat this criminal.

He can directly rush in the outer sea area and forcibly arrest this person!

Anyway, seeing and smelling domineering can’t cover the sea outside.

It’s just that.

This person is really difficult to deal with!

The speed is about the same as him… The explosive power is even more similar!

Now the moves are even more stolen to learn!

It always feels quite difficult!

“The task assigned by the old man of the Warring States.”

“It’s a bit of a hassle.”

“But still pretentious.”

“If you can catch it easily… Then grab it! ”

“If you can’t catch it, then don’t catch it, pretend that you have no intention of letting this criminal escape, after all, this person is not slower than me, anyway, for Draco, I am still quite unhappy.”

“This can’t make me desperate, does it?”

These thoughts floated through the yellow ape’s mind again.


The yellow ape carried the Tiancong Cloud Sword in his hand and began to rush forward, his eyes a little indifferent.

“Try it a little.”

His whole person is like a broken bamboo, his momentum is extremely dangerous, if there is no pressure, he will be born in an instant.

The yellow ape did not get serious for a long time.

Nowadays, it is estimated that there is no problem with “playing”!

“Come on!”

“Let me see how many gaps there are!”

Ken’s eyes were shining, and he didn’t feel the slightest fear, and the thunder giant sword in his hand swung away suddenly!

With the impact of the Heavenly Cong Cloud Sword and the Thunder Giant Sword!

“Boom ——!”

A shock force spread.

Cracks as deep as ravines instantly appeared on the surrounding ground, as if they were divided by countless sword qi!

Fortunately, Ken had swallowed criminals learning swordsmanship in the advancing city before.


He didn’t know anything about swordsmanship before!

Between several rounds.


The yellow ape frantically manipulated the Tiancong Cloud Sword to suppress Ken, causing Ken to start retreating madly and defending desperately!

“It’s a lot of pressure.”

The thunder giant sword that Ken held in his hand couldn’t help but tremble, so it seemed that the yellow ape’s originally thin and tall body secretly hid extremely amazing physical achievements!

His swordsmanship was originally inferior to that of the yellow ape, and he still relied on devouring criminals to learn swordsmanship.

The sword fight was naturally easily suppressed by the yellow ape!


It’s all monsters!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to become the three strongest combat forces in the Navy!

You must know that the yellow ape is not a strong person who specializes in physical skills, he studies more about the development of the devil fruit.

This is if the naval hero Karp … Will it be more powerful?

and the Four Emperors of Pirates… Kaido, known as the strongest creature.

Isn’t physical skill extremely terrifying?

Ken thought that his current physical skills… Already not weak.


He devoured dozens of pirate criminals with tens of millions of bounties… If the mass mutation is not reached.

After all, Ken could not reach the level of the admiral and the four emperors of the navy!

“Of course.”

“I’m strong now… It’s not physical skills! ”

“It’s ability!”

“200 million volts Thor ——!”

Ken broke out instantly, and his whole body was filled with thunder and lightning, and the endless thunder and lightning all surrounded him on the spot, transforming into a huge Thunder God body on the spot.

Deal with the yellow ape, if he hides his strength.

This is really looking for death!

The yellow ape does not know his identity… Naturally, there will be no mercy from his subordinates!

“It’s a little dangerous.”

“It seems that the real strength … Already not going to hide? ”

The yellow ape narrowed his eyes, and suddenly saw Ken’s sudden burst of true strength, and he actually felt a little stunned in his heart.

For this.

He saw that the domineering aura began to slowly release, and he was always vigilant.

“Thunder strikes ——!”

Ken felt endless lightning elements in his body, madly wrapped around his body, making him feel eager to release it!

In an instant.

“Boom ——!”

The extremely violent thunder instantly opened its teeth and danced its claws and slammed into the yellow ape!

The speed was so fast, he suddenly came to the vicinity of the yellow ape!

“So fast!”

“If you get hit… Maybe I’ll get hurt! ”

“Eight Mirrors——!”

The yellow ape’s pupils suddenly shrunk, and a mirror-like light accumulated in his hand, and the figure instantly relied on the refraction of the beam to bounce back to the surrounding targets, thereby forming a track of light and dissipating directly in place!

“Knock ——!”

The furious thunder of the teeth and claws was like a star falling to the ground, and the entire area completely collapsed, and a large number of cracks that were difficult to cross spread out in an instant.

The Chambord Islands in several areas have been destroyed in an instant!

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