“Can’t stay here.”

“Just stop there.”

“Keep fighting… I will definitely fight the yellow ape extremely fiercely! ”

“That’s not what I want to see!”

After Ken temporarily forced back the yellow ape with this move, he controlled Thor’s body, and his figure instantly rushed backwards and left here.

At least.

He understood a lot now.

If the yellow ape really moves… Something has to happen!

When the time comes.

The entire Chambord Islands are bound to be destroyed!

The destructive power of the Glitter Fruit… Not much worse than the Thunder Fruit at all!

Fight like this.

He and the yellow ape ended up harming only the civilians of the Chambord Islands!

In the blink of an eye.

Ken’s figure had disappeared closely, completely disappearing at the edge of the sky.



A special item fell out of Ken’s pocket and was falling, without even he noticing it.

The other side.

The figure of the yellow ape was slightly embarrassed, and it turned into a photon again.

He saw that the surrounding Chambord Islands area had been swept in.

In a short time.

It has been completely destroyed!

It has to be said.

This enemy’s natural fruit explosive power… It’s really strong!

“Already run away?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Anyway, I didn’t put much water in front of me… This person is also not a soft persimmon to pinch. ”

“I really want to arrest this person… I might get hurt too. ”

The yellow ape shook his head helplessly, and he couldn’t help but think in his heart.

And it’s useless for him to catch up now.

He is even faster than this enemy, although … But he didn’t want to chase anymore.

Such troublesome things.

It’s better to stop there.

Anyway, the most embarrassing thing this time is the world government, and their naval headquarters has tried its best, but unfortunately it has not been successfully arrested.


“What is this?”

The yellow ape suddenly noticed a small black dot in the sky that was falling.

It seems to be what the leader who kidnapped Draco fell out.

The yellow ape swept away domineeringly and found that this object was not dangerous.


He reached out and caught it, but wanted to see what it was.


An extremely small phone worm fell into the palm of his hand.


The yellow ape’s heart was instantly like a terrifying wave, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he muttered in his mouth.

“Isn’t this the phone bug I gave Ken earlier?”

“How did you end up here?”

“What the hell is going on?”

In an instant.

The yellow ape’s eyes were full of changes, and the previous laziness disappeared in an instant!

An astonishing killing intent.

It spread directly on the yellow ape, and his eyes became extremely terrifying.

He stared at the distant position… It is the place where the leader who kidnapped the Draco fled.

The yellow ape wanted to chase after it at this moment… Question this enemy.

Who are you?

Why is there this phone bug?

It’s hard to do.

Ken has been criminalized by this dominant… Accidentally killed?

Otherwise, the phone worm he gave Ken before… Why is it here?

This phone worm.

Once when Ken went to advance the city, the yellow ape was a little worried that Ken was not used to advancing the city, so he handed the phone worm to Ken, and if there was trouble, he could ask him for help.


Now this phone worm.

It completely made the yellow ape extremely uncalm in his heart.

His extremely spoiled nephew Ken… It won’t die at the hands of this dominant criminal, right?

Wrong…… He didn’t feel like it.

The yellow ape had a premonition… This incident is likely to be extremely bizarre!

There’s a good chance that Ken will be fine at all!

As for this phone bug… The yellow ape also has a conjecture.

Coupled with the fact that when he faced this dominant criminal before, he also found that something was wrong.

That is… The other party is a little restrained!

Even after the enemy burst out with the strongest strength, he actually did not fight with stalkers!

It’s more about forcing him back, and then running away right away!

It’s not at all like kidnapping Draco, the dominant criminal… Such a lawless style before.

Why did you become so tied up after meeting him?

As for it, there is a reason!

“The breath of that man… Definitely not Ken. ”

“But I remember the breath of Ken… It is absolutely impossible to forget! ”

“But I feel a little strange.”

“If I guess bold… The leader of this kidnapping of Draco. ”

“Could it be that it is Ken?”

“That’s not right… Where did he get the Natural Devil Fruit? ”

“The devil fruit I once gave is just an animal line devil fruit!”

“What the hell is going on here?”

The yellow ape’s thoughts were completely disturbed, and the originally lazy mood was somewhat difficult to stabilize.

Right now.

What the hell is going on with Kean?

Why is the phone bug here?

“Hide it for now.”

“This information cannot be exposed.”

“Otherwise, the world government will inevitably investigate Ken.”

The yellow ape suddenly became expressionless, and once again changed back to a lazy appearance, he directly put the phone worm in his hand into his arms, intending to destroy it directly later, definitely not wanting to expose this clue.

Fortunately, there was no one around this time.

This thing… Only he knows!

and the unidentified dominant criminal.

For Kean.

The yellow ape is selfish… In addition, this time it is aimed at Draco and the world government.

He didn’t think it was serious.

“Go back to the headquarters of the Navy first.”

“This thing… I’m going to investigate alone! ”

“If it’s really Ken… I chose to hide. ”

The yellow ape’s figure turned into a golden streamer, and instantly rushed to the sea outside, intending to take a warship to rush back to the naval headquarters.

He believed Ken was absolutely fine.

For this.

If Ken is okay… This phone worm.

It must have been him who accidentally fell out!

Other words.

The kidnapping of Draco that shocks the world today.

That’s what Ken did!

Even the yellow ape felt unbelievable.

I really didn’t expect it… Ken would actually do that.

The yellow ape remembered what Ken had said earlier.

The reason why Ken did not choose to become a navy … It’s because he doesn’t want to be a lackey of Draco!

After all, after becoming a navy.

Even if he, the admiral… Also be dictated by the world government!

Not this time.

The yellow ape was also reluctant to come over… Behind it is because the world government ordered him to go to the Chambord Islands to support!

It’s just that.

If the murderer is Ken.

That incident really surprised the yellow ape.

No one thought of it.

Kean, who is usually quiet and quiet.

It can actually lead to such an event.


The other side.

Ken naturally does not know his identity and is currently being suspected by the yellow ape.

But at the moment he was quite happy.

Because when exchanging Evolution Crystals… It’s already coming!

In an instant.

Ken stretched out his hand to tear open the air and directly into the alien space.


He began to contact the system, his tone extremely excited.


“I’m going to exchange it for an evolution crystal!”

“The goal you asked for… I have reached! ”

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