For the appearance of Charles, the king of wisdom.

Ken was naturally still extremely happy, he felt that he was finally not so lonely, and finally had someone to accompany.

After all, what he did… Still too shocking.

Presumably, it is difficult for the yellow ape to support him, and even after knowing these things, he may think that he is an outlier.

He wants to overthrow the ruling power of the world government!

Even if the leader of the revolutionaries, Monchi · D. Dragon can’t overthrow either!

At present, it is only a covert attack on the world government.

Unlike this time Ken… Directly kidnap Draco and forcefully hit the world government!

But then.

After having the Shire.

He is not alone in his fighting!

Charles can already really help him!


Doubtful thoughts floated through Ken’s mind.

“Charles… Can you mimic transformation? ”

“How else would you help me personally?”

The voice fell.

Charles replied with a smile: “Naturally, because the moves I have seen can be copied, such as the mimicry transformation of Young Lord Ken, I have already learned!” ”

Finish speaking.

A strange light floated out of Ken’s mind, and began to condense a purple liquid, full of strangeness, and came from nowhere.

In a short time.

This purple liquid began to mimic and transform into a human form.


“You’re pretty handsome.”

Ken looked at Charles’s human appearance, but he was a little curious.

Charles has a red unicorn on his head, his eyes are full of indifference, his pupils are light blue, his face is handsome and enchanting, his body is slender, and his arms are dark ghost claws.

This does not seem to look like a real human, but rather resembles a monster race.

One more point.

It is the type of person imitated by Charles… He was actually not wearing clothes, and at this moment he appeared in front of Ken naked.

But everyone is a man.

Ken didn’t feel very ashamed, so he went to the closet, took out his clothes directly, and put them on Charles.

This is if it is a woman.

He may still blush a little, after all, he has never had a girlfriend in this life, although he has had a girlfriend in his previous life, but it is just the point of pulling hands and kissing his mouth.

“My person is handsome?”

“Young Lord Ken… I don’t really have a human gender, I just have a human mind. ”

“I can now be considered asexual and don’t have the exact gender, so you’re thinking a little redundant.”

“If you think that the male state I have become does not meet your wishes, I can become a female state.”

“I know very well what kind of female face Lord Ken likes… The change is definitely in line with your heart! ”


“Need me to change?”

Charles heard Kenan’s words, his handsome and enchanting face was full of doubts, and even said shocking words.


The corners of Ken’s mouth twitched, and his face was a little embarrassed.

Is Charles actually asexual?

Is it even clear what feminine face he likes?

Is this a peek into his heart?

But yes… Who doesn’t have a lover in their dreams?

Make yourself feel the most perfect woman.

Everyone is different… Favorite perfect women are also different.

It is estimated that you can’t find this kind of dream lover under the sun!

If Charles could change it… Seems good too?

Wait a minute.

What is he thinking!

It matters now to get stronger… What woman put aside for the time being.

Wait for the day when he becomes the strongest in the world… Let’s talk about this kind of thing then!

And the King of Wisdom, Charles, can only be regarded as his special skill!

It’s better if he doesn’t think about it!

It feels shameless.


“You don’t have to change.”

“Charles… You can become like this. ”

“Men are fine too… If you become a woman, you might still bother me! ”

“Now look at you like this… I also feel more oppressive. ”

“But you still have to change slightly, the red unicorn on top of your head quickly change back, ordinary humans don’t have such facial features!”

Ken coughed in his mouth, then his expression became serious, and he began to seriously advise Charles.

For this.

Charles didn’t even think about it, and immediately began to mimic the change.

Ken’s request… Charles will definitely not refuse!


Until Ken felt normal, Charles began to stop!

This is the moment.

Charles’s human appearance looks like an ordinary man with some cold personality.

Even the handsome and enchanting face, Charles felt that it was a little too outstanding, and it became slightly like the appearance of an ordinary man.

After all.

He can’t steal the limelight from Ken.

Everything has to be for Kean!

Even if something Ken didn’t expect… Charles, too, have to take care of it!

“Good, good!”

“In the future, you will be my partner!”

A smile appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth and he patted Charles’s shoulder kindly.

He didn’t mind what kind of special consciousness Charles was before.

Ken only knows … Charles used to help him a lot!

There is no Shire.

He may not be able to get this far!

“Lord Kenne.”

“What’s next?”

“I can answer for you.”

“As long as there is no shielding thing in the world… I can answer it all for you. ”

Charles’s face was indifferent and did not seem to have any expression, although he had human thoughts, but if he wanted to have human emotions, he might need to learn on his own for a while.


When Ken heard this question, his face became a little solemn.

Next plan.

He was also already a little stumped.

For now, though.

He still needs the Devil Fruit… Predators need to evolve into gluttonous kings.

Think about it.

The consciousness body of the Great Sage.

Now they have become the king of wisdom, Charles!

Even with amazing skills!

He is the owner of the Shire… How can it be backward!

“It’s still the previous plan.”

“I want to get more Devil Fruit and evolve a predator.”

“But for now, it’s not urgent.”

“One day after we leave the headquarters of the Navy… You can travel to the New World. ”

“This time we are going to fight the forces of the four emperors of pirates!”

Ken told Charles his thoughts, and naturally did not hide it.

Hear this.

Charles looked thoughtful.

His thinking speed has reached thousands of times.

Anything Charles can even deduce!

This is not at all something that humans can compare!


“I’ll go to my uncle first, and you’ll reincarnate into consciousness and return to my mind.”

“I’ll go to the Navy headquarters now to take a look, and I don’t know if I make such a big thing, and the Navy headquarters will be punished by the world government for this.”

Ken reached out and patted Charles on the shoulder, giving a hint.

This stopped Charles from thinking.

Charles did not refuse, and after nodding his head slightly, his body turned into light and drilled into Ken’s mind on the spot.

The next moment.

Ken strode out of the house.

He was still more worried about the yellow ape, after all, this time the yellow ape attacked him, and he didn’t even catch him,

The world government may punish the yellow ape for this!

Of course, the degree of punishment should not be very large.

It is estimated that this is the degree to which the yellow ape can be slightly disgusted.

The five old stars are still very insidious… Ken didn’t have any affection for the group.

But the bad yellow ape is considered a admiral … The world government can’t interfere too much!

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