Every time it arrives at the headquarters of the Navy.

Ken had some feelings in his heart, and he felt that every time he gained a lot, he really gained a lot.

When the first arrival at the headquarters of the Navy … At that time, it was also when he was weakest, he could only have the ability of the original slime form, his strength was not strong, and he was also the most confused period.

The second time when he arrived at the headquarters of the Navy … He has devoured all the third-tier criminals in Advance City, and defeated the CP9 spy agency personnel, forcefully captured the Lower Gate Fruit, and possessed the design drawings of the Hades battleship.

When the third arrival at the headquarters of the Navy … That is, this time, he currently has the ability of the Thunder Fruit, and even his partner, the King of Wisdom, Charles, has appeared, and the next step is extremely important for the plan!

Ken is also looking forward to it.

When he arrived at the headquarters of the Navy for the fourth time.

When the time comes… Is he no longer afraid of the admiral?

Even above the admirals?

If that’s the case… Time for him to overthrow the world government.

It’s just around the corner!

As for Draco.

He will definitely not let it go… Even Ken might slaughter Draco!

As long as Draco still exists.

Slavery will not be eliminated!

This system is simply disgusting to Ken, and he feels quite unhappy.

It may be his attitude in his past life… Feel slavery.

It’s just to the point of madness!

If this system is not abolished.

He was completely uneasy!

Draco must all die!

That’s Ken’s obsession!


Arrive at the gate of the Navy headquarters.

The two naval men guarding the door have still not changed, and they are still the direct subordinates of the yellow ape’s navy.

After the two of them saw Ken, they lowered their heads slightly and said in a respectful tone.

“General Yellow Ape has been waiting for you for a long time, and after he let the two of us see you, he hopes that you will quickly go to him.”

“There seems to be something important.”

“So let us both tell you.”


Ken’s face was a little surprised, he really couldn’t think that the yellow ape actually wanted to find him?

If there is something important.

Isn’t it okay to notify him directly with the phone bug?

Is it possible to say it to your face?

However, when he came to the naval headquarters this time, he also came to find the yellow ape, but there was no conflict.

For this.

Ken bowed his head slightly and couldn’t help but answer.

“I already know it now, and it’s hard for you two to talk.”

Finish speaking.

The two naval men were somewhat flattered.

“Where, where!”

“It is our honor to serve General Yellow Ape!”

Ken did not intend to continue grinding, and walked directly into the naval headquarters and directly towards the yellow ape’s office.

He should be considered without naval status … A privileged person who can enter the headquarters of the Navy many times!

After all.

His uncle was actually a senior admiral.

Who dares to stop him at the headquarters of the Navy?

Of course, such as Red Dog, Qingzhi, Sengoku, Karp, Tsuru, these high-ranking naval officials.

Trying to stop him… There should still be no problem.

It’s just that these high-ranking naval officers are very busy, and where is there time to take care of him in normal times.

As long as he doesn’t make a fuss at the headquarters of the Navy, there is basically nothing to do.


Ken came to the yellow ape’s office, he reached out and knocked on the wooden door, shouting in his mouth.

“Knock knock.”

“Uncle… It’s me Ken. ”

“What are you looking for me for?”

In an instant.

The yellow ape sitting on the sofa with Erlang’s legs upturned heard this, and his eyes showed doubt.

During the three-day investigation.

He couldn’t find where Ken went!

That’s kind of weird… There are many things that the yellow ape can’t understand.

For this.

He wanted to ask Ken about it.

Certainly not an honest inquiry… Just ask a little.

If Ken is really the murderer who kidnapped Draco.

The yellow ape has also decided to come down… It is to choose to hide.

This is him on the selfish side.

If the yellow ape chooses to hide this fact… Then accidentally discovered by the world government.

His position as a senior admiral … It may not be guaranteed because of this!

“It may not be Ken, too.”

“Point, how can I conclude that Ken is the mastermind of kidnapping Draco?”

“I still don’t believe it.”

Although the yellow ape thought like this in his heart, his face was a little helpless.

The next moment.

The yellow ape adjusted his mood and shouted directly.

“Ken, you come first.”

The voice fell.

Ken twisted the doorknob and walked into the office.

His face was a little strange, and he didn’t know what was important when the yellow ape came to him, so he couldn’t help but ask.


“Are you looking for me?”

“Your two subordinates outside asked me to come in and find you immediately.”

The yellow ape’s face was as pale as before, and it was completely impossible to guess what he was thinking.

He thought for a moment, and finally muttered.

“It’s not a big deal.”

“The recent kidnapping of Draco is too serious… I’m afraid you’re in danger outside, so I want you back. ”

“But it’s a little weird.”

“I called you with a phone worm… Why are you ignoring me? ”

“I thought you were in danger… You really don’t put me at ease. ”

When Ken heard this, he couldn’t help scratching his head.

“Is that so?”

“Maybe I didn’t pay attention.”

“But I didn’t run around, and I was still quite safe around.”

The yellow ape actually called the phone worm to him?

How did he not remember?

When was this a thing?

Could it be that after he entered the other space… Phone bugs can’t call in?

This is not impossible.

Being in a different space… It should also be impossible to talk.

For this.

Ken reached out and put it in his arms, he wanted to pull out the phone bug in his pocket and see what was going on with the phone bug.



“Where’s the phone bug?”

“Why can’t you find it?”

Ken’s face was a little puzzled, he reached out and grabbed the air, but he didn’t touch anything.

Could it be that you accidentally got it off?


“My phone bug may be on the way back, accidentally missed, may fall halfway.”

“So I shouldn’t have heard your phone worm calling.”

Ken really had no choice but to answer like this.

This is the end of the sentence.

The expressionless yellow ape, slightly moved, muttered, “Won’t it?” I can’t believe it…”

Accidentally missed the phone bug?

Fell halfway?

Isn’t that what it was then… He fought quite fiercely with the criminal who kidnapped the dominant Draco.


The dominant criminal didn’t know what was going on.

He didn’t even continue to fight … Instead, he fled the scene directly.

Cause the phone bug to accidentally fall out!

Think about it.

If this criminal who kidnapped the Draco leader… It was his spoiled nephew Ken.

Was it because Ken didn’t want to hurt his uncle?

And then he immediately turned and fled?

Of course.

The yellow ape also did not think he was weak… It’s really going to burst into full force.

He can even injure the criminal who kidnapped the Draco’s leader!

Thankfully, he didn’t choose to do that!

Otherwise, he must have some regrets at this moment!

Even the yellow ape has 80% determined that this criminal who kidnapped the leader of the Draco… Actually, it’s Ken!

And 20% he didn’t know.

Why did Ken suddenly possess the Natural Devil Fruit ability?

You know, because of this event… Even at the time it was broadcast all over the world.

The natural Devil Fruit possessed by the criminals who kidnapped the Draco, the leader… It has also been investigated!

Nature Department – Thunder Fruit!

Hundreds of years ago.

This thunder fruit has also appeared before!

Of course, it seems to have been eaten by some unknown navy … Behind it, it was because of the powerful explosive power of the Thunder Fruit, which caused this unknown navy to become famous in one fell swoop!

Why this navy is unknown.

Because of this hundred years of history.

Inexplicably disappeared!

The things that are recorded… Completely very little!

Being able to investigate the natural thunder fruit… Or did the world government tell them about the headquarters of the Navy!

This also made the yellow ape feel quite unhappy!

A hundred years of disappearing history… It must be the world government concealing!

So…… He chose to hide Kean’s identity, but he was relieved.

Coupled with the fact that Ken is his nephew, hide it, what can the world government do?


He thinks that’s justice!

Who can control him?

He’s a great admiral!

Not really.

The position of admiral … He doesn’t want it!

It is not necessary to become an admiral … You can drive justice!

In any case.

Have justice in your heart… Justice can be done at any time!

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