Ken naturally did not know the psychological activity of the yellow ape at this moment.

For him.

Phone worm, he just accidentally got rid of… What can be wrong with this.

It’s a perfectly normal thing.

Of course.

This flaw can only be discovered by the yellow ape!

After all, this phone worm… It was the yellow ape who handed it over to Ken with his own hands!

For this.

The yellow ape quickly adjusted his mood and tried not to let Ken find out.

Since he chose to hide this fact, he must remain quiet.

Best case scenario.

He just didn’t tell Ken.

Because he knows the true identity of the criminal who kidnapped the leader of the Draco.

That’s it, it’s just him… And Ken!

As for the thunder fruit.

The yellow ape also did not want to ask.

Everyone has little secrets in their hearts.

At least Ken can still honor his uncle!

“But why did this kid suddenly become so strong?”

“A few months ago, he was obviously a hairy boy with no chicken power.”

“Now you can even fight me!”

“If you give him another half a year.”

“Wouldn’t you be able to really fight me?”

“Even forced me to give my all?”

The yellow ape felt tired at this moment, he worked hard to have such a strong strength, but it took decades!


Ken is now spending a few months… It’s shocking!

This degree of progress.

Even the yellow ape was a little unbelievable!

But once decadent youth.

It’s grown up thoroughly.

He didn’t need to worry at all!


“Uncle… How are you researching bounty order drawings? ”

“Could it be that the Marshal of the Warring States asked you to go on a mission?”

“Which pirate are you going to arrest this time?”

“Let me see.”

Ken saw a bounty order on the yellow ape table, he was a little curious, and couldn’t help but stretch out his hand to take it.


The yellow ape next to him has not been able to stop it.

This bounty order has already been obtained by Ken.

“My God… How is this bounty order! ”

Ken’s pupils dilated slightly, and he was quite shocked by the content of this bounty order.

This is not a pirate bounty order.

This is the latest criminal bounty issued by the World Government!

[The world’s most vicious criminals – unknown criminals]

[First Bounty: One Billion Bailey]

[Crime: Kidnapping Draco, killing World Government personnel, destroying the Chambord Islands area]

[Requirements: Arrest this person, regardless of the state of life and death, must be arrested]

Ken was a little dumbfounded.

This bounty order… It’s actually his bounty?

How could it be so coincidental?

Key First Bounty Billion?

So outrageous?

What’s going on with the world government?

Kidnapping Draco… Is that so resentful to the world government!

At least in Kean’s impression.

There have never been pirates… And for the first time a criminal has a billion bounty!

Wait a minute.

Revolutionary leader Monchi D. Dragon may be possible!

Kean’s ideological philosophy is actually the same as that of Chi· D. Dragon almost!

It’s just that Ken wants to hit the world government even more … Even Draco!

For this.

Ken actually wants Beechcraft · D. Dragon is even crazier!

He has even openly provoked the world government and directly kidnapped Draco!

Revolutionaries are still developing in the dark, and they dare not provoke the world government in the open.

That’s the gap!

Of course, this is because Ken is fighting alone!

The organization of revolutionaries does not dare to do this.

Because there are too many revolutionaries … Each action is actually extremely complicated!

This must ensure that it cannot be directly discovered by the world government.

Not at all like Ken… Follow one’s heart!

That’s why Kean doesn’t choose any organization to join!


This is not free!


Disgusting him!

World government?

He wants to overthrow the rule of the world government!

Any organization.

Ken didn’t have an idea… He wants to fight alone!

Now I have the help of Charles.

What Ken did next… It’s going to get crazier and craze!


“Almost exposed my identity.”

“Fortunately, the world government did not find out.”

“Uncle checked this bounty order, it is estimated that I also fought with him a few days ago, making him feel wrong and want to clarify his identity.”

This thought floated through Ken’s mind, and he put this bounty order back without changing his face, and put it directly on the table, and his tone was a little surprised: “This criminal is really powerful, and he has a billion in the first bounty… Uncle, if you deal with him… Try to be careful. ”


Ken didn’t notice that the yellow ape next to him was a little helpless.

“This stinky boy… Also let me be careful. ”

“I actually don’t blush and praise myself!”

“This cheek is getting thicker!”

“I don’t know who learned it.”

The corner of the yellow ape’s mouth twitched, and he was really helpless.

As for dealing with this criminal?

Now this criminal … Isn’t it right in front of him?

But it looks like this.

It seems that Ken also did not find out that he had… Know who Ken really is!

That’s a good thing.

This also avoids some stress in Ken’s heart.

After all, Sengoku, Akainu, Qingzhi, Karp, Tsuru, these high-ranking naval officials … Eyesight is quite old-fashioned!

If he hadn’t found out that the Ken phone worm had fallen out, he might still be kept in the drum.

Until now.

If there is no coincidence.

It is impossible for the yellow ape to discover Kenan’s identity!

This time is really too much of a coincidence!

There really is no coincidence.

It is impossible to think that Ken is the leading criminal who kidnapped Draco!


“The old man of the Warring States has recently ordered me something.”

“I really don’t want to go far away, and this matter, I don’t think it is suitable for me, it should be suitable for a young man like you.”

“Do you want to go down instead of me?”

The yellow ape suddenly thought of what the Warring States had ordered him, and couldn’t help but ask Kean.

This is expected to give Kenan an equinox.

Otherwise, Ken would have done such a shocking thing all day!

Even he, the admiral, is a little unbearable!


Ken was a little surprised and asked directly.

“What’s going on?”

“If I can help… Naturally, I will not refuse. ”

The yellow ape smiled, his eyes were a little proud, and his tone was full of ridicule.

“That’s a good thing.”

“You should know His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, right?”

“There’s a pirate right now… Unwilling to become His Majesty the Seven Wuhai. ”

“The headquarters of the Navy is also a little distressed … Even sent a lieutenant general of the mole to demand. ”

“It turned out that the pirate was also unwilling… So this time the old man of the Warring States asked me to go, and I needed to use a tough attitude to ask that pirate to become a Qibu Sea! ”

“If you still don’t want to become Qiwu Hai… I can forcibly arrest her! ”

“But that place is really remote enough, it seems to be the Amazon Lily Kingdom?”

“Even on the island, I heard that it was all women… Isn’t that very suitable for a young man like you? ”


“Do you want to go?”

The voice fell.

Ken looked at the yellow ape with a strange look in his eyes, and he was slandered in his heart.

“Uncle… Who the hell do you think of me? ”

“You actually let me go to a place like this?”

“Wait… Amazon Lily Kingdom? ”

He suddenly changed his mind.

This is a little reluctant to agree.

It shouldn’t be a hard question.

For this.

Ken coughed in his mouth.

“So it is.”

“If my uncle doesn’t have time to go… I reluctantly went down. ”

“Actually… I don’t really want to go. ”

“I just think that uncle, you are usually too busy, so let me, the young man, go!”

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