This is the moment.

Boya Hancock recently returned to the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

Now the bath is taking place.

All the women on the island were kept outside, waiting for Boya Hancock to finish bathing.


“Why so many women?”

Ken looked at the many women below, he was a little puzzled, really puzzled.

For this.

His figure fell to the ground and came quietly.

It was found that these women were talking and laughing, but the content of the conversation was actually all about combat.

Women born in this country are bred as warriors, and they are really different!

But it’s fine.

Fortunately, he has entered the stealth state, otherwise when he falls, he must have been discovered.


“What’s going on now?”

Ken couldn’t help but ask Charles, the king of wisdom.

You know, Charles is now an intelligence expert.

Anything under the sun, maybe Charles can master!

Even if you want to inquire about the whereabouts of the Heavenly King and Hades, there must be information.

It’s just that now Ken wants to really become stronger, relying on this foreign object to become stronger, it really makes no sense.

“Now the emperor of this country, Boya Hancock, is bathing.”

“It seems to be the custom here.”

“So all the women gathered here seem to bring good luck.”

“But the truth is that Boya Hancock actually wants to hide the slave mark on his back.”

Charles answered extremely quickly, literally in seconds.

In an instant.

Ken heard the word bath, and his pupils opened slightly.

He seems clear now… How to persuade Boya Hancock to become His Majesty the Seven Wuhai!

The identity of Boya Hancook.

Ken actually knows very well… He used to be a Draco slave.

Only to escape later.

In addition, Boya Hancock is extremely talented and even has the “qualification of a king”.

It is also known as “overlord color domineering”.

To know this domineering… Ken actually didn’t get it!

If you want to get the overlord color domineering, you must be innate!

For this.

Ken really can’t help it… He could only plan to go to Advance City again.

He was going to a deeper prison.

Want to devour those old pirates!

These pirates of the old times … It must have the potential to overlord color!

As long as it can devour success.

Ken can also have overlord color potential at that time!

“Boya Hancock is actually bathing?”

“Why don’t you go ahead and take a look?”

“But I’m a decent gentleman!”

“Mentality is not a dirty person!”

Ken did not blush or breathe, and walked directly to the palace.

He was just a plan to persuade Boya Hancock.

So you have to enter at the moment of bathing.

Otherwise, you really can’t persuade well!



Ken came directly to the vicinity of the hot spring bathing.

Just wanted to go in.

It’s just that he suddenly thought of something interesting and couldn’t help but contact Charles, the king of wisdom.


“You come out first.”

“But you still change into a woman.”

“If Boya Hancock makes a move on me later.”

“You copy her moves!”

He came rashly this time.

Definitely overwhelmed Boya Hancock!

Maybe even a big fight against him!

Boya Hancock seems to hate men.

If you see a man peeking at her bathing.

Boya Hancock must be absolutely dead!

And Boya Hancock’s moves are actually not weak.

If Charles can copy her moves… It is bound to be able to fight Boya Hancook!

To know.

Boya Hancock has Superman Sweet Fruit!

For men with lust… It is completely possible to petrify on the spot!

If there is no lust for emotions, even if they are attacked by sweet fruits on the spot, it is actually no problem at all!

Even if it’s Kean… In fact, it is also having lust.

Really have to face Boya Hancock.

Maybe he will fall into a disadvantage too!

Ken could only dodge moves with the extreme speed of the Thunder Fruit.

Otherwise, he really has to be petrified, which is not something he wants to see.

But the King of Wisdom, Charles, is different, although he already has human thoughts, but Charles is an emotionless person!

Even Charles doesn’t know that men are considered women, and there is no human sex at all!

For this.

There is absolutely no way that Charles could have lustful thoughts about Boya Hancock!

It looks like this.

Charles wants to fight Boya Hancock… It’s actually not very difficult.


Charles promised to come down and directly appear in the form of a person.


Charles mimics into a human form, intending to become a beautiful woman.

I don’t even know what’s going on.

The mimicry effect of the Shire this time really opened Ken’s eyes, and even a little heart-pounding.

Charles’ wavy silver hair fluttered in the wind, clear and bright pupils, curved willow eyebrows, a delicate nose, pink cheeks slightly reddened, fair and flawless skin.

“Lord Kenne.”

“According to the basis … This is your favorite perfect female look. ”

“What do you think?”

“Does it make you feel very excited?”

A smile appeared at the corner of Charles’s mouth, and his bright pupils were a little curious.

Ken’s eyes have to be straight, and it is actually a little difficult to divert his gaze.

“Charles, this guy… It really turned out like this! ”

“Oh my God!”

“It’s better that Charles really has human emotions in the future… Is it good to make Charles a woman? ”

Ken’s mind was full of his own earth-shattering thoughts.


He’s here this time… But persuade Boya Hancock!

Charles truly possesses human emotions.

It’s never too late to say later.


“Complete the plan first.”

“Don’t think about it.”

Ken coughed in his mouth, forcibly looked back, and then his face was a little serious.



Charles also retracted his provocative thoughts.

“You follow me in.”

Ken walked to the bathing hot spring room.

In an instant.

Boya Hancock in the hot spring couldn’t help but open his eyes, a little wary, and his tone was a little displeased.

“I didn’t say… When I bathe, isn’t anyone not allowed to come in! ”

“Get out of here quickly!”

Boya Hancock quickly blocked his hair behind his back, for fear of being seen with the pattern behind it.


When Boya Hancock saw the person in front of her, her beautiful eyes were full of shock.

How can it be?

Who is this man?

Also Who is this silver-haired beautiful royal sister?

Boya Hancock had never seen these two at all!


“Boya Hancock.”

“Shall we make a deal?”

“I know everything about you.”

“You used to be considered a slave of Draco, and you have the mark of Draco’s slave on your back, as well as your second and third sisters.”

“I’m here… Give you a chance. ”

“Do you want revenge?”

“Do you want to kill Draco with your own hands?”

“I give you this chance!”

Ken looked at Boya Hancock’s beautiful face, he quickly shifted his gaze, quickly stared at Charles’s delicate facial features next to him, for fear of being petrified, and then his mouth couldn’t help but say amazing words: “I don’t know if you are clear… Not so long ago the Chambord Islands incident? In fact, the kidnapping of the Draco leader… That’s me! ”

The voice fell.

Boya Hancock still didn’t react!

It’s just that.

She heard those words before… His face suddenly turned pale!

Why her biggest secret… Actually discovered by this man?

And the last words.

It surprised Boya Hancock so much that he couldn’t speak!

The man in front of him… It was actually the leading criminal who kidnapped Draco before?

To know this thing.

Boya Hancock paid great attention because she hated Draco very much, and she was watching the events about Draco all the time!

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