Boya Hancock quickly recovered from his shock.

She stretched out her white arm and gently picked up the snow-white robe next to her and put it on her body to avoid the suspicion of walking away.

Of course.

Hancock didn’t really want to be seen behind the Draco slave mark.

Even if it has already been said by Ken… She doesn’t want to be seen either!

It’s a shame!

I think she is the female emperor of the Amazon Lily Kingdom!

Her strength is good, and she has the potential to be overlord!

Even rule over so many people!

It’s just that his real identity is actually a slave of the Draco?

If only it were to be said.

It is estimated that the people of the Lily Kingdom will despise her.

This is why every time Hancock bathes, he forcibly gathers the people of the Lily Kingdom.

It is afraid of the people who do not have long eyes… Suddenly broke in, which then led to her identity being exposed.


The two people who broke in this time.

A man, she hated a little, but the words surprised her a little.

A woman who looks like a country, but for Hancock, she is the most beautiful in this world.

“You say you’re the leading criminal who kidnapped the Draco?”

“The concubine doesn’t look like you.”

“The concubine body has also seen the live broadcast, the criminal who kidnapped the leader of the Draco, but he is similar to a bald homeless man, with a murderous expression, not at all you are a handsome young man, the key is that you have hair!”

Hancock changed the subject a little, she didn’t want Ken to continue to talk about the words that she had previously considered a Draco slave.

Because it made her a little embarrassed.

More is a bit of a shame.

At least she was clear… What means might Ken possess to actually be able to learn her biggest secret!


It was when Ken broke in just now that he accidentally saw the Draco slave mark behind her, which led to the analysis.

This also made her have some urge to do it!

It’s just that the latter words aroused Hancock’s hatred and fiery.

Can you give her a chance to take revenge?

Can she kill Draco?

Could it be that there is such a good thing?

“You think I’m not a dominant criminal?”

“Hancock… You are still too young, there are too many things in the world that you do not know! ”

“How about you take a look now?”

When Ken heard this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he directly touched his entire cheek with his palm, and suddenly turned into the appearance of the former priest Ohm, his eyes were full of fierceness, and the top of his head was bald.

In an instant.

Han Cook’s beautiful eyes widened slightly.

“Is it really you?”

“It turns out that this appearance is just an identity in disguise?”

“No wonder the world government can’t find you!”

If Hancock hates all men under the sun.

However, only for this leading criminal who dared to kidnap Draco… At least she felt quite impressed, but there was no disgust emotion, on the contrary, she felt that she was super appreciative.

Sort of.

This man did something that shocked the whole world!

Even she, the so-called “female emperor”, can’t do it!

It may also be a unique event in the world!

After all, he wanted to kidnap Draco… This is against the world government!

First of all, the admiral she will not be able to fight and will inevitably lose in the hands of the admiral!

After all, as the female emperor of the Amazon Lily Kingdom, the reason why she wanted to get the title of His Majesty Qiwu Hai was to protect the Amazon Lily Kingdom from invasion.


Ken touched his face again and changed back to his original posture.

He doesn’t like to look like anyone else.

Because he thought it was a little weird.

If you don’t want to disguise your identity… Ken also doesn’t often mimic other people.

But wait until it becomes strong later.


Not needed at all!

For this.

Ken pondered for a moment and thought for a long time before saying.


“There is no need to deceive you either.”

“I give you a chance to take revenge.”

“Do you want revenge with your own hands?”

“It just so happens that this Draco named Charros Saint is still alive in my hands, if you want, I can let him kill you now!”


“What, what!”

“Are you really planning to let the concubine kill Draco?”

“You’re not kidding, are you?”

Hancock’s face was shocked, her whole body was shaking, she was not afraid, but overly excited!

All the time.

She wants revenge… But as a pirate.

If you attack the Draco.

She must involve the second and third sisters, as well as the entire Amazon Lily Kingdom!

“Why not.”

“Now here … Only you know, I know, and my partner knows. ”

“You want to kill Draco.”

“Just say yes.”

A bright smile appeared on Ken’s face, and he said faintly: “This shame of yours will be washed away by your own hands!” ”

In an instant.

Hancock clenched her pink fists, eager to agree on the spot, she wanted to kill Draco now!

Wash away the shame on her!


As a female emperor for many years, she naturally knows that there is no pie under the sky for nothing.

Ken let her kill Draco for free?

She didn’t want to believe that there had to be a deal.

“What do you want a concubine to do?”

“If I can be satisfied.”

“The concubine can promise you.”

Hancock gritted his teeth, his eyes were a little urgent, and he couldn’t wait to ask: “As long as the conditions are not too outrageous, the concubine body can be satisfied!” ”


Ken looked calm, as if thinking, and did not answer for a long time.

This made Han Cook’s face a little anxious, his delicate facial features were a little depressed, and his mouth was coquettish.

“What the hell do you want!”

“Hurry up and tell the concubine!”

Finish speaking.

She couldn’t help but tighten the snow-white coat on her body, a little embarrassed.

Hancock’s eyes before he found Ken… Sneaking around at her hot body!

If that’s not right now.

She really wants to shoot!

Of course.

After Ken peeked down… He immediately turned his eyes and stared at the tall figure of the silver-haired royal sister next to him, and he didn’t know what was going on.

What is this?


Is it possible that the concubine body is not as good as the silver-haired woman with facial paralysis?

“Real requirements.”

“I’ll talk about that later.”

“You cut it off a little with my partner first.”

“Shouldn’t that be too much to ask, right?”

After Ken calmed the desire in his heart, he forcibly held out this sentence.

It has to be said.

Hancock often claims to be the most beautiful woman in the world, and she can be forgiven for anything she does, which is not too false!

Especially after eating the sweet fruit.

It can completely make people can’t help but sink into it.

As a result, Ken almost sank into it as well.

Fortunately, Charles became the perfect woman of his dreams and forcibly brought back a lot of his sanity.

Otherwise, really let him face Hancock alone.

You must suffer!

For this.

Ken intends to let Charles deal with Hancock first!

This is not a real battle.

Just excision!

Hancock is actually not weak in itself… Especially sweet fruit is quite a rogue ability!

If only Charles could copy to.

I believe it will be very helpful for the next plan!

“You let the concubine compete with your partner?”

“By what!”

“It’s abominable!”

Hancock gritted her teeth a little, and she found that Ken was not staring at her, which made her a little unbelievable.

To know.

Where she usually goes.

Men and women, young and old.

All eyes were on her!

Now Ken is good… I don’t know what’s going on.

I just don’t want to look at her!


“Isn’t it just a fight!”

“Wait for the concubine to beat your partner down.”

“I’m sure you’re absolutely impressed by me!”

Hancock’s philosophy began to change, and he actually wanted Ken to notice her.

Fortunately, Ken is someone she admires.

If only other stinky men.

Hancock didn’t say a word… Kick your fragrant feet straight on!

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