“Let’s talk about it first.”

“It’s just a discussion.”

“Han Cook, if you’re dead… I might stop it! ”

“I don’t think you can beat me, I believe you calm down, you may find out!”

“Even if you provoke me… The idea that you want to kill Draco, our deal is interrupted. ”

Ken saw that Hancock was in a bad mood, thinking that she was a little dissatisfied with Charles.

His eyes are a little cold, he still cares extremely about Charles, he is the best partner, without Charles, there would be no achievements he has today!

If only Han Cook didn’t know how to be evil.

He doesn’t mind teaching Han Cook a lesson!

For such a proud woman … It is necessary to use a more proud attitude!

Crush each other directly!


“The concubine body is naturally clear!”

“You two wait first… Let the concubine go and change her clothes. ”

“It’s definitely not good for a concubine to wear like this.”

Hancock’s eyes were a little embarrassed, and he left here on his long legs.

Ken is also not afraid that Hancock will leave and then be reluctant to come back here.

It is believed that the Draco is in his hands… Hancock must want revenge!

The one who can avenge Hancock.

At the moment, it’s just him… After all, not everyone dares to attack the Draco!


Ken turned his head sideways to ask Xiang Charles, his tone a little worried.

“Charles… I know you can copy Han Cook’s moves. ”

“But you’re not developing at the moment.”

“Can you talk to Han Cook?”

“Why don’t you copy my moves first?”

“For example, thunder fruits, door fruits can be.”

When Charles heard this, his expressionless and delicate facial features were a little surprised.


Charles shook his head helplessly and said something unexpected.

“Young Lord Ken, you’re actually a little worried!”

“The stronger the enemy.”

“The stronger I am!”

“The weaker the enemy.”

“I’m not weak!”

“And Young Lord Ken’s moves, in fact, I have almost mastered them, although they are not copied to the Devil Fruit ability, but you don’t have to worry at all!”

For this.

Ken was also relieved and did not continue to worry.

The Charles has thousands of times the speed of thinking and calculation, and he doesn’t have to worry at all, maybe it’s really a bit worried.

I believe that Charles can make hundreds of methods against Hancook in an instant!


Isn’t there still him!

With his amazing speed of thunder fruit!

It’s no problem to stop Hancock!

If it weren’t for the fact that Han Cook made a move… Directly let Charles copy the move, he doesn’t have to grind so much, and directly makes a deal with Hancock.


Hancock wore back the embroidered robe he usually wore, and his delicate body was full of the momentum of a female emperor.

“When do you start talking?”

“Concubines are waiting at any time!”

“If you want to fight with a concubine… Concubines can also be accompanied! ”

Hancock raised her head proudly, her eyes actually looking down on Ken and Charles, and her tone was full of pride.

She doesn’t feel weaker than any man!

As for women?

Hancock feels that he is so beautiful, coupled with his superb strength, he is definitely one of the strongest female heroes under the world.


This made Ken look unhappy and whispered in his mouth.


“Teach her a lesson!”

The voice fell.

“No problem, Young Master Ken!”

“Rokushi Shaved ——!”

Charles’s figure instantly disappeared in place, and directly appeared on the side of Hancock!


“That’s it?”

“You seem to have really disappointed the concubine!”

Hancock squinted at Charles, couldn’t help but quickly stretch out his fingers, kiss them lightly on the fingertips, and whisper in his mouth: “Kiss the gun——! ”

The voice fell.

A peachy heart-shaped substance appeared on Hancook’s white fingers, and then she treated it as if it were a bullet, and aimed her fingers at Charles as a muzzle.

“Bang ——!”

A heart-shaped bullet shot out suddenly!

The speed of the bullet suddenly reached the vicinity of the Shire!

“Armed color domineering ——!”

Charles, without the slightest emotion, his eyes were full of coldness, his delicate arms spread with pitch black, and he bounced off this heart-type bullet with his backhand.


Charles’ eyes shone with a strange light, and he muttered to himself.

“Ability to change ——!”

“Copy – kiss the gun!”

In an instant.

Hancock was a little shocked when he saw this scene.

“What’s going on?”

“The ability of the concubine body does not work?”

What’s going on here?

She kissed the gun and hit others, even if it has been bounced off by Charles’ backhand armed color domineering, it can actually create a petrified effect on Charles!

“Could it be… You don’t actually feel affection for your concubine? ”

“How is it possible!”

“Even if you’re a woman… I should also be addicted to the incomparably beautiful face of the concubine! ”

Hancock quickly remembered the ability of the sweet fruit, and his face suddenly looked a little incredulous.

This shouldn’t be!

Actually, so far.

Her abilities have never failed!

Men and women, young and old.

As long as it is attacked by the ability of the sweet fruit, it must be petrified!


Even more amazing things.

Suddenly happens!

I saw that after Charles successfully copied Hancock’s moves, her face was calm, and her mouth slowly spoke.

“This trick… Return to you! ”

“Kiss the gun——!”

The Charles did not shake forward at all, did not need to touch his lips with his fingertips, condensed the power of the sweet fruit on the spot, and directly aimed at Hancock, firing a heart-type bullet!

“Bang ——!”

The bullets slammed in!

Han Cook’s pupils shrank suddenly, she didn’t have time to ask, and quickly dodged sideways!

The next moment.

“Knock ——!”

The ground is like being smashed into the ground by heavy stones, spreading cracks as deep as ravines, and even some places that are not stones have already had a petrified effect!


Ken’s eyes were so surprised that he couldn’t close his mouth when he saw this scene.

“Oh my God.”

“Why is this so powerful?”

“Could it be that Charles has also slightly remodeled… Causing the kiss gun to become even more powerful? ”

“It’s not impossible!”

“Charles has thousands of times the speed of thinking and calculation, and can completely detect the disadvantages and advantages of the kissing gun!”

“Just correct it… It is completely possible to reach this level! ”

“Even Charles’s skill chanting is excluded, there is no need to charge at all, and you can use the kiss gun anytime and anywhere!”

Like before.

Hancock also needs to charge his power, and he also has to touch his fingertips to his lips, and then brew the power, exert the power of the kiss gun, and the petrification effect!


Let’s talk about the scene… It is estimated that it is becoming more and more interesting!

The other side.

Han Cook, who had dodged this trick, flashed a slight surprise under his eyes, and his heart was a little unbelievable.

“What the hell is going on here?”

“Why is the concubine’s move… Actually stolen to learn?! ”

“How is it possible!”

“The sweet fruit should only be eaten by a concubine!”

“But why is this silver-haired woman… Can you use a kiss gun? ”

“That’s not right… Wrong! ”

“This silver-haired woman definitely didn’t eat the sweet fruit!”

“For example, I won’t personally fight in front of the concubine!”

“She has a problem!”

The more Hancock thought about it, the more wrong it became, making her face full of embarrassment.


Han Cook’s beautiful eyes stared at Ken not far away, and his face was a little annoyed.

What’s going on with your partner?

How is it so evil!

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