“I have to say that you make the concubine feel very strange.”

“You can actually learn the tricks of concubinage?”

“Could it be that this is your Devil Fruit ability?”

“Every Devil Fruit under the heavens has a unique ability.”

“Even if they are similar, they cannot be so similar!”

Han Cook’s brows furrowed, and she faced Charles, without any hint of ridicule in her tone.

At this moment, she thought that Charles should also have the Devil Fruit ability.

And in terms of ability… The Charles can learn his opponent’s moves!


“Haha… Ha. ”

Ken couldn’t help but want to laugh out loud, and tried to cover his mouth, not daring to laugh directly.

It has to be said.

Hancock guessed quite correctly.

It’s just that Charles is not a Devil Fruit ability person at all!

And the potential of the Shire is extremely high!

If you have time, you can develop.

Sooner or later, Charles will learn all the moves of the admirals … And all Pirate Four Emperor moves!

At that time, I wanted to deal with any personnel.

The Charles can actually be crushed down easily!

“More and more I want to feel the urge … Want to directly evolve the predator into the king of gluttony! ”

“I don’t know if the Gluttonous King’s new skill is strong?”

“I really hope to get the Evolution Crystal soon!”

Ken’s eyes became a little fiery, and the King of Wisdom Charles actually possessed such outrageous skills, which caused him to be a little shocked.

The other side.

After Hancock said this.

She had her eyes fixed on Charles… In fact, I tried to make Charles a little reactive.


Hancock was utterly disappointed.

Charles was still expressionless, completely devoid of any mood swings.


“Don’t underestimate me!”

“Come again!”

Hancock couldn’t help but grit his silver teeth, his face was full of disbelief, she would definitely not lose to any woman!

In an instant.

Charles directly began to move, his eyes were full of indifference, and the white fingers on both sides quickly stretched out, quickly sending out heart-type bullets with amazing power!

“Kiss the gun——!”

“Ten bursts!”

Accompanied by ten heart-type bullets.

This made Hancock completely shocked, and his mouth exclaimed.

“How is this possible!”

“Why can a kiss gun fire continuously like this!”

The voice fell.

“Seeing and smelling domineering——!”

Hancock quickly began to dodge in embarrassment, sideways to avoid the bullet attacks.

She doesn’t love Charles, even if she is hit by a kiss gun on her body, she won’t actually petrify.

It’s just that the power is doubled because of Charles’ modified “kiss gun”!

It’s really going to hit Han Cook… If she doesn’t use armed color domineering to resist, she will definitely be injured!


“Knock knock ——!knock

Ten consecutive kissing guns heart-type bullets have sunk into the ground, and all around them are cracks deep into the ravine, which is really miserable.

Charles was still expressionless, but did not continue to attack,

It’s just a discussion, and it’s already said at the beginning.

If it weren’t for a life-and-death fight, there was really no need to continue the pursuit.

“This is a kiss gun attached to the armed color domineering?”

“No wonder the power is so terrifying!”

Finally, Hancock discovered a special point, this kiss gun bullet is so powerful, it was actually attached to the armed color domineering by Charles?

How is this done?

Even Han Cook can’t actually do it!

Because she feels that no one can resist the kiss gun!

Even resist!

That will also be petrified by her!

Because she is so beautiful, I believe that anyone will love her!


The current silver-haired woman.

And the young man not far away!

These two visitors are completely eccentric!

It seems that you can break free from her special charm!

And fortunately she didn’t resist… Otherwise, she is armed and domineering, if not as strong as Charles.

It must be hurt!

Use the domineering domineering to dodge… It must be the best choice.

“If petrification has no effect.”

“In this way, it seems that this trick of sweet and sweet wind will not work.”

“But fragrant feet and captive arrows can!”

“These two moves can force petrification, even if there is no intention of admiration for the concubine’s body, it can also achieve the petrification effect!”

Hancock was a little anxious, so that it looked as if she had fallen into a disadvantage, which made her haughty personality quite unhappy.

Of course…… She has two more tricks.

In fact, it can cause a petrification effect on the Shire!

But Hancock also discovered… Charles did not take advantage of the victory to pursue.

Plus it’s just a discussion.

If she really got serious… In fact, it is already even more disqualified!

“Is it possible to make the concubine admit defeat like this?”

“The concubine is still not very convinced!”

“How is it possible to admit defeat like this!”

“Arrows of Capture——!”

Hancock began to make a move, his fingers touched his lips, and instantly changed into a huge pink peach heart-shaped substance.

In an instant.


Hancock’s white arm was pulled back, as if a bow and arrow were pulled back, and a large number of pink heart-shaped arrows condensed and exploded out madly!


“What are you going to do?”

When Ken saw this scene, he couldn’t help frowning, wanting to stop it, but after thinking about it, he still chose to trust Charles.

Sure enough, the thing he was most worried about finally happened!

Hancock is still too arrogant!

How dare you start like this!

Maybe Charles can’t stop this trick!

“Ability to change ——!”

“Copy – Arrows of Captivity!”

There was a strange light shining in the depths of Charles’s eyes, and he instantly copied and learned this trick.


“Arrows of Capture——!”

As if Charles did not raise his hand, there was no forward shake effect, and a huge pink peach-colored heart-shaped substance was directly condensed, and a large number of pink heart-shaped arrows burst out violently!

The next moment.

“Knock knock knock ——!”

The captive arrows between the two have been fully collided!


The arrows of the captives of the two turned into powder, scattered with debris, and fell to the ground.

In the end, all the captive arrows were consumed.

This is actually a bit indiscriminate?


“You actually steal the concubine body move!”

“Fragrant foot ——!”

When Hancock saw this scene, he couldn’t bear it at all, and the figure instantly sped out, his right foot slightly raised, and he actually wanted to kick Charles!

This trick is really going to be kicked.

Shire’s body must be petrified and shattered on the spot!

Although Charles also possesses regenerative abilities… Don’t panic about this move.

“Ability to change ——!”

“Copy – fragrant feet!”

A strange light appeared in the depths of Charles’ eyes again, and he instantly copied this trick, intending to fight with this!

If the two really want to kick each other, they will inevitably be subjected to forced petrification effects!

The next moment.

“You two!”

“Is it really angry?”

“Hurry up and stop——!”

Ken appeared strongly, and the extremely violent thunder and lightning instantly spread over, directly blocking the range in the middle.

Who dares to move on.

It is bound to be entangled in the body by the violent thunder and lightning, and taste that life is better than death!

Not everyone is like Ken… Can have thunder antibody resistance!

Even Charles can’t have it… The Charles can only copy the moves!

That’s not to mention Han Cook.

She also couldn’t block the electric attack of the Thunder Fruit!

“Sorry… Lord Ken Youngster. ”

“I got a little carried away this time.”

Charles’ eyes lit up with human emotions, feeling that this time was a little presumptuous, and couldn’t help but lower his head to apologize to Ken.

“No problem.”

“You back off first.”

Ken couldn’t help but bow his head slightly, he didn’t blame Charles at all, he wanted to use his momentum to oppress Hancock!

“You… Why stop concubines! ”

Hancock saw Ken blocking in front of Charles, and she gritted her teeth and was a little unconvinced: “The competition has not yet divided the winner and the loser!” ”

The voice fell.

Ken’s eyes were a little cold, and his tone was unpleasant.

“It’s just a discussion.”

“Now it’s over.”

“We should also talk about a deal… Do you still want to kill Draco? ”

“If you don’t want to… This is the end of the deal! ”


Hancock also calmed down a little.

This time it seemed that she was extremely presumptuous.

She was really angry!

But with her arrogant personality… It’s hard to get her to apologize!

It’s just that.

The look in Ken’s eyes… It’s completely wrong.

It’s like looking at a stranger.

For this.

Hancock gritted his teeth, his eyes were a little ashamed, and he had no choice but to say.

“It’s a bit presumptuous to count as a concubine this time.”

“Hopefully… You don’t mind. ”

“If you can… A concubine can compensate you. ”

After she said this, she seemed to use all her strength, and her face was quite ashamed.

Hancock never apologized!

It’s good now.

She actually apologized to the man!

What a shame this is!

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