“Hancock is still too arrogant.”

“If I want to crush such a proud woman, I must use an even more arrogant attitude to forcibly crush her!”

“That is to say… I’m going to be stronger than Hancock! ”

“It seems interesting.”

Ken squinted at the thought of this kind of thing, a wistful smile on his lips.

For this.

Ken was a little surprised when he heard Hancock’s apology.

He also thought Hancock wouldn’t apologize.

After all, Hancock had already made a mistake just now… This is just a discussion, just point to point.


Playing and fighting.

Hancock really wants to go all out?

Ken didn’t want to see this kind of scene, so he naturally came out to stop it!


Ken mused.

“Just apologize.”

“Let’s move on to the trading side.”

“You want to kill Draco… Very simple. ”

“Give me two Devil Fruits… As well as promising to become His Majesty the Seven Warrior Seas. ”

“I’ll tell you… You are now targeted by the Navy headquarters, you are a pirate yourself, and you want to protect the Amazon Lily Kingdom, but you will not be able to protect it without the power of the World Government and the Navy headquarters. ”

“I know you’re not weak… But also think about the people of your kingdom, they are not as powerful as you, and they can easily die in the face of the really strong. ”

“Even if you don’t agree to become His Majesty Qiwu Hai, the Navy Headquarters will take measures to arrest you, I believe you will still have a hard time facing the Admiral, right?”

The voice fell.

Hancock’s delicate and beautiful facial features can’t help but feel a little sad.

These words.

It hit her inner weakness.

As the female emperor of the Amazon Lily Kingdom, she must protect the safety of her people.

For this.

Really have to face the admirals … Even with Hancock’s arrogance.

She also knew extremely well that she could not beat the admiral!

Originally, Hancock wanted to continue to delay the time to become His Majesty Qiwu Hai.

It’s just that…… It doesn’t seem to work very well now.

The headquarters of the Navy is already impatient!

In this way, if the admiral really comes, she will be completely helpless.

“It’s not impossible to become a concubine and become His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.”

“But you asked for two Devil Fruits… There really are no concubines here. ”

“This thing is too rare, and it is usually not very demanding, so the Lily Kingdom naturally does not need it.”

Hancock replied with a somewhat helpless face, but she was not lying.

Devil Fruit simply wasn’t so easy to get.

The devil fruit on her body, as well as the devil fruit on her second and third sisters, were all forcibly eaten by the Draco back then, causing them to become capable people and fear the ocean all their lives.

For this.

In the huge Amazon Lily Kingdom, the Devil Fruit Ability, in fact, there are only three sisters.

“Didn’t there be a devil fruit?”

“Although I have also thought … It seems that I am still too anxious, evolve the special skill of predator, and continue to wait. ”

“The Devil Fruit is indeed too rare, and before I could get the Devil Fruit in the hands of the World Government, I still relied on the ransom demanded by kidnapping Draco.”

“But now that Draco is worthless, it’s better to let Hancock kill it.”

Ken’s mind was racing through all kinds of thoughts, and finally it was determined.

Draco was no longer necessary for him.

I believe that the world government also thinks that Draco has died in his hands!

After all, he also hasn’t been in the news media for most of the month.

This kind of news.

Had to make the world government think… He has completely torn up the ticket and brutally killed the Draco!

The next moment.

“Since you don’t have the Devil Fruit, I’ll ask for another one.”

“Hancock… Unleash your overlord-colored domineering on the spot. ”

“Your overlord-colored domineering should be able to be controlled stably, right?”

Ken felt that Charles had not yet copied Hancock’s overlord-colored domineering, and couldn’t help but give an opinion: “As long as you promise to become His Majesty Qiwuhai, and release the overlord-colored domineering on the spot, I will immediately let you take revenge, how?” ”


Hancock was puzzled.

Earlier, let her promise His Majesty the Seven Wuhai… She was already puzzled, after all, Ken seemed to be doing this to help her.

Now this release overlord color domineering demand.

It’s a bit outrageous!

However, she has also mastered the domineering potential of the overlord color for many years, and can already be intentionally released back and forth.


Hancock directly agreed, his face became angry, and he used the overlord color domineering!

“This request.”

“The concubine can agree.”

“I hope you can also let the concubine take revenge… I want to kill Draco all the time now! ”

The voice fell.

“Boom ——!”

An imposing pressure surged madly, sweeping towards Ken and Charles!

“Is this overlord-colored domineering?”

“It’s just a pity that for me now… It doesn’t deter me at all. ”

“But against small trash fish, it should be quite effective.”

Ken was expressionless, his eyes did not fluctuate at all, and he was not overwhelmed by this majestic momentum.


The same goes for Charles.

“Ability to change ——!”

“Copy – overlord color domineering!”

Charles’ eyes shone with a strange light, and he had finally successfully copied Hancock’s overlord-colored domineering!


This majestic momentum converged back.

This has completely made Hancock feel a little powerless.

She even did everything she could… The result was still unable to crush Ken and Charles!

It’s really going to fight.

She felt that she could fight Charles a little.

If you really want to fight Ken… It’s really hard to deal with!

The furious thunder lightning that spread out from Keyken’s body, if her physique is not good, it will be easily destroyed and completely turned into ashes!



“As you wish!”

Ken stretched out his palm and touched it in the air, forcibly opening the door of the other space.


He stretched out his hand and pulled out the Draco Charros Saint, who was already in a mental trance and languishing!

Charros Saint had been in the alien space for too long.

The spirit has become completely abnormal.

Ken doesn’t usually care very much.

Because in his eyes… Sooner or later, St. Charros will die.

“This is Draco?”

“The concubine wants to kill him now!”

On the side, Han Cook saw Charrose Saint, and suddenly trembled, this is the Draco she wants to kill!

The Draco she wants to kill all the time!

Right now it’s near her!


“I’m finally out!”

“Big brother… I beg you not to continue to trap me inside, the space inside is so terrifying! ”

“I can even hear the wailing sound coming from the depths of the dark green space!”

“How much money do you want… I can give it to you! ”

“I beg you to let me go!”

The moment Charros Saint came out, he quickly hugged Ken’s thigh, kept shedding tears, and even snot flowed out, and the stench on his body was really disgusting!

Even Ken couldn’t help but frown, feeling uncomfortable!

This left Hancock next to him before he could make a move.

The eyes of the Charles next to him showed amazing killing intent, and he instantly raised his legs and feet, and violently kicked away Charros Saint!

“Scum scum … Stay away from the Young Lord! ”

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