Charles is not very weak in physical skills now, and can even fight Hancock back and forth.

Now kicking Charros Saint, who is not even as good as ordinary human physique, Charles almost killed Charros Saint on the spot!

However, this also made Charros Saint unbearable, he was a little unable to breathe on the spot, his face was blue and purple, and he looked a little strange and scary.


“You calm down a little.”

Seeing that Charles reacted so much, Ken couldn’t help but quickly stretch out his hand and hold Charles’s white palm, and suddenly he felt a soft jade-like feeling, and his heart moved!

“Young Lord, I’m sorry… I was impulsive again. ”

When Charles heard this, the killing intent in his eyes began to disappear, and his delicate facial features were full of apologies.

For anyone close to Kean.

Charles, the king of wisdom, will never allow it!

“It’s okay.”

“It’s good that you have more and more human emotions.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth, not blaming Charles at all.

This made Han Cook next to him grit his teeth a little.

For the first time, she felt that men were so strange!

Isn’t she noticeable everywhere she goes!

How to get to Kean here… It won’t work at all!

Don’t even pay attention to her peerless beauty!

Damn it!


Hancock’s eyes soon showed killing intent, fortunately Charles did not kill Draco, otherwise she would not be able to take revenge!

The next moment.

“No… No! ”

“Don’t hit me!”

Charros Saint got up in pain and begged for mercy.


When Saint Charros saw Boyahancook and Charles, the king of wisdom, in front of him.

The faces of the two women seemed to fatally seduce the sanity of Charros Saint, making him lose his sanity in an instant!

His eyes were suddenly dull, and he was extremely fascinated.

“What a beautiful two women!”


“Hurry up and arrest these two women!”

“I’m going to take it back to the palace to enjoy!”

At this time, Charros Saint seemed to have become the former Draco, his face was full of predators, saliva was about to flow out, and he shouted in his mouth: “I like beautiful women the most, hurry up and catch them!” ”

In an instant.

Charles’s eyes fluctuated a little, and his face was full of coldness, and he couldn’t wait to kill Charros Saint now!


Hancock’s mood became even more irritable, her eyes were full of amazing killing intent, and she drank coquettishly.

“Damn Draco!”

“Dare to verbally insult the concubine!”

“The concubine body let you die now!”

“Fragrant foot ——!”

Hancock’s figure dimmed down, instantly attacked Charros Saint, directly raised his slender right leg, and kicked it in a beautiful posture on the spot!

Accompanied by a low “bang” loud sound.


The part where Charros Saint was kicked instantly produced a petrification effect, and the body was directly kicked and exploded!

Even before he died… Charros Saint couldn’t react!

Draco is too weak, and his reaction ability is even more so.

A large amount of rubble sputtered out.

There was no bloody splattering of minced meat at all, which was surprising.


The body of the saint of Charros had turned into rubble all over the ground, as if he were a stone statue, as if he had been kicked by Hancock.

“Dead to dead!”

“Damn Draco!”

“You have today too!”

“You can actually die in my hands!”

Hancock’s face became completely crazy, she actually hadn’t given up, and she was still kicking wildly at the corpse that had turned into stone, and she wished that all of them would be crushed into powder!

The next moment.

Ken directly stretched out his palm to pull Hancock, and said in a low voice.

“He’s completely dead.”

“I know you’re in a bad mood right now, killing the Draco you’ve wanted to kill for years.”

“Now that the great revenge has been repaid, you might as well calm down a little, in this way, your mood is really wrong.”

“I can continue to help you now… Help you resolve secrets you least want to expose. ”

“Do you need it?”


Han Cook, who had already been pulled by Ken, changed his face slightly.

The next moment.

Hancock slammed away the rubble on the ground, his face was a little cheerful, killing Draco really made her feel so happy, she couldn’t help but ask.

“The secret that the concubine body least wants to expose?”

“Aren’t you already clear… The secret that the concubine does not want to reveal is that the slave mark of the former Draco is printed on the back. ”

“How are you going to resolve this?”

“Do you want to peel off the skin?”

“Concubines love beauty… I don’t want to do that. ”

The voice fell.

Ken’s face was a little strange, and he couldn’t help scratching his head.

“Peel off the skin?”

“I’m not that ruthless… I can use electricity to irritate the skin, causing the once Draco slave mark, which can fade in color until it disappears completely. ”

“There won’t be any scars in between.”

“Do you need it?”

“So you don’t have to be so vigilant in the future… For fear of revealing your identity. ”

Finish speaking.

Hancock’s face was a little joyful, she quickly turned her head, and said in an anxious tone: “Are you sure?” Are you sure you can get rid of the Draco slave mark behind me? ”

For this Draco slave mark.

Hancock hated it immensely.

For a while… She was extremely emotionally unstable.

I even want to peel off the Draco slave mark behind him!

Thanks…… At that time, her second and third sisters stopped her.

Later, Han Cook also calmed down.

She is a woman after all… Still love beauty so much that I don’t want to do this kind of thing!


Ken’s appearance made her take revenge and persuade her to join the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, which was actually very beneficial to the entire Lily Kingdom.

He even kidnapped Draco, slapped the face of the world government, and faced the admiral, and left smoothly!

Now it is even more completely led to the Draco of the Holy Land Mary Joa… It has already made the Draco dare not leave the Holy Land of Mary Joa at all!

Tenryu is afraid of encountering a madman kidnapper like Ken again!

This emotion complicated Hancock.

She hated all the men under the sun.

But for Ken’s mood… She has completely changed!

For example, Hancock does not allow men to touch her at all!

Not even women!

But just now Ken stretched out his hand to stop her and touched her delicate body, she actually did not feel disgust, on the contrary, she had a complicated emotion.


Ken’s attention… There was very little concentration on her!

Instead, most of it is concentrated on the Shire!

This made Han Cook feel ever… She is actually inferior to other women?

How is this possible!

This sense of gap… It made Hancock’s heart a little unbelievable!

There are more and more complex emotions!


Ken can solve her biggest difficulties… That is to eliminate the Draco slave mark!

She didn’t know how to thank Ken anymore.

Proud emotions.

For this, I also let go a little.


Hancock raised his courage, his face turned a little crimson, and his tone became quiet.

“If you can really eliminate the Draco slave mark.”

“It can only bother you so much.”

“I also hope that you can help the two sisters of the concubine body to resolve it at that time.”


A smile appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth and he directly agreed.

“No problem.”

“You can trust me completely.”

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