
Hancock summoned her two sisters, and she asked the surrounding people to leave for the time being, so as not to break into the palace by mistake.

In the beginning.

Boya Sandasonia and Boya Marigorude, when they saw Ken, they couldn’t help but be extremely shocked and almost started.

After all, two unknown people suddenly came, and they thought they were coming to attack Han Cook!

And in their eyes.

In fact, Han Cook hates men very much, let alone talk about cooperation with men!

Now they actually let this unknown man eliminate the Draco slave mark behind them?

The key is how was this secret discovered?

The three sisters definitely don’t want to expose this secret!

But it’s fine.

After Hancock’s explanation, Kenan’s identity was revealed.

It’s just that the scene of Hancock and Charles fighting, Hancock did not say it.

After all, when she competed with Charles, it was actually a draw.

If you say it.

It is estimated that the second and third sisters do not believe it.

“So it is.”

“It turned out to be him… What an impressive! ”

The faces of these two younger sisters improved, they did not hate the leading criminals who kidnapped Draco, on the contrary, they felt that they had done a good job, and they admired it in their hearts!

And it even allowed Hancock to take revenge and kill Draco!

Even Ken could erase the Draco slave mark behind them.

It has to be said.

The two of them are still extremely grateful to Kean!

A man who can keep Han Cook from hating… Really rare!


“Sister-sama… We will now let the people get out of the surroundings of the palace. ”

“But when the Draco slave mark is eliminated, let the two of us try it first to avoid hurting you.”

The second and third sisters hurriedly said: “The two of us are not worried about Lord Ken’s means, but we are just a little worried about Lord Sister.” ”


“No problem.”

“You two can try it first.”

Next to Ken it doesn’t matter, anyway, he has reached the point of controlling the Thunder Fruit.

It’s just that Charles, the king of wisdom, is a little unhappy.

This feels like these two women don’t trust the young lord very much?

But Ken didn’t say much.

The Charles will not find himself bored and force it over.

For Charles.

All her premises must be biased towards Ken!

And Charles also felt… She seemed more and more human-like.

Human emotions have gradually begun to be born.

That seems pretty good.


“Lord Ken.”

“I can only trouble you to shoot.”

The second sister, Boya Sandasonia, directly revealed the bright red Draco slave mark on her back, and her face was a little nervous.

The next moment.

Ken had a slight electric current wrapped between his fingers, he lightly touched his back, and said in his mouth: “At the beginning, because of the stimulation of the current, it may be a little tingling, you have to endure it.” ”



The current began to corrode away this blinding bright red Draco slave mark.

Sandasonia’s face was beaded with sweat, and her eyelids were trembling, it seemed that this sting was not very patient, but she still did not make a sound, so as not to worry Hancock and Marigorude.


“You be careful… Don’t hurt your concubine’s sister! ”

“Sister Sandasonia… You have nothing to do, right? ”

Hancock and Marigorud looked nervous, afraid that Sandasonia would be hurt.

“It’s okay anymore.”

“The pain starts to get extremely small.”

“It’s bearable.”

Sandasonia gradually noticed that the pain had weakened, seemed to have adapted, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

And over time.

The Draco slave mark behind Sandasonia has become more and more faint.

This made Hancock and Mary Gerud also clearly see, and their eyes trembled a little.


The shame of their many years of status.

Could it be that it can be washed out today?

Half an hour later.


“It’s a bit rusty to do this for the first time.”

“You should be able to master it the second or even the third time.”

Ken quickly withdrew his palm and flicked his arm a little tiredly.

This is the moment.

Behind Sandasonia’s delicate body, the pattern that had been printed with the Draco’s slave mark had completely disappeared.

It’s just that there is still some redness on the back, which seems to be stimulated by electricity to the skin, causing this phenomenon.

However, Sandasonia was not injured and could heal completely after a few days.



“Do I still have a pattern on my back?”

Sandasonia naturally did not know that the pattern behind had disappeared, and she quickly turned her head to ask Hancock.

only to find.

Hancock’s eyes flashed with fine tears, already wet her eyelashes, she was in tears, and her mouth trembled.


“This shame has been washed away.”

“Ken… The concubine is very grateful to you now. ”

Seeing this, the second sister and the third sister couldn’t help but quickly surround Hancock and comfort Hancock.

Today’s things.

Completely stimulates all the nerves of Han Cook!

Killing Draco has been revenge!

And remove the mark of shame slaves!

And this time Ken came and asked her to join His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, in fact, it is not difficult, on the contrary, she must join sooner or later, otherwise it will be difficult for Hancook to protect the Lily Kingdom!

“As the female emperor of the Lily Kingdom.”

“Crying and crying is really not like you.”

“Mary Gorud’s turn this time.”

“I don’t actually have much time, I want to help you eliminate the Draco slave mark as soon as possible.”

A helpless smile appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth, and finally said: “Then I have to get out of here.” ”

In an instant.

Hancock’s tears couldn’t help but stop, trying to stop.

She turned her head suddenly, her eyes a little reluctant.

“You’re leaving?”

“So soon?”

Ken bowed his head slightly, but did not deny it.


He still has to go to Advance City!

The sixth floor of the city is recommended – Infinite Hell.

That’s his goal!

And he also feels that this point in time is already about the same… Ace is about to be captured by Blackbeard and imprisoned in the Advance City!


Absolutely force the Four Emperors Whitebeard to challenge the Navy headquarters!

War on top!

If he doesn’t get stronger quickly… It’s a bit difficult to implement your next plan inside!

“This way.”

“The concubine body will not stop you.”

Hancock looked a little sad, and she found that her emotions for Ken had become more and more complicated, and she had never been like this.

The next moment.

Marigorud also began to be used by Ken by the same means, and began to erase the Draco slave mark behind him!


“It’s your turn.”

“Let’s get started.”

Ken’s expression became slightly serious.


Hancock took off his clothes, revealing a white and flawless delicate back, but it was printed with a conspicuous Draco slave mark, which was a pity.


Ken’s eyes were closed, and he didn’t choose to look at it to avoid being affected, so that when he started, he might accidentally hurt Hancock.


He was like a righteous gentleman and had good conduct.

This made Sandasonia and Marigorud very good.

The charm of Hancock’s sister.

The two of them knew very well… I didn’t expect that there were men who could withstand it!

What an accident!

It seems that it is possible to match Han Cook and Kean!

After all, Hancock’s reluctant emotions… The two sisters also saw it clearly!

Sister-sama this is… It’s heartwarming!

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