Ken’s fingers touched Hancock’s delicate back shoulder, and he could feel Hancock’s delicate body tremble slightly, and it seemed that Hancock was still a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, he has closed his eyes… Otherwise, this scene let him see.

He probably couldn’t calm down.

Now he had to erase the Draco slave mark first, and he had to be careful.

Although Hancock’s strength is not weak, she can easily master the color of sight, the color of arming, and the domineering color of the overlord color.

But if you are unguarded.

It’s still extremely easy to get hurt!

The next moment.


Ken’s thoughts completely calmed down, and a brilliant electric current wrapped between his fingers began to erase the Draco slave mark.

In an instant.

The current began to irritate Hancock’s delicate skin, and her delicate body trembled suddenly, almost unable to control the desire to shout, but she still forcibly held back, her face was a little shy.

“Hold on!”

“Concubine body must endure!”

“Can’t shout at will!”

“What a system!”

Even the second and third sisters can hold on.

Her eldest sister is big… Don’t be ashamed!

But why.

Ken’s fingers touched her delicate back shoulder, and she had a strange feeling.

Hancock had never endured this particular touch, and could only hold back his shame and try to calm his emotions.

After all.

The second and third sisters are here.

Can’t be ugly!

and Charles, who had silver hair and a shawl, stared at her thoughtfully.

This actually made Hancock feel “crisis”.

“Want to see concubine jokes?”


“It doesn’t exist!”

Hancock couldn’t help but close her beautiful eyes, and the tingling behind her had begun to gradually become smaller, even making her enjoy it a little.

Could this be the legendary “electrotherapy”?

Don’t say yet… That’s interesting!


Fifteen minutes later.

Along with the Draco slave mark pattern was erased.

Ken began to stop, his face a little helpless, his forehead covered with dense beads of sweat.

To know.

Want to control the extremely explosive Thunder Fruit… Then erase the Draco slave mark.

It’s a bit of a hassle.

After all, it is necessary to control the power.

If you don’t control it well… This can easily destroy the skin and leave scars.

I believe that it is not easy for any woman to see this kind of scene.

Every woman loves beauty.

If the delicate body leaves scars… Surely not a good memory.

Fortunately, Ken is in control… Otherwise, he is not sure that it can be completely erased.

“Completely erased”

“It’s a little tired.”

“It’s still a lot of work.”

Ken slowly opened his eyes, his eyes looked at Han Cook’s delicate back shoulder, and he couldn’t help but turn his head slightly, wanting to divert his attention.

This made Sandasonia and Mary Gorud next to them start to frantically admire Ken’s demeanor in their hearts!

Sure enough, it is a decent gentleman!

Don’t even take advantage!

It’s not that Ken doesn’t dare to take advantage.

He was afraid of the far east … That is, the legendary “river crab” mythical beast!

Make him disappear anytime, anywhere!

He was so smart… Naturally, this kind of “corrupt custom” will not be done.


Ken couldn’t help but instruct.


“Our transaction is completed here, I hope you don’t regret it.”

“If you have time… Now you can tell Vice Admiral Mole in the outer seas, just say that you have agreed to the request of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters to become His Majesty the Seven Wuhai. ”

“Of course, this time His Majesty Qiwu Hai needs to arrive at the naval headquarters… It seems to be an annual meeting. ”

“Because two of His Majesty’s Qiwu Sea were defeated this year, resulting in the replacement of Qiwu Hai, the meeting needed to be reconvened.”

He remembers it well.

This year, the two kings Seven Wuhai… He has been completely imprisoned in Advance City!

One Shah Klockdar.

He defeated Luffy the Straw Hat and was considered the mastermind of the civil strife in the Kingdom of Alabastan, and had been stripped of his name by the World Government and imprisoned in Advance City.

There is also a “sea man” Jinping.

The world government wanted to strengthen the harmony between the races and invited Jinpei to become Nanabukai, but because Jinpei refused to be compelled by the navy, he was stripped of the title of Nanabukai on the spot and imprisoned in the Advance City.

If Han Cook is still so stubborn… I don’t want to become His Majesty Seven Wuhai yet.

Maybe after a while.

She is like a “sea man”, so she will be forcibly arrested, and even imprisoned in Advance City!

“The refusal to become His Majesty Qiwu Hai is actually so serious?”

When Hancock heard Ken’s words, he was frightened.

She didn’t know about it.

For this.

She even used the power of His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas to protect the Amazon Lily Kingdom, which has not been invaded by outsiders for a long time.

This also allows the World Government and the Navy headquarters … thought that she would become His Majesty the King Seven Wuhai by default.

As a result, when the meeting was forced later, Hancock ignored it.

This led to the arrival of Lieutenant General Mole this time, and he planned to forcibly assemble his hands!

If Hancock still wants to refuse… The next time it comes, it must be the admiral!

The identity of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai… Just pirates after all!

It is natural that the navy wants to arrest pirates!

“It’s not clear to a proud woman like you.”

“Otherwise, the Lily Kingdom will be destroyed in your hands.”

“Because the headquarters of the Navy cannot tolerate pirates being able to become the leader of the country!”

“Unless you become His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas.”

Ken knows perfectly well that he has changed history and that there will be no more pirate supernovae in the Chambord Islands.


The Draco did not exist in the Chambord Islands.

Straw Hat Luffy wouldn’t even come here.

If he doesn’t come to persuade Hancock this time.

With such a stubborn arrogance of Hancock, he must refuse to call the order again.

Then it was the Yellow Ape General who personally arrived!

After all, this incident was the yellow ape taking over… It’s just that the yellow ape is really troublesome, so he will hand it over to him to execute.

“Ken, thank you so much this time.”

“The concubine doesn’t know how to repay you.”

Hancock heard Kean say that she was a proud woman, and she blushed slightly, but she was not angry.

If only it were someone else.

She must be extremely annoyed, and she directly did not hesitate to do it!

But for Kean… Her attitude has completely changed!

Major Draco events.

Let Hancock’s attitude towards Ken completely change!

The appreciation at the beginning, the shame of not so long ago, and the complex emotions now.

You must know that there is no Draco in the world who dares to do it!

Even she, the female emperor… Actually, don’t dare!

If you go directly to Draco… First of all, it must anger the world government!

Then the world government ordered the headquarters of the Navy to attack the admiral!

The admiral shot … Not everyone can survive!

To know.

The admiral of this sortie … First of all, it is the young general, but because the Draco is in the hands of Ken, the young man does not dare to act rashly, if he moves rashly, Ken may kill the Draco on the spot!

This also made Qingzhi feel helpless, obviously he could attack, but he was forced to restrict.


The Navy attacked Admiral Yellow Ape.

Ken is even in the broadcast of giant photography phone bugs all over the world… He has already faced the yellow ape general!

In the end, he can still walk away in style!

This strong and impressive strength… It has been clearly seen by the whole world!

“Concubine, what’s going on.”

“My face is a little hot.”

“The concubine feels… It’s kind of weird. ”

Hancock was thinking about all kinds of things about Ken in her mind, and she suddenly found that her face was a little hot and her eyes were a little overwhelmed.

It seems that Ken appeared in front of her… For Hancock.

That’s a good thing!

She can’t forget Kean!

Let her take revenge… Can wash her away from shame… Can comfort the Lily Kingdom through the crisis.

Simply the perfect today!

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