In the waters off the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

A giant warship stops here.

The mole’s eyes became a little impatient, and he muttered something in his mouth.

“This Boyahan Cook seems to be a little out of sights about the Navy headquarters?”

“Ignore me, the vice admiral of the navy headquarters?”

“Instead, it left me here for a long time… It’s a bit excessive! ”

“Don’t think that even His Majesty the Seven Wuhai can get carried away!”


The Amazon Lily Kingdom has started sailing its own pirate ship!

The Pirate Banner is a skull covered in nine snakes that resemble the sun.

This is known to the outside world as the Nine Snakes Pirates, and the crew are all women, and they are all elite warriors carefully selected from the Nine Snake Clan, and their strength is very strong.

And the two huge special sea beasts “Snake”, led by the pirate ship, can actually drag the ship forward, so that it can freely enter and exit the “windless zone”.

This is also where the Amazon Lily Kingdom is more proud.

They can tame the “snake” of this special sea beast and enter the windless zone at will!

For the ferocious sea king class can be completely avoided!

For this.

The Amazon Lily Kingdom has resisted many invaders and has never been defeated!


“They actually gave up?”

“Could it be that this is trying to face my rejection?”

Lieutenant General Mole narrowed his eyes, he had been left here for so long, and now the Nine Snakes Pirates appeared, and he felt strange.


After the Nine Snake Pirates approached.

Sandasonia and Marigorud spoke at the same time.

“Vice Admiral Mole, our sister has promised your naval headquarters to convene a compulsory meeting, and now agrees to become His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.”

“Next, you can leave for the headquarters of the Navy at any time.”

“Now how are you going to act?”

“Rush to it immediately?”

In an instant.

Lieutenant General Mole had not yet turned his mind, and his face was a little stunned, which was really unbelievable.


“Boyahan Cook, she actually agreed?”

“Really fake?”

After all, he had been left hanging here for so long.

And the boyahan cook is not weak … Otherwise, the naval headquarters would not have invited Hancock to become His Majesty Seven Wuhai.

At least.

If alone in the case of fighting.

Lieutenant General Mole also does not guarantee that he can completely win Boyahan Cook!

For this.

After he calmed down a little, he couldn’t help but raise his head and look at the sky.

The time has now reached dusk.

If in the sea full of night … It’s still a hassle to drive.

However, this trip is a giant warship, which can be immune to the attack of the sea king.

The universal Neptune class.

He can still solve it easily.


Lieutenant General Mole looked serious, and couldn’t help but speak directly.

“Let’s go now!”

“Trouble you two, please come out of Boyahan Cook!”

Now that Portkas Ace has been arrested, this news that shocked the whole world suddenly swept everywhere!

For this.

Not long ago, the Draco incident had not subsided.

Now that there is another exciting incident, it can be said that it has made the ordinary people feel extremely frightened.

This time is different!

The arrest of Draco for civilians … In fact, it has little impact.

But this time the naval headquarters is going to fight the four pirate emperors in a big war with top combat power!

And seven days later, the headquarters of the Navy will demand the execution of Portcas Ace on the spot.

For this.

The Whitebeard Fleet of the Four Emperors of Pirates was extremely angry, and actually planned to go to war at the Navy headquarters!

This actually made Lieutenant General Mole feel extremely stressed.

He has to be careful!

Although he was a vice admiral in the headquarters of the Navy … However, it can only deal with the captain of the Four Emperors of Pirates, the captain of the Whitebeard Fleet!

As for the four emperors with a white beard.

It seems that it can only be handed over to the admiral to deal with!

To this.

These sea thieves who usually abuse the power of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai.

We must start contributing now!

Who dares to escape!

This time it will inevitably be hunted down to the end by the headquarters of the Navy!

“Then bother Lieutenant General Mole to wait.”

“We’ll go and ask my sister-sama now.”

Marigorud and Sandasonia bowed slightly, immediately took control of the ship, and began to return to the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

Lieutenant General Mole did not catch up.

He knew that men were not allowed to enter the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

If you enter.

If it angers Han Cook… It wasn’t something he wanted to see either!



“The two of us have already told Lieutenant General Mole.”

“He demands to leave now and rush to the headquarters of the Navy!”

Sandasonia and Marigorud came to Hancock and said in a complete way: “Do you want to travel now?” ”

The voice fell.

Hancock didn’t answer, she blushed and turned to look at Ken, seemingly waiting for his reply.

“Let’s go now.”

“This time I accompanied Hancock to the headquarters of the Navy.”

“You two don’t have to worry about Hancock’s safety… I can protect Hancock when necessary! ”

“And my identity is not special, you guys investigate a little… You can get out of the water. ”

“My current name is Borusaken, and I am the nephew of the current Admiral Yellow Ape.”


Marigorud and Sandasonia were shocked.

Isn’t this a special status?

This is the nephew of the three strongest combat forces in the navy, the Yellow Ape General!

Having this background identity… Ordinary pirates don’t dare to provoke at all!

No wonder Ken has such amazing strength!

Wait, wait, wait!

The two of them… And Hancock seems to find different points.

That’s not what it means.

The previous Draco incident in the Chambord Islands.

When the Yellow Ape General fights the criminal who kidnapped the leader of the Draco.

Could it be that the yellow ape is fighting with his relatives and nephews?!

What’s going on here?

Why do these two have to fight?

Logically it shouldn’t!

Hancock had incredible ideas with her two sisters!

“That’s all for gossip.”

“I can tell you now… Naturally, they are not afraid of exposure. ”

“Next… Han Cook are you going? ”

“I can accompany you on this journey!”

Ken was expressionless, not feeling that this was a secret, and did not care at all.

Now he has the extremely strong ability of the Thunder Fruit… Sooner or later, the war on top will be exposed!

At that time, the headquarters of the Navy and the world government will definitely find out on the spot!

Presumably, the yellow ape could not keep him!

But…… He is fearless!

As long as he arrives in Advance City this time, he will definitely become even stronger.

At that time, the world government and the naval headquarters will not be able to help him!

After being strong.

The so-called shackles can be broken at any time!

“Go now!”

“Now the concubine also feels a little bored staying on the island.”

“It’s better to go to the navy headquarters with a concubine and take a look!”

Hancock quickly dressed neatly, calmed down a little, and regained the momentum of a female emperor, ready to leave at any time.

It’s just that.

The two younger sisters beside her were full of helplessness.

In fact, Hancock has not been back to the island for a long time.

Otherwise, all the people of the Lily Kingdom would not have gathered… Then Hancock performs the bathing ritual.

This is every time Hancock returns to the island.

She must do every time!

“Okay then.”

“Let’s go now.”

“Start heading to Advance City!”

“As for my identity now… I will tell Lieutenant General Mole personally later. ”

“But I won’t tell him about the Draco incident… So I’ll trouble Hancock not to reveal my identity later, otherwise I can only leave!” ”

“Actually, I met Lieutenant General Mole.”

“He doesn’t know the truth, and he will definitely not embarrass me.”

Ken signaled Charles to follow, and after talking to Hancock a little, he began to leave the palace.


He’s going to be with Charles… Forcibly devour all the criminals in the city!

These criminals should also be food for his journey to become stronger!

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