Hancock and Ken arrive on the Hydra Pirate ship.

And the Hydra Pirate ship began to move towards the position of the warship.

As for the King of Wisdom Charles, who has returned to Ken’s mind, she is not suitable to appear in front of the world, which can be regarded as a hidden killer!


The female crew looked at Ken with some shock in their eyes.

Who is this new man?

How do you think that Lord Hancock is a little close to this man?

However, due to the majesty of Lord Hancock as a female emperor.

These crews also understand … Don’t dare to ask.


The Hydra Pirate Ship approached the warship.

Lieutenant General Mole has been waiting for a long time.

After he saw Hancock on the spot, he couldn’t help but speak.

“Boyahan Cook… You just get up to the warship first. ”

“As for you crew… There’s nothing I can do… Just let them stay here! ”

“And according to the itinerary … I need to lead you to Advance City first. ”

“After checking and passing the customs at the back, you can be allowed to enter the Navy headquarters.”

“You know the situation now… Pirates Four Emperors Whitebeard sent war. ”

“Our naval headquarters needs the help of your Majesty Qiwu Hai!”

“Usually, you use the power of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai… Your help is needed now, and you must not disobey! ”


“It will inevitably be hunted down by the world government and the navy headquarters!”

“Do you know?”

The voice fell.

“The concubine body is already clear.”

Hancock’s expression was haughty, and he nodded slightly, instantly showing the momentum of being a female emperor himself, as if he was not weaker than anyone.

Originally, her personality was like this.

It’s just that when dealing with Ken… It’s completely different!

In an instant.


“This is definitely the most perfect woman in the world!”

“I love you… Lord Hancook! ”

“Just step on me!”

The moment this group of ordinary naval men on the warship saw Hancock, their eyes suddenly became full of love, and they had been captured by Hancock’s special charm.

This is the passive effect that comes with sweet fruits.

Invisibly, I have been completely attracted by the charm of Hancock!



Hancock’s face was expressionless and her emotions were calm, she seemed to be used to this kind of thing, and secretly said inwardly: “All are stinky men… Disgusting! ”

Even if it is a lieutenant general of the mole… When he saw Hancock.

He also needs super willpower… Forcibly get rid of Han Cook’s special charm!

Not really.

Lieutenant General Mole also has to take advantage of the pain… Forcibly get rid of it!

This is the horror of sweet fruit.

Even if Han Cook doesn’t have to do it… Invisibly, she already showed her fangs!

“Obviously, this group of stinky men love concubines so much.”

“Only Ken is different… He’s such a special man! ”

“Such a man … Concubines are not annoying! ”

Hancock’s eyes quietly looked at Ken beside him, a little sinking, and his face was full of joy.



“Why are you here?”

Suddenly, Lieutenant General Mole saw Ken next to Hancock, and his face was full of surprise, a little surprised.

It has to be said.

Hancock is too charismatic.

So much so that Ken was next to Hancock … Lieutenant General Mole didn’t even spot it right away.

“I was ordered by General Yellow Ape… Came to persuade Boyahan Cook to join the Nanabukai. ”

“But fortunately, it is not insulting.”

“So far I’ve done that.”

“Persuade Boyahan Cook to join the Nanabukai… This task is really not easy! ”

A smile appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth, and he replied without hurry: “You can also ask the Yellow Ape General about this matter… He will naturally explain, and I will naturally not deceive Lieutenant General Mole. ”


After the mole’s lieutenant general’s eyes hesitated, he didn’t plan to ask the yellow ape general, and it seemed that he believed these words.

Ken cheated on him… It’s really not necessary!

He really wanted to ask the yellow ape.

This lie can be debunked right away!

And Boyahan Cook suddenly wants to join His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

It should be the credit of Kean!

Otherwise, when he came here before… Boyahan Cook didn’t treat him in the slightest.

Completely for joining His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas… Without any attitude!

This also made Lieutenant General Mole a little embarrassed.

Could it be that he is inferior to Ken in terms of business?

It’s good that he is a vice admiral of the headquarters of the Navy!

This is already known to everyone, right?

To know.

Now Ken is not yet considered a navy!

If it is counted as the navy … Ken may be promoted very quickly!

After all, with the help of the yellow ape behind him, and Ken originally had some strength, it was naturally easy to be treated by the navy headquarters!

“Ken… You and Hancock come up to the warship. ”

“I can also take you to Advance City at any time… Haven’t you been there before anyway? ”

“Maybe it can also make you reminisce.”

“I remember that Warden Magellan was impressed with you, and it seems that he performed extremely well at that time!”

Vice Admiral Mole did not intend to rub it either, and immediately let Ken and Hancock come to warship.

The next moment.

Vice Admiral Mole quickly ordered his subordinates to hurry up and drive the warship to Advance City!

Advance City is not far from the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

Although not the same windless zone.

However, according to the time of the journey.

I believe it will take most of the day to arrive!



Advance the periphery of the city.

Vice Admiral Mole this warship … It has already been discovered by other warships on the periphery!

After checking the level and passing.

Vice Admiral Mole has no suspicions about this warship and is completely allowed to return to the headquarters of the Navy!


Ken and Hancock entered the Advance City at the same time.

As for the Vice Admiral Mole, he is currently rushing to the headquarters of the Navy.

His mission has been completed, and he has already led His Majesty Boyahan Cook, Qiwu Hai, to the Advance City for inspection.

Just after the check passes.

It is inevitable that Boyahan Cook will be allowed to enter the naval headquarters.

Now he is a vice admiral in the headquarters of the navy … Naturally, he had to hurry back to the headquarters of the Navy and begin to discuss this war.

The identity of vice admiral in the navy headquarters is actually not small.

It’s just that.

There are only three admirals in the headquarters of the Navy.

A marshal.

Contrast it this way.

It seems to be a lot worse!

Having the status of lieutenant general… Not less, actually!

It’s just that the strength of the vice admiral’s navy … In fact, it’s not average!

More of a functional vice admiral!

For example, the naval hero Vice Admiral Karp … In fact, you can be promoted to a general that year.

Just wanted more freedom and didn’t want to stay in the navy headquarters often, so he refused to be promoted to admiral.

And Karp’s strength is strong, although he is aging, but in terms of strength, he completely surpasses the lieutenant general!

As well as Lieutenant General Tsuru … In fact, in the past, Lieutenant General Tsuru was considered a combatant.

However, with the advent of the era of sea pirates.

Vice Admiral Tsuru has already retired to the back position, because he has super wisdom and strategy, and directly became the chief of staff of the Navy headquarters!

For this.

Actually, the vice admiral … There are also strong and weak points.

But it’s more of a functional!

Because it is impossible for the admiral to handle a lot of things … They will inevitably need to be dealt with by these vice admirals!


Advance into the city.

Ken saw the familiar place again, and a wistful smile appeared on his lips.

“Advance City.”

“I’m back here again.”

“I’m no longer the weak youth I used to be!”

“This time… I’m going to show my edge! ”

“It must shine in the war on top!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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