
“Then you need to be examined, and it’s easy to pass the inspection.”

“For His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas… In fact, Advance City does not dare to be too presumptuous. ”

“After you check.”

“If you find out I’m not where I am… You can go to the headquarters of the Navy first. ”

Ken looked at Han Cook and couldn’t help but speak directly: “But there are actually female prosecutors in Advance City, so you don’t need to worry, plus the mark behind you, I have also helped you erase it, and now you will not expose your identity.” ”

The voice fell.

Hancock nodded excitedly.

“The concubine is clear.”

“This matter is extremely grateful!”

Not many people know her true identity.

As long as it is not exposed.

She will always be the supreme female emperor of the Amazon Lily Kingdom!

“Ken… Did you come to Propulsion City with a plan? ”

Faintly, Hancock sensed that something was not right, and she secretly asked, “Do you need a concubine to help you?” ”

For Ken, a daring criminal who once kidnapped Draco.

He actually dared to come and advance the city… There must be a reason too!

Come and accompany her?

This may not be like it!

Although Hancock didn’t want to think so… It’s just that Ken’s current interest in her doesn’t seem to be very great.

This made Han Cook, who is usually full of charm, actually a little depressed.

What’s going on… Why doesn’t the usual charm work?

For this.

Ken is more like having a goal to execute!

Of course, Hancock does not reject such behavior.

Ken actually wanted to harm her… It’s not that much trouble at all.

“I’m going to advance the city’s plans now?”

“I have to say Han Cook you’re smart… I don’t hate that. ”

“It’s just that I don’t like to say everything.”

“Hancock… You should be clear, right? ”

“There are some things that don’t be too much to ask about… It may be more of a burden on you. ”

“But you have to be clear… I didn’t take advantage of you. ”

Ken secretly heard Han Cook’s question, his face was slightly surprised, he really did not expect to ask like this.

He clearly grasped the big event of Draco, and Hancock should not hate his senses.

He even helped Hancock take revenge and erase the Draco slave mark behind the three sisters.

So it seems… Han Cook has probably already grown in his liking for him!

Han Cook, who has never been in love.

It’s easy to get caught up in it!

In fact, Ken knows this… It’s just that he didn’t say it either!

He can be liked by Han Cook, who is known as the “world’s number one beauty”… I have to say that this taste is quite good.

Only now he doesn’t want to talk about male and female love… Now only when he is strong can he feel safe.


This time it was pushed into the city.

His identity could not be hidden at all… Maybe you have to really fight Warden Magellan!

After all, if he wanted to enter the sixth level of infinite hell, he would definitely have to face Warden Magellan!

“Don’t hate concubines?”

“It turns out that the concubine is in Ken’s eyes… It’s not so unattractive!

Hancock’s face was a little happy, she naturally excluded the rest of the words, and only wanted to hear Ken’s praise.

A woman in love.

Sometimes IQ… Wrong.

Sometimes the emotional intelligence aspect is not very high!

Like Hancock.

A woman trying to fall in love for the first time.

Don’t mess with it even more!

“So that the concubine body does not bother you.”

“The concubine goes to check first.”

Hancock was actually very sensible, and did not dare to continue to disturb Ken, she quickly entered the depths of the city and began a special investigation.

Of course.

Advance City’s special inventory… For His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

In fact, it’s just a scene.

After all, His Majesty the Seven Wuhai are all sea thieves… The mind of the pirate is naturally clear to the naval headquarters.

It’s just that this also has to go through the scene, slightly suppressing the momentum of the Seven Wuhai!

No matter who you were before!

You’re a tiger, you have to lie on your stomach!

If you are a dragon, you have to coil!

If you want to enter the headquarters of the Navy, no matter who you are, you can’t be presumptuous!



Hancock was taken away for examination by Domino, one of the few female wardens in Push City.

Even Hannibal, who had not been seen for a long time, appeared for this.

The moment Hannibal appeared, he quickly ran over and hugged Ken, his tone was a little surprised, and he even laughed.


“Why did you come to advance the city?”

“Is it possible that you want to see the warden?”

“You’re really nostalgic!”



Ken’s face was a little strange, and he couldn’t help but say helplessly.

“I’m coming to advance the city this time… In fact, he accompanied Boyahan Cook, His Majesty Qiwuhai, and then rushed back to the naval headquarters immediately. ”

“As for Deputy Warden Hannibal… When did you become a warden? ”

“Aren’t you afraid that Warden Magellan will beat you immediately when he hears this?”

This made Hannibal feel complacent, he looked left and right, and after finding that there was no person around, he couldn’t help but whisper.


“You don’t understand… I actually talked to Magellan for a long time. ”

“He seems to be interested in the position of warden… I don’t really want to continue to be the same! ”

“Maybe Warden Magellan wants to manage those criminals on the sixth floor!”

“And Warden Magellan is also quite optimistic about me… Maybe during this time, I can be promoted to warden! ”

“One day you want to come and promote the development of the city… You can find me! ”

“I might be able to carry you!”

No wonder Hannibal was so excited.

After all, Ken had saved him before, and Hannibal was not a mean person, and his attitude towards Ken was naturally excellent.

“Although this time you can become the warden of Advance City.”

“It’s a pity that I came over this time… Advancing the city is already going to be in chaos! ”

“Of course… I can at least withstand the attacks of Straw Hat Luffy and Blackbeard. ”

“I can’t reveal my identity too quickly ahead!”

Ken saw Hannibal so excited in front of him, he couldn’t bear to blow it out, and he couldn’t help but imagine these words in his mind.

Although he has changed history.

It’s just that.

He believes that Luffy the Straw Hat can still reach Advance City!

After all, Luffy needed the idea of saving Ace… It simply can’t be extinguished!

Luffy actually has to give it a try!

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to be willing!

As well as Blackbeard hiding in the shadows!

This guy is even more difficult to deal with.

“Luffy this guy is easy to deal with, it’s not worth mentioning at the moment.”

“It’s just that Blackbeard, this dark fruit, may be super troublesome.”

“If he touches me… I can’t even use the Thunder Fruit at the moment! ”

“But it’s fine… I now have the King of Wisdom, after Charles. ”

“In fact, you can fight against any strong person!”

Ken’s deep pupils shimmered faintly.

Blackbeard wants to reach Advance City, then reach the sixth level of Infinite Hell, looking for powerful criminals to become the crew!

This idea is so daring!

I have to say that Blackbeard’s ambition is extremely amazing!

“But compare with me in terms of ambition?”

“I’m going to devour all criminals this time.”

“Blackbeard, you deserve to be compared to me?”

A bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth, this time must make Blackbeard come and go! _

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