With time.

Hannibal also began to leave, and he is now a deputy warden, usually managing a lot of affairs.

It doesn’t take long to run over and talk to Kean.

Because of Magellan’s Devil Fruit, the body has an unavoidable effect, and he is usually unable to work normally and excrete in the toilet for a long time.

Most of the important affairs were taken over by Hannibal.

This is why Magellan intends to train Hannibal to become the warden of the advancing city.

Hannibal helped Magellan a lot, plus the psychological reason is righteous enough.

This also makes Magellan’s senses for Hannibal quite good!

“Ken… We’ll talk later when we’re free! ”

“Things have been too busy lately… You also know what is going on! ”

“Now we have to protect the city… Avoid the Pirates Four Emperors Whitebeard attack here! ”

Hannibal’s face was a little anxious, and after a few words with Ken, he immediately left.

For this.

Soon Ken was left alone here.

“Pirate Four Emperors Whitebeard attacked here?”

“It’s simply unlikely.”

“Now Ace has been transferred to the Navy headquarters area.”

“I’m sure Whitebeard thought of this too… So did not come to attack the advancing city. ”

“Otherwise, Magellan would not be able to resist the Four Emperors Whitebeard fleet!”

These thoughts floated through Ken’s mind, and he couldn’t help but conclude.

He didn’t actually act randomly, but stayed where he was, with his back against the wall waiting for the return of Boyahan Cook.

Actually dark.

He has begun to contact Charles, the king of wisdom in his mind.

“I can’t act rashly now.”

“It’s still too early to reveal your identity.”


“Now hurry up and use this skill and start looking for signs of Straw Hat Luffy and Blackbeard and the others.”

“I’m sure it’s not difficult for you.”


Charles, the king of wisdom, begins to activate the Senluo.

Worldwide… Already in the range of the Shire search!

As long as there is no fact of being blocked.

It must be clear to Charles!

The next moment.

Charles replied instantly.

“I’ve found Straw Hat Luffy and Blackbeard and the others.”

“Straw Hat Luffy in the next half hour… Will use warships to forcibly break into the Advance City! ”

“As for Blackbeard and the others… They need to arrive at Advance City in half an hour! ”

The voice fell.


“It seems that I can also prepare to strike.”

Ken’s eyes were full of chills, and he was really looking forward to the next scene more and more.

Just take advantage of Luffy’s time slot to break into Advance City.

He can take advantage of this time… Directly enter the sixth level of infinite hell!

Although this would have to face Warden Magellan alone.

But want more… He naturally has to pay the price!


Wait for Blackbeard and others to arrive.

Directly let Blackbeard lead out Magellan … At this time, he broke into the sixth level of infinite hell.

You can easily pick the fruits of victory!


“Do you think I’m physically fit now… Can it resist Magellan’s toxins? ”

Ken suddenly thought of this thought, and he couldn’t help but ask Charles, the king of wisdom, again when he was worried.

To know.

Magellan was completely furious.

The overall purple toxin changes and becomes a red toxin!

Any substance that comes into contact with it will gradually spread out in an instant, and everything will be eroded, and as long as humans are exposed to red toxins, they will gradually spread until they die.

Even if this toxin has a solution, it is difficult to resist!

Because the red toxin can spread throughout the body in an instant!

It can cause all organs of the human body to stop completely!

Charles, the king of wisdom, began to analyze Ken’s physical fitness and finally couldn’t help but come to a conclusion.

“According to the physical fitness of the current Lord Ken.”

“Fighting purple toxins is totally fine.”

“Fighting red toxins… Presumably there may be a great probability of danger! ”

“For this reason, Charles suggested that you… It is better not to face Warden Magellan alone. ”

“If you can attract Blackbeard and the others… Naturally safer! ”

This made Ken a little helpless.

If he can have toxic immunity this antibody… There is no need to be afraid of Warden Magellan at all!

It’s just a pity.

He did not swallow this creature with its own immunotoxicity.

Otherwise, if it’s like devouring the moon lion… In fact, it has thunder resistance.

This also led to his extremely easy solution to Anilu at that time.

“It seems troublesome.”

“If Magellan goes completely mad… Maybe just slaughter the super criminals of the complete infinite hell! ”

“So I can’t get anything, it’s a loss!”

“And this red toxin is too terrifying.”

“I may not be able to resist at all!”

Ken frowned, it seemed that it was not so easy to enter the sixth level of infinite hell.

Not really.

In fact, it can make Blackbeard attract Magellan’s firepower!

After all, the city of Advance was invaded… Magellan couldn’t have left it alone!

At that time, he must leave the sixth level of infinite hell.

In this way, there is a gap in the sixth layer of infinite hell.

He can take the opportunity to enter!

Right now…… He just had to wait for Straw Hat Luffy to attack Advance City.

And the arrival of Blackbeard and others.


Fifteen minutes later.

Boyahan Cook has finished checking and is back where he was.


When Hancock found that Ken was still waiting for her, his eyes couldn’t help but be a little moved.

She thought Ken had left here.

For this.

She walked to Ken with light steps and wanted to speak.


She noticed that Ken’s eyes fluctuated a little.

What’s going on here?

How do you feel a little anxious?

“Ken… What’s wrong with you? ”

Hancock was a little overwhelmed and couldn’t help but ask.

The next moment.

Ken turned his head and quickly explained to Hancock.

“You hurry up and enter the Navy headquarters now!”

“I’ll be here … Probably not very calm! ”

“You have already checked it now, and you can directly and quickly arrive at the headquarters of the Navy through the Gate of Justice!”

“Hancock… Get out of here now! ”


Boyahan Cook’s beautiful eyes widened slightly, and he couldn’t help but look anxious.

“It’s not very calm here?”

“Could it be Kean… Do you want to get your hands dirty now? ”

“Concubines can also help you!”

“A concubine will not hold you back.”


Ken quickly shook his head, his tone a little worried.

“There is no need.”

“Now that you’re done… As a result, he did not leave the city of Advance. ”

“It’s easy to make Propel City suspicious.”

“If you don’t want my plan to fail… I want you to enter the headquarters of the Navy first. ”

“I’m going to really fight later… I may not be able to protect you either! ”

“It’s good that this time I came out… I promised your two sisters your safety! ”

“I hope you don’t make it difficult for me!”


“Ken… The concubine really doesn’t know how to thank you! ”

“At times like this… You are actually worried about the safety of your concubine! ”

“Then be careful now!”

“The concubine will definitely cheer for you!”

Hancock was so moved that she heard the words she wanted to hear, and the rest of the words, she seemed to automatically ignore them.

To know.

Hancock feels that in terms of strength… She’s not quite as good as Ken!

Now Ken is still worried about her.

This made Hancock feel happy at the same time… I also feel that I am not strong enough!

She can also deal with the vice admiral.

But really have to face the admiral… and personnel like the Four Emperors of Pirates.

She felt extremely powerless… As if it could not be confronted.

“The concubine will not continue to bother you.”

“Enter the Navy headquarters now and wait for your return!”

Hancock turned and began to leave, not daring to continue disturbing Kean.

She knew Ken might be ambitious!

Dare to kidnap Draco… Even threatening world governments to demand ransom payments.

This kind of person is definitely not small.

But at least Han Cook… She doesn’t hate it!

And Hancock didn’t think Ken hated her.

This doesn’t mean that…

She actually has a chance! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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