“Hancock has now left Advance City and started heading to the Gate of Justice.”

“So that we can reach the headquarters of the Navy very quickly.”

“For this … I can also let it go! ”

“No one can stop me.”

After Ken looked at Boya Han Cook’s departure, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, a little relieved, it seemed that Han Cook was very sensible, he did not hate this kind of woman.

He chose to stay in the city for the time being.

Although this also made the people of the city propulsion wonder… But once Ken also worked here.

Even stop the riot in the third level of prison!

In this way, it has also made a good contribution to the promotion of the city.

And the deputy warden and warden are extremely optimistic about Ken.

These people who pushed the city thought that Ken was going to stay here… I want to discuss things with the warden and the deputy warden.

And it is not known who passed it out.

Kenan’s identity… It is the nephew of the three major admirals of the current navy, Huang Ape.

This person has an extremely strong background, and he suddenly came to Advance City before, probably just to experience life.

This is simply not something that their ordinary Advance City personnel can discipline.

For this.

Ordinary people in the city don’t dare to manage it… I was going to let Ken stay here.

“This group of people who pushed the city didn’t ask me… Why stay here? ”

“I’ve already thought of the reasons.”

“It’s totally possible to deceive the past.”

Ken watched these people who pushed into the city leave, his face was a little confused, and he really didn’t know what was going on.

But it doesn’t matter.

At least he can stay here!


“About ten minutes to go.”

“Straw Hat Luffy forcibly broke into Advance City.”

“Hope to come soon!”

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long, long time!”

Ken’s gaze was a little deep, completely confusing.


Fifteen minutes later.


The entire Advance City sounded an alarm, accompanied by red lights, which directly alerted all the personnel of the Advance City.

It has been a long time since there has been such a general alarm in Advance City!

This is…… Enemy attack!

“Not good!”

“All the people of the Advance City gather!”

“Hurry up and guard the Advance City!”

The shrill shouts kept coming.

All the people of the Advance City began to operate, all gathered together, and began to guard each floor of the Advance City!

Only Warden Magellan did not move.

Because he must sit in the sixth level of infinite hell!

It was not without such hostile moves before.

It’s just that these hostile moves … In fact, they were all solved by the Xiru who used to guard the long rain!


Now Yu no Hiru has been imprisoned in the sixth infinite hell because of his mistakes.

Now Advance City has a strong number of people… In fact, there are not many bits.

Warden Magellan can be said to be the last line of defense!

His existence is to advance the strength of all the personnel in the city!

“Luffy is finally here.”

“I can start planning too.”

“Start the invasion!”

Ken’s figure instantly dimmed, and he entered a stealth state, intending to start invading the prison of the city.


He saw many panicked people advancing into the city.

After all, the enemy is unknown… There were even some people who pushed the city skeptically.

Is the enemy this time the Four Emperors of Pirates Whitebeard Fleet!

Because Ace was imprisoned here before!

And the status of these people in the city is low… It is not at all clear that Ace has been transferred to the side of the headquarters of the Navy.

For this.

The enemy this time… All the personnel in Advance City were already a little afraid.

If it is really known as the “strongest man in the world” Pirate Four Emperors Whitebeard.

This attack advanced the city.

Maybe you can break the strong defensive line that has been strong for many years in Advance City?

“The quality of personnel in this advance city is not good.”

“None of them have experienced major events.”

“The state of mind weakens … You’re already losing! ”

Ken found that these people who pushed into the city showed fear, and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, the really powerful people, maybe they are all concentrated on the pirates’ side?

After all.

The Pirates have supernova over there.

As long as it can develop… It is not a dream to become a sea thief in the future.

Even among them.

There may also be the existence of the Four Emperors of Pirates!

It’s just a pity.

There are no developing pirate supernovae.

It’s like the yellow ape’s actions.

One bite is so scary!

One foot at a supernova!

“Knock ——!”

The gates of the advancing city were broken.

A sturdy pirate wearing a straw hat slammed in, shouting even more.


“Where are you!”

“I’m here to save you!”

In an instant.

When all the people in the advancing city saw this pirate, they couldn’t help but be surprised.

“The captain of the Straw Hat Pirates – Luffy?”

“Why is he here?”

“So it’s this enemy attacker?”

“But it scares me to death… I thought it was the attack of the four emperors and white beards! ”

“Don’t let your guard down… Straw Hat Luffy’s bounty reached 300 million, and his strength is definitely not weak! ”


The faces of these advancing city personnel were a little shocked.

Pirates with a bounty of 300 million… In fact, it is not very weak anymore!

If you are detained… You can be in the fifth level of prison!

Even special circumstances… You can also be imprisoned to the sixth level of infinite hell!


They also pay for the current arrogance!

Luffy’s heart was already extremely anxious, and when he saw this group of advancing city personnel blocking it, he naturally would not relent, and shouted in his mouth.

“Rubber machine gun ——!”

Countless rubber stretched out their fists to hit them, instantly knocking this group of people advancing into the city to the ground, and all of them flew!

This is nothing more than the people who guard the gate of the city.

Luffy is also extremely anxious to enter the prison to find Ace!


Luffy came this time… It must be for nothing.



“Luffy has broken through the gates of Advance City?”

Ken was walking in prison, and he was completely uninterested in the criminals in the first layer of the surrounding prison, but if he didn’t release his domineering power, he investigated the scene outside and finally found Luffy.

“It seems.”

“I have to speed up.”

“Or let Luffy catch up… Maybe it can lead the trouble to me. ”

Ken is in a stealth and is naturally not afraid of being discovered.

In the first three layers of prison.

It is also impossible for these criminals to learn to be domineering.

It’s even more impossible to spot him!

It’s just that.

There was such a loud noise outside.

It also made this group of criminals in prison quickly poke their heads out and start discussing.

“What’s going on?”

“I don’t know… Could it be an intruder? ”

“What? Intruders? ”

“Don’t look at me like that… How do I know if it’s an intruder, but it seems that the situation is very likely! ”

“Yes, too… I watched a lot of people gather in the city! ”

“Gee… I don’t know who dares to invade Advance City! ”

“Isn’t that a good thing? Maybe we can jailbreak! ”

“Hey, hey, hey… I hope so! ”

The group of criminals discussed in a low voice.

Ken even passed by this group of criminals, and when he heard the words of these criminals, he couldn’t help but laugh and shake his head.

It’s ridiculous.

This group of criminals still wants to escape from prison?

Now he appears… This possibility.

for zero!

“Break out.”

“Ten million volts of thunder!”

Ken’s body instantly burst into an extremely violent electric current, which spread out instantly.

“Nourish ——!”

In an instant.

These criminals secretly talk about how to escape from prison.

It was erased on the spot, and the body was reduced to ashes.

In an instant.

The remaining criminals … Already too frightened to speak, shivering and hiding in the corner.

What’s going on?

They didn’t see the enemy shoot!

It’s like being in the air.

Suddenly there was a furious thunder… Kill criminals in an instant!

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