“It’s really a bully and a hard-hitting criminal.”

Ken’s eyes were a little bored after finding that the remaining criminals did not continue the discussion.


He also didn’t have to kill all the criminals on the first floor, and he had to keep the criminals here.

Because Luffy will come over later… Maybe you can let the criminals here escape.

So for the plan… In fact, it is very necessary!

This can be a lot of rhythm on… Disrupt the support of Advance City!

The next moment.

Ken continued walking to the next level.

In the first three layers of prison.

He had already visited it all last time… Nature is already familiar.

Only the prison below the fourth level… He was completely unfamiliar.

Because at that time, he could not enter the fourth level of prison.

Rushing in… It is bound to be doubted.


In terms of strength at that time… He’s not very strong.

It’s really going to fight.

He might be stopped by four jailer beasts.

These jailer beasts are all animal fruit awakeners… Although they are not sane, they are all creatures with thick skin and flesh, and they are quite resistant!

If you can’t hit it with one hit, you will kill.

It must be extremely troublesome!

“It’s extremely easy to kill these four jailer beasts now.”

“But it doesn’t seem bad if you devour it.”

“It increases my resilience.”

Ken thought of this idea in his mind, and actually thought it was feasible.

Wait a minute.

He still has three devil fruits on his body now.

If you kill two Devil Fruit Abilities… You can get the requirements for exchanging Evolution Crystals.

“It looks like plans have changed again.”

“Four jailer beasts… All have to die! ”

“Finally, with a Devil Fruit.”

“You can reach five Devil Fruit Energies… In this way, the system can absorb and meet the requirements for exchanging evolutionary crystals. ”

“I’m going to use the Evolution Crystal for predators… Become the king of gluttony. ”

Ken was quick to settle down.

The Great Sage evolved into Charles, the King of Wisdom… It has seven skills.

He can’t be left behind either!

You must quickly evolve the Predator into the King of Gluttony!

“Let’s kill the four jailer beasts first.”

After Ken determined his target, his speed began to increase, and his figure turned into a rainbow light, instantly rushing into a deeper prison.



Luffy broke into Advance City.

It has been urgently transmitted back to the headquarters of the Navy.

This makes the moment of the big war come… Already makes the Warring States feel anxious.

Karp’s two grandsons… What a hassle enough!

Although Ace is not Karp’s true grandson.

It’s just that.

Karp has at least really regarded Ace as a grandson of “biological” blood.

Sengoku also knows … This execution of Ace.

Karp may be extremely uncomfortable inside.

But they are on the righteous side… After Ace became a pirate.

It must be the sworn rival of the Navy!

For this.

Sengoku soon ordered to go down and quickly send the navy to the advance city to support!

At least you can’t let the Advance City fail!

Advance the sixth level of the city into the infinite hell… It’s full of pirates from the old times!

If all are released.

Not good news for the headquarters of the Navy!

More of a nightmare!

But it’s good to have Magellan’s presence.

He exists in Advance City… Sengoku is actually very relieved.

“And how do I feel… This time on top of the war. ”

“It seems like something is going to happen that I can’t anticipate?”

Sengoku’s left eyebrow couldn’t help but jump, and he was a little irritable in his heart.

In the past.

His sixth sense is actually quite accurate.

Every time before encountering something big… In fact, he has signs of heart palpitations in his heart!


This time is a little different.

This is no longer a palpitation … This is panic!

“It’s just superstition.”

“As a marshal of the navy… How can one be superstitious! ”

Sengoku smiled bitterly, although he said so, he was still a little worried in his heart.

This kind of thing.

I can’t say for sure.

And he felt that it should not be the pressure brought by the Whitebeard Fleet of the Four Emperors of Pirates.


This time, all the combat power of the naval headquarters has been exhausted!

Facing the four emperors of the pirates, Whitebeard… No problem at all.

After all, Whitebeard is completely old, and his combat power is not as good as at his peak.

Want to deal with Whitebeard of such a period … It’s actually not very difficult.

Even if the two four emperors come this time… In fact, the headquarters of the Navy can barely deal with it!

This result.

If there really are two pirate four emperors coming to the naval headquarters.

Maybe the top combat power of the Navy … Somebody might have to die here!

“And Blackbeard this guy… I felt he was dangerous. ”

“He actually captured Ace… Then exchange the position of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai with the world government. ”


“Where’s Blackbeard now?”

“If he is currently considered His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas… How is he not at the headquarters of the Navy? ”

“You must know that now Qiwu Sea Eagle Eye, Xiong, Brother Ming and others are here.”

“Only Boyahan Cook is still on his way to the Gate of Justice.”

“But… Why doesn’t Blackbeard see people? ”

Sengoku suddenly thought of this, and he was a little unbelievable.

As His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

Such a big war event today.

Qi Wuhai must come to support!

It’s just that.

Blackbeard is gone!

In an instant.

Dense beads of sweat appeared on Sengoku’s forehead, and he quickly asked the navy under him.


He concluded.

Blackbeard’s current route… Seems to be heading to Advance City?

“What the hell does he want?”

“Now go over to advance the city?”

“What a joke!”

Sengoku was so angry that his eyes were about to spit fire, and he slammed the tabletop, which cracked in an instant.

When did Blackbeard … Bypass his line of sight and head to Advance City?

What’s going on with the world government?

Why let this kind of pirate become the king of the seven martial seas!

It’s just sick!

Rotten world government!

Otherwise, Blackbeard wants to enter Advance City… Simply impossible!

Because when you enter the Advance City, you can rely on the route on the other side of Justice Island!

Justice Island is completely controlled by the world government, and it is not at all that the headquarters of the Navy can manage!

“Hurry up and send the navy to Advance City to support!”

“Hurry up!”

“Hurry up and send out the lieutenant general!”

Warring States walked out of the office directly, the whole person was imposing, and began to command the three vice admirals of the navy headquarters, as well as a large number of navies, and hurriedly went to the advancing city!

As long as the three major combat forces of the Navy are here.

Naval hero Karp is here.

And he, the marshal of the admiral, stayed here … It will be impossible for the Whitebeard fleet to destroy the headquarters of the Navy!

Right now.

The key is to advance the city side… There was a big problem!

You must not let the criminals of the sixth layer of the Advance City run out!

Otherwise, it will be completely troublesome at that time!


Advance into the fourth level of the scorching hell of the city.

Ken felt an astonishing heat that kept wrapping around his body.

It’s just a pity.

His physique is now completely different.

For this heat.

Fully immune.

“Fourth-tier criminals… If you can. ”

“I’ll devour it a little.”

Ken squinted, inwardly calculating.

Criminals in the fourth level of prison.

It has reached 50 million to more than 100 million pirates.

If these criminals can devour it.

In fact, it can also make a lot of gains.

“It depends.”

“Right now I have to find four jailer beasts.”

“Kill these four jailer beasts first… Redeem Evolution Crystals. ”

Ken quickly shook his head, he can’t cause more profits to be lost because of the current small profits.

Able to evolve into the king of gluttony.

It must allow him to gain more.


“Find where the four jailer beasts are.”

Ken’s mind began to give orders to Charles, the king of wisdom.

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