After receiving Ken’s order, Charles, the Lord of Wisdom, began to search for the jailer beast in the fourth layer.


The King of Wisdom Char found four special biological breaths, and the vitality in the body was not at all comparable to ordinary people, and the breath was extremely surging!

“Young Lord Ken, Charles has found four jailer beasts for you, and they are in your southeast direction.”

“It’s just that they’re a little strange, they don’t move, they just stay where they are.”

Charles, the king of wisdom, couldn’t help but prompt.


Ken’s eyes became full of coldness, and his mouth said coldly.

“Although the jailer beasts may have been human beings… But it doesn’t matter. ”

“Those who want to kill the Devil Fruit ability… For this kind of tenacious animal ability, I can now kill it in an instant, destroying all the cells in my body. ”

“You must know the explosive power of the Thunder Fruit… Without thunder resistant antibodies, they simply cannot withstand it. ”

“I think when I fought against Anilu, I actually suffered a lot of losses.”

The voice fell.

Ken followed the instructions of Charles, the king of wisdom, and began to move forward.


In the fourth layer, some pirate criminals have learned to see and smell domineering, they feel the breath of nothing, and they are completely invisible to the naked eye, and they can’t help but be a little creepy and sweat.

“What’s going on?”

“I feel the breath!”

“Me too!”

This made the pirate criminals staying on the fourth layer a little unbelievable.

It cannot be seen with the naked eye.

And can only be detected by using the domineering power of seeing and smelling?

What is this?

This made the already extremely hot prison, and suddenly they felt like cold water was poured down.

I’ve never encountered such a weird thing.

“It seems that this group of criminals has discovered my breath.”

“Sure enough, stealth skills are not enough for today.”

“Although many pirates on the Great Voyage have not learned to see and smell domineering… However, the promotion city is different, where pirate criminals from all over the world gather on the fourth floor. ”

“The criminals of the fourth layer are all pirates with a bounty of more than 50 million, and even more than 100 million pirates have it, so there should be more than a few who learn to be domineering.”

Ken’s hearing was extremely sharp, and he heard the whispers of this group of criminals, and his eyes were a little helpless.

For this.

Avoid being discovered by the people of the advancing city here.

He stretched out his hand to touch the air, directly opened the alien space, and stepped into it on the spot.

In a different space.

No one under the sky can find him!


After he entered the alien space.

The criminals here were surprised again, and they couldn’t help but look at each other, their faces a little confused.

“I can’t feel this breath suddenly! What’s going on here? ”

“We’re not going to come across anything weird, are we?”

“Don’t talk nonsense… Say this kind of thing during the day! ”

“How do you know it’s daytime! It could be night now! ”

“You’re going to go up with me?”

“What? Are you not convinced? ”

Fortunately, Ken has entered the alien space, otherwise he couldn’t help but laugh when he heard the discussion of this group of criminals.

The fourth floor is considered to be the bottom floor of the city.

The invasion of the three layers of the Advance City in front of it… The criminals here haven’t been given any tips yet.


The criminals here are afraid that they have already been completely excited.

If they can escape from Advance City, this group of criminals will definitely choose to escape from prison!


Criminals of the fourth layer.

Ken wasn’t going to let it go at all.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat … The strength of the fourth-layer criminals is not very weak.

Devoured down.

I believe it can also be improved.

It’s just that.

At present, he first wants to kill the four jailer beasts.

First get the evolutionary crystal.


“Finally finding these four jailer beasts is really difficult for me to find.”

Ken is in a different space and can use his characteristics to see the scene outside directly from the perspective of the other space.


The four jailer beasts with different postures stayed in place with dull faces, seemingly unconscious, and could only wait for orders.

Now able to command the four Prison Beast’s advancing city personnel, Little Satie.

She is the warden of the Advance City Prison.

In normal times, he can order four jailer beasts, which can be said to be extremely powerful to advance the city personnel.

Even if the deputy warden Hannibal fights the enemy Sati, it is actually very difficult to fight.

The key is that these four jailer beasts are really difficult to fight, and their vitality is extremely tenacious.

Little Satty unites with four jailer beasts… It’s enough to beat Hannibal!

“Why don’t you see little Satie?”

Ken’s eyes scanned the surroundings, and he did not find the figure of little Sadie at all.

Only these four jailer beasts had dull eyes… It seems to be guarding outside the door.

“Could it be little Saty?”

“You can go in and take a look.”

With this thought in mind, Ken couldn’t help but move on.

Being in a different space.

The material that pushed into the city could not stop him at all.

Like walls… He can penetrate completely.


Ken’s figure collided with the four jailer beasts, and he penetrated the jailer beast’s body on the spot, without any obstruction at all.

The spatial dimensions are different.

He simply cannot meddle in the outside world.

Only he left the otherworld… In this way, you can touch things outside the world.

But it’s a good way to probe.

It’s just that the range of different space is only 100 meters.

Each time he reaches the end, he needs to leave the alien space, return to the outside world, and then re-enter the alien space, so that he can expand the distance.

Although somewhat troublesome.

But it’s the safest method.


Ken had already arrived at the house, his figure touching the wall, penetrating directly.


He had already seen the scene of the house inside, and the qi and blood in his body were rolling in, and his mood was high.

“Oh my God!”

Ken’s eyes widened sharply, some dry mouth, his nose seemed to be able to smell the smell of soap bubbles, it was logical that he was in a different space, it was impossible to smell the outside world, but the scene in front of him made up his brain.

A curly blonde beauty, her bangs cover her eyes, wearing white earrings in the shape of candles, slowly took off her pink tight leather jacket.


Little Satie, with her delicate body, entered the bathtub full of soap bubbles with light steps.

This kind of scene… Instantly stimulates all of Kean’s nerves!


Little Satie was actually taking a bath!

He was actually able to come in by such a coincidence?

“Don’t be rude!”

“I’m not a wretched person!”

“This time it’s not a voyeur!”

Ken’s face was a little dumbfounded, and he said it out of his mouth, but his eyes were still fixed on little Sadie’s delicate body, typical duplicity.

Wait a minute.

He’s not a satyr.

He is observing the opponent!

Maybe I’ll have to fight little Satdie later.

Now maybe you can find the weak points of little Satie!

So it seems… Suppose it’s normal, right?

Charles reminded Young Lord Ken.

“Your mood is running high, and something is not quite right.”

“This may affect the young master’s plan.”

“The Charles suggests you… Hurry up and don’t peep… Wrong. ”

“It’s better to get out of here quickly, otherwise the plan may change.”

Charles knows things in the outside world all the time, and when she saw that Ken seemed to be lying here and was unwilling to leave, she quickly prompted, her tone was actually full of humanity, and she was a little helpless.

The Charles almost said that.

This behavior… Please stop now!

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