“Huh… We have new faces on this floor. ”

“There are actually jailers coming to this level of prison?”

“It doesn’t matter… It’s not Magellan’s guy anyway. ”

“Yes, too… Ordinary jailers were quickly frozen to death here. ”

“Alas… I was almost overwhelmed, and all aspects of my body had begun to decline. ”

“I think I was extremely beautiful… I didn’t expect to fall into the advancing city, but I became this fallen look. ”

“Everyone is pretty much the same… You’re kind of late. ”

The criminals who survived on the fifth layer had their faces stained with ice slag, and they all trembled a little when they spoke.

For Ken and Charles, who suddenly appeared.

These criminals actually chose to fall silent, their faces were a little calm, and they didn’t want to ask about anything.

Those who can come to this extremely cold hell… Definitely not an ordinary jailer.

It is impossible for ordinary jailers to withstand this chill.

However, these criminals did not answer.

That doesn’t mean Ken chose to remain silent.

Ken had a smile on his face, but his tone was full of murderous intent.

“Dear criminal friends.”

“You are all pirates who belong to the multitude of billions of bounties?”

“Can you tell me?”

“I’d have killed you sooner——!

The voice fell.

“Kill us? Joke! ”

“You don’t know how many billions of pirates we are?”

“That is to say… You’re not a member of Advance City? ”

“Who are you?”

“You want to know my bounty? If you call Grandpa, Uncle Ben is in a good mood, maybe he can tell you! ”

“Hahahaha… You’re too bad! ”

All the criminals’ eyes sharpened, and finally sneered: “Who do you think you are? Magellan didn’t make it? Able to suppress our group of fifth-layer extremely cold hell criminals… That’s just Magellan! You think our layer of pirates… All are waste criminals in the upper four layers of prison? ”

These words.

After hearing these words, Ken’s face seriously considered.

Pirate criminals on this level… The bounty has completely exceeded 100 million.

It is definitely much stronger than the previous four layers of criminals.

Presumably, he was also an extremely famous pirate back then!

It was in the New World… It should also be beautiful!

It’s just a pity.

Now fall into the Advance City… Back then, the scenery was infinite, but now he is extremely downtrodden and has become a criminal waiting for death.

For this.

This fifth layer of prison criminals… Can be his dessert before meals.


He also wants to devour the criminals of the sixth level of infinite hell.

This cannot be an option to go down on an “empty stomach”.

It seems that the presence of desserts before meals is still needed!

And it can also be a little bit stronger… When it comes to contact Magellan.

You can crush Magellan even more!

As long as you control Magellan… He was like mastering the entire Advance City!

“I’m really looking forward to the moment when Magellan becomes my subordinate.”

“I have the skill of Soul Spell… Magellan would never betray me. ”

“So now I’m going to try to get stronger!”

Ken’s eyes were completely indifferent, he looked at all the criminals around him, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but sneer: “Everyone… I now give you a chance. ”

“Who can please me.”

“I’ll let you go!”

“Like killing a criminal!”


The voice fell.

The criminals who were still sneering before… Abruptly stopped.

The whole scene became extremely silent.

Now for these criminals.

What is most important?

Money? Power?

And strength?


None of this!

These criminals want most these days… Freely!

The only way to escape this advancing city… When you return to the outside world, you can be completely free!

Now the choice is ahead.

How to decide?

Although these criminals also suspected … The truth of Ken’s words.

It’s just that.


Don’t miss it!

“Boy… Are you sure! ”

A huge giant race criminal, his eyes full of longing, shouted in his mouth: “Are you sure you are not deceiving people? ”


The faces of the criminals around became not quite right.

This huge giant criminal… It can be regarded as a criminal with a relatively strong physique here!

If this guy is really seduced… These criminals must die here!

The criminals here have been trapped for a long time, and this extremely cold hell has been here.

They have completely lost the strength of their previous peak!

It’s really going to fight.

Bound to suffer!

“Of course I promise you.”

“If you believe me.”

“Please give it a try.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth, and he looked extremely gentle on the surface.

This made the huge Giant Race criminal a little nervous.

He looked at the criminal next to him and couldn’t help but mumble to himself.

“I want freedom from the outside world!”

“I don’t want to stay in Advance City any longer!”

“No one wants to stop me!”

The voice fell.

“Death ——!”

The criminals of the giant race suddenly attacked, relying on the most primitive huge brute force, and directly began to strike!

Over here.

The Devil Fruit Powers are of no use.

Because it must be bound here and handcuffed!

This is the biggest weakness!


“You’re crazy!”

“Don’t ——!”

The criminals who were attacked, he saw the attack of the criminals of the giant race, and he was immediately frightened into the six gods and masters.

Look closely.

This criminal is actually a Devil Fruit powerhouse!

He had handcuffs tied to Hailou Stone!

Completely difficult to move!

“Go and die, you!”

“I have long looked down on a demon fruit ability like you.”

“The physique is simply weak into slag!”

The giant criminal of the giant race suddenly bombarded the past, instantly smashing to death this criminal with the ability of the Devil Fruit.

In an instant.


“Your Devil Fruit ability is too weak!”

“Can’t use strange abilities.”

“Is the strength actually at this level!”

The laughter of the giants spread out, and the tone was full of pride.

This made the remaining criminals look a little frightened.

Criminals began to kill criminals?

Can you really be won by this unknown kid?


“I have done what you asked… Kill criminals. ”

“Do you want to let me out now?”

“Do you dare!”

The giant tribe criminal narrowed his eyes, not to look at his size, but in fact, his mind was also very thoughtful, wanting to find out how Ken was going to decide.

“Let you out?”

“Why don’t you dare?”

“On the contrary … I still don’t think you dare to come out! ”

With a smile on his face, Ken directly stretched out his palm and gently touched the prison.

In an instant.

Door Fruit Ability Mobilized!

“Space compression!”

“Burst ——!”

The entire extremely strong prison gate was instantly shattered.

“How dare you?!”

The Giant Clan criminal was immediately frightened by such an action.

He uses his brute force to destroy the gates of prison.

Actually destroyed so easily?

He…… Do you want to go out?

This kid wasn’t afraid of him at all!

Could it be that the strength is unfathomable?

If only after he came out.

What should I do if I am directly killed by this kid?

“Why are you hiding inside?”

“Why didn’t you come out?”

Ken’s pupils shimmered faintly, and there was a wistful smile on the corner of his mouth: “Don’t worry… I won’t kill you. ”

The voice fell.

“Boom ——!”

A wistful killing intent momentum swept away in an instant!

Goosebumps came up all over the Giant criminal.

This kid!

Definitely problematic!

Can’t be trusted easily!

If you don’t get it right… He must die here, too!

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