Ken looked at the vigilant Giant Race criminal, and his face became a little helpless.


His killing intent did not converge.

Otherwise, the character of the criminals of the Giant Race … He must have proudly escaped from prison.

For this.

Ken’s eyes were calm, and his mouth was faint.

“If you don’t come out.”

“I specially invited you out!”

The voice fell.

Ken did not hesitate at all, stepped directly into this special prison, raised his head to look at the giant race criminal, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

“I’ll ask you to leave now.”

“If you don’t leave.”

“At your own risk.”

The material in this prison is extremely special.

It is simply impossible to rely on brute force to break through.


When the giant tribe criminal saw Ken come in so arrogantly, his face was a little angry.

Ken’s size… Now in the eyes of the criminals of the Giant Race.

It’s like the body of an ant.

It’s like a creature that can be crushed to death by lifting its feet!

It’s just that.

The criminals of the giant race actually did not dare to start… He felt a little trembling in his heart and felt extremely panicked.


He was arrogant and did not put anyone in his eyes, and he committed a big incident later, and was directly wanted by the world government, resulting in a successful arrest by the navy headquarters.

He is now being held in the fifth level of the Extreme Cold Hell.

The criminals of the Giant Race rely on their strong flesh… Barely able to withstand the extreme cold here.

He is a criminal with a relatively strong physique.

It’s really going to fight… In terms of physique, he felt that he could completely beat the criminals here.

He can live a long time.

That’s why he despises criminals on this level.


He saw too many criminals… Can’t stand the extremely cold air.

Eventually dies.

And…… Some new criminals.

Dare to provoke Magellan, the warden of the Advancing City here!

Magellan has the power to kill any criminal in Advance City!

For this.

Magellan once killed disobedient criminals!

Fifth layer criminals… Many have died in Magellan’s venom!


This unknown brat.

The identity is not clear to him.

Most likely, it is not the Advance City personnel!

This unknown brat came here… What exactly is the goal?

“Am I leaving?”

“Nope… I don’t think I can jailbreak! ”

“Magellan is in the sixth level of prison below.”

“He is likely to find out about the movement here now, maybe come up here.”

“If I just left on the front foot and Magellan came up on the back foot and found me out of jail.”

“I’m completely dead in Magellan’s venom!”

“I can’t beat Magellan, this horrible guy.”

The giant tribe criminal is crazy about his brain, he feels that if he leaves this prison, he will definitely not survive.


This unknown boy, he felt extremely dangerous.


Magellan, who really scared him… He is definitely not willing to face it!

For this.

The giant tribe criminal shrunk in the corner, his tone a little proud.

“You let me leave and I’ll leave?”

“Wouldn’t I be very faceless like this?”

“I don’t want to leave now, I don’t want to break out of jail!”

“You hurry up and get out!”

“Be careful what I do to you.”

The voice fell.


“You don’t want to leave?”

“Then what did you kill criminals for?”

“Are you sick?”

“Play me?”

Ken’s face was a little surprised, and his expression was a little displeased.

This criminal is so arrogant?

It seems that a lesson must be learned.


“You go and slaughter him.”

Ken’s eyes were cold, and he gave the order on the spot!

In an instant.

Charles’s figure darkened, and instantly rushed to the criminals of the giant race, whispering in his mouth: “Fragrant feet——! ”


“Dare to look down on me?”

“If you go in person… I may still be afraid of you! ”

“As a result, you only let women on?”

“I really look down on you!”

When the giant tribe criminal saw Charles’s attack, he was a little panicked, and shouted in his mouth: “Look down on me less, women also want to hurt me?” ”

The voice fell.

The Giant Race criminal suddenly threw a punch in an attempt to kill Charles!

Watching the giant fist blast over, Charles’s face did not change, and the armed color domineering spread, and she kicked it reflexively.

Between the two touches.

“Knock ——!”

Make a shocking noise!

“This woman… How is it such a terrifying power? ”

“I can’t beat it?”

The face of the giant race criminal changed suddenly, and he felt that Charles’s amazing power could not be resisted at all!


Something that shocked the Giants criminals happened.

The petrification effect began to spread on his fist, and he couldn’t feel the presence of his arm at all.


Suddenly, the petrified arm began to shatter!


The giant tribe criminal shuddered, what is going on with this woman, what a strange ability!


Ken was a little surprised to find that Charles’ physical strength was so terrifying.

I thought that Charles could only copy moves.

But it looks like this.

Can you actually copy the physique?

This physique should be a copy of his current slime physique effect.

Other words…… The stronger he is.

The stronger the Shire!

“That’s interesting.”

Ken didn’t mind Charles replicating his physique.

Of course.

If Charles can copy the physique of the Four Emperors Kaido.

This is the real little invincible!

Although his physique is not weak anymore… But it has to be compared with the Four Emperors Kaido.

At present, it is still much inferior.


If only I gave him some time… Just swallow the criminals of the sixth layer of infinite hell.

His physique at that time… A leap in quality is a must!

“Damn it!”

“What are you two!”

The giant tribe criminal covered his stump arm, his face frightened and fell to the ground, not daring to continue the attack.

And that’s just the woman of an unknown brat… It’s so strong.

If only I really let this kid do it.

Wouldn’t it make him lie on the ground and turn into a cold corpse in an instant?

“If you come out early and break from prison.”

“I won’t torture you like that either.”

“It’s pathetic.”

“But you’re still dead here.”

“You seem to have a bit of brute force… I can devour you.” ”

Ken couldn’t help but stick out his tongue and lick his lower lips slightly, which was extremely weird.

It was as if he had killed the Giant Race criminals as food.


He rushed directly, raised his arm, and slammed it!


“I’ll die here!”

“Die in battle too!”

The giant tribe criminal lifted up his courage, raised his last arm, and backhanded to bombard the past in an attempt to fight!


All of Ken’s power was released, instantly shattering the arms of the giants.

The sky was full of scarlet pieces of flesh, scattering tiny pieces of blood.

It has to be said.

This scene is really disgusting.


Ken’s strength did not weaken in the slightest, and continued to attack forward, his fist bombarded the huge body of the giant tribe criminal, and it was instantly shattered!

“Your power.”

“Too weak!”

“It’s not worth mentioning!”

Ken did not use any ability at all, relying on physical strength, and slammed this giant tribe criminal to death.


“You go and petrify all the criminals around you.”

Ken looked at the corpse in front of him and began to instruct Charles to clean up the criminals around, he turned into a prototype slime form on the spot, and directly used the king of gluttony to devour it all!

In an instant.

The prompt appears.

“Physique strengthened.”

“Strength strengthened.”

“Speed increased.”

“Defense strengthening.”

“Acquire talent – giantization – can turn into a ten-meter-tall giant body on the spot!”

“Get life force – nine months!”

“Gain soul power – thirteen strings!”

Ken was a little surprised.

Actually plundered the talent of the giant race.

But even if it is a dispensable talent.

Just the most overly surprised thing… It’s soul power!

His soul felt slightly more stable, and it was transforming into an existence with a copper wall and iron wall!

So it looks… Ordinary people are a string of souls.

Like the giants, criminals were powerful when they were alive… Willpower is naturally not weak.

In this way, it seems that the soul of the criminals of the giant race before their death… It is like the sum of the souls of thirteen ordinary people.

It should be considered a good level.

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