After Ken devoured the Giants criminals.

He began to turn his head sideways to check the results of Charles, the king of wisdom.

Due to the extreme cold here, the hell criminals have suffered for too long.

Stamina has completely declined… The strength of criminals cannot be brought into play.

This leads to the scene… The criminals were completely slaughtered by Charles!

The point is.

The Shire successfully replicates Hancock’s Sweet Fruit move.

Forced petrochemical effect.

It’s so disgusting!

Those who are currently able to lift the petrochemical effect… Only Han Cook can!

The Shire simply copied the moves… Capabilities are not copied


There are no rivers of blood.

Only rubble all over the ground … There are even human facial features on top of the rubble.

Before death.

All were terrified.

It didn’t seem to have occurred to … They survived for so long.

As a result, he died so unwillingly!

“The King of Gluttony——!

“Devouring ——!”

Ken manipulated the original slime form, surging past in an instant, devouring it without hesitation.

Now it must become stronger.

Otherwise, meet Magellan… and criminals in the sixth level of infinite hell.

Maybe it’s a bit difficult.

But don’t worry too much… The stronger the criminal, the more.

The King of Wisdom, Charles, can also be even stronger!

After all, Charles can copy the ability moves of the strong!

Even because Charles belongs to superconscious conductors… Has an amazing mind.

Charles can find weaknesses in moves and correct them to make them even more powerful!

“Young Lord.”

“I’ve solved all the enemies.”

Charles, the Lord of Wisdom, returned to Ken with a respectful tone.

It’s just that Charles’s face is a little sad.

This time hands-on… This group of criminals is difficult to resist.

This also makes it impossible for her to replicate the enemy’s abilities.

What a shame.

It seems that this group of criminals has been tortured by the extreme cold for too long… Strength is not impossible to exert.

The Devil Fruit ability could not be unleashed.

This also leads to the fact that Charles can be slaughtered!

“Charles, you’re doing well now.”

“This fifth-layer Devil Fruit Ability… How many are there currently? ”

Ken couldn’t help but admire Charles, and he looked at the corpse on the ground with some doubt.

For this.

He believed Charles should be clear.

“There are fewer and fewer criminals in this layer.”

“There are only two Devil Fruit Abilities at the moment.”

“One is the unknown criminal ability killed by the criminals of the Giant Race before.”

“There is also a criminal capable … Before I could do anything, he had already killed himself in place, which was really timid. ”

Charles prayed truthfully and replied on the spot.

This made Ken a little worried.

He actually had enough Devil Fruit abilities now.

If you absorb these two unknown Devil Fruit abilities… It doesn’t seem to be of much use.


The system seems to need a lot of devil fruits.

Ten are already needed this time.

How many will I need next time?

He has to save some… Otherwise, really look for the devil fruit.

It’s really getting harder.

He currently has three Devil Fruits in his hands.

There are also two dead Devil Fruit powerhouses here… It can be preserved by drawing Devil Fruit energy.

Other words.

There are currently a total of five Devil Fruit energies.

“Let’s save it first.”

“After all, the rogue Devil Fruit ability.”

“I’m kind of clear.”

“These two Devil Fruit Abilities should not be counted.”

“Even if it’s… I have saved this Devil Fruit energy. ”

“It can’t come back together anymore… Then turn into a brand new devil fruit. ”

“Once absorbed by the system… It means that this devil fruit has completely disappeared! ”

“Won’t be in the world again!”

Ken was thoughtful and thoughtful, thinking carefully about the difficulties.


He has already decided to come down.

There is no need to absorb the Devil Fruit ability for the time being.

To know… He now has the last skill [Food Chain]

If the subordinates are stronger.

The stronger he can be!

Moreover, he can also forcibly possess the abilities of his subordinates and use them directly.

This way you don’t have to worry about having too many abilities… As a result, he sometimes can’t play and has no use.


Ken came to the two Devil Fruit Abilities, he stretched out his palm to absorb the Devil Fruit energy, and carefully began to preserve it.

This is how to face the next task.

He can do it quickly!

There’s no need to run around all day to find the Devil Fruit!

Like this time, you can quickly get ten devil fruits.

Or go to kidnap Draco and blackmail the world government into paying the ransom.

“Now I still have the sixth layer of infinite hell to go.”

“It’s just that there is still a place to advance the city… I haven’t been! ”

“Over there is the rookie shemale paradise!”

And the leader is Ivankov, and the secret identity is actually a revolutionary cadre, which is also considered Monchi · D. Long’s friend. ”

Ken’s face was a little puzzled, he was considering whether to go to the newcomer shemale paradise here.

Let’s be honest.

He didn’t feel the need.

There are no strong people in the rookie shemale paradise.

Only the stronger ones.

It’s Ambrio Ivankov and Inazuma.

“I’ll go to advance the sixth level of the Infinite Hell of the City first.”

“Hurry up and subdue Warden Magellan first.”

“Then let him clean up these criminals in the rookie shemale paradise.”

With this thought, Ken began to clean up the corpses of the criminals present, devoured them all, and instantly turned into a source of strength!


Various tips come out.

He gained a lot.

These pirate criminals with a bounty of more than 100 million.

I was really not weak when I was alive.

It’s just a pity.

Staying in Advance City for too long… Completely weakened!

However, the sixth level of infinite hell is different.

There is no torturous environment here.

Only Warden Magellan stood alone!

I thought that the ability was extremely special.

If you get completely desperate… No criminal present can withstand Magellan’s terrifying scarlet toxin!

If it weren’t for the fact that this time he was a gluttonous king with skills… These toxins can be addressed.

Ken really didn’t want to face Magellan.

If you are not careful.

He is bound to die!


The sixth level of infinite hell.

Magellan slowly opened his eyes, revealing deep purple eyes, he held a phone bug in his hand, and he had discussed with Sengoku Lian before.


Magellan’s eyes were a little cold, and he couldn’t help but mumble in his mouth

“Advance City was actually invaded?”

“Didn’t Hannibal stop him?”

“But this time the intruder is actually Straw Hat Luffy?”

“It’s a bit daring!”

“Even on the way, there is now His Majesty the Seven Wuhai Blackbeard?”

“Blackbeard also wants to invade Advance City?”

“I don’t know how it happened, though.”

“But the Marshal of the Warring States has already ordered me… No matter which intruder you face. ”

“If I could… Try to kill as much as possible! ”

“Then I will be respectful and obey!”

The voice fell.

Magellan’s whole body began to emprout thick dark purple venom, and the killing intent began to bloom uncontrollably.

It is necessary to protect the sixth layer of infinite hell!

This layer of criminals must not be allowed to escape from prison!

Not really.

He made a killing move!

Completely kill the criminals of the sixth level of infinite hell here! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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