Ken took the letter in his hand and silently left the Navy headquarters.

He returned home, packed the necessary items, and then directly packed his luggage and hurried to the coastal pier.

At the dock dock, a huge warship was already stationed.

This is the moment.

There is a navy escort to the fallen pirates, directly detained on the warship to avoid the pirates escape.

This is to be transported to the criminals in the advancing city.

After all, the headquarters of the navy is only a transfer point, and the place where the pirates are detained cannot always be detained in the headquarters of the navy.

Of course, it can continue to detain pirates in the main department.

In fact, that is a death row prisoner!

Just pirates who can be executed in the main ministry … Presumably the name is not low.

For this.

It has been a long time since I met a pirate who can be executed at the headquarters of the Navy.

“Is that the warship?”

Ken watched this scene from a distance, and couldn’t help but run over and come to the bottom of the warship.

At this time.

When a middle-aged naval man saw Ken, he couldn’t help but greet him and whispered.

“You’re Ken, right?”

“Marshal of the Warring States and General Yellow Ape put me in charge of your trip this time.”

“I hope you don’t have an opinion.”

Ken nodded and hurriedly gestured.

“It’s up to you.”

“I don’t have any opinion.”

He naturally had no opinion.

Anyway, after arriving in Advance City, this person is estimated to be unable to control him.

“Okay then.”

“Our naval headquarters is about five days away from the journey to the city.”

“So for these five days, I am responsible for your usual life, and you can tell me if you have needs.”

“But after arriving in Advance City, the future life will have to be decided by yourself.”

“This is what General Yellow Ape told me personally.”

Hearing this, the middle-aged navy man spoke again: “Now wait for the navy at the helm to drive.” ”

Ken followed the middle-aged naval man and stepped directly onto the warship.


Some ordinary navies couldn’t help but look sideways at Ken.

Ken is not wearing navy clothes, so it is normal to have such an attentive gaze.

Many people don’t know Ken.

However, the middle-aged naval man was one of the leaders of this escort of pirate criminals.

I believe that the identity of those who can come up to the warship is definitely not ordinary.

For this.

Although the ordinary navy was curious, it did not come up to inquire.


The warship began to move and quickly left the coastal pier.

Less than a moment.

It has completely left the area of the headquarters of the Navy.

“My plan.”

“It’s about to start.”

Ken came to the deck of the warship and stared at the wide blue sea, a little pleased.

It was his first time away from Marin Fandor.

Before turning into an electrodonated eel and leaving the naval headquarters, it is not very formal, and it is even a sneaky method.

This time it was an honest approach.

With the help of the yellow ape, he successfully boarded the warship.

He wants to take advantage of this hard-won opportunity to make himself stronger!

“Great Sage.”

“How long until the parsing is finished?”

Ken was so idle that he couldn’t help but ask the Great Sage again.

“Forty minutes to go.”

The Great Sage answered directly.

“Huh? Great Sage, did you say something wrong? ”

Ken was a little surprised, how can the analysis time become so much less?


The Great Sage naturally did not make mistakes, and quickly replied.

“I have completely erased this sea king’s consciousness instinct.”

“Now it’s just a simple analysis.”

“So the time has been reduced a lot.”

“I suggest that the creatures that are devoured in the future must be killed, and then devoured, otherwise the analysis time becomes long, I believe you are not willing.”

When Ken heard this, his face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

If he listens to the methods of the Great Sage.

It is estimated that it has already been analyzed.

It’s just that…… That method is too obscene.

I can’t bear to look at it directly!


“In the future, I will try to kill the creatures, and then let you devour the analysis.”

Still, Ken listened to the advice of the Great Sage.

The starting point of the good sage is also good.

The existence of the Great Sage is to fully assist him to become stronger.

Coupled with a special skill – Predator.

Want to be stronger.

It’s just a matter of time.


Forty minutes soon passed.

The moment the analysis was successful, the Great Sage had already spoken out to remind him.

“Parsing complete!”

“Gain Skills – Victory Monsters!”

“Gain the skill – Blaster Ink!”

“Get Mimicry – Troll Octopus!”

“Gain patience – underwater immunity!”

Ken listened silently to the words.

However, after devouring the giant octopus, the increase obtained is also extremely terrifying.

He raised his arm a little harder, and the green tendons spread out, the muscles became extremely strong, and his clothes were about to be stretched open.

The surging power in the body surged madly.

Think about it.

How powerful is the 100-meter troll octopus?

It is easy to roll up a huge warship with tentacles and can be smashed fiercely!

This is the moment.

The same can be done with Ken!

This terrifying power, he also successfully inherited!

If he had this idea, he could destroy the warship anytime and anywhere!

Of course…… This kind of thinking is unnecessary.

He still has to rely on warships to advance the city!

“But this time I got two skills.”

“The power of victory must be the power of the troll octopus.”

“This jet ink… Could it be that I spit out ink? ”

“As for the patience of this underwater immunity, it seems that I can completely survive under the ocean in the future, even in the deepest ocean, it is estimated that I can do it!”

Ken embraced the results.

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