The first day of the trip was boring and there were no special things.

This is also true.

The sea is so wide that when it comes to traveling, no matter who you go, it will be boring.

“I really want to try new skills.”

Ken has some itchy hands and wants to find a place to test the skills of the troll octopus.

It’s just a pity.

All around is ordinary navy.

Those ordinary navies did not dare to talk to Ken.

Ken will not pull down his neck to ask this group of ordinary navies.

It is estimated that this group of ordinary navies also has little power.

Asking is also useless.

“Is there no pirate ship?”

“Let me test it a little!”

Ken muttered in his mouth.

But what a coincidence.

How is it possible to make it happen!


There was a shout from the warship.

“All assembled!”

“There are enemies!”


The navies hurried to the deck of the ship, lined up, and waited for orders.

Ken was a little puzzled, and couldn’t help staring at this scene, feeling a little strange in his heart.

“What’s going on?”

The next moment.

The middle-aged navy who received Ken before came here with heavy steps, and he coughed in his mouth, and he couldn’t help but speak.

“Seven hundred meters ahead of us, five pirate ships were found.”

“After careful investigation.”

“I’ve already concluded that this is the Bloodblade Pirates.”

“The time has come when I need you now.”

“Who’s going to strike?”

“You can stand up now!”

“Those who catch the pirates can get a contribution!”

The voice fell.

When those navies heard this, they couldn’t help but discuss quietly.

It goes without saying that you met a pirate.

That must be arrested!

Plus their warship, but escort the criminals to the advance city.

If you can still catch this group of pirates, you must also save trouble.

For this.

Already some navies have begun to assemble, equip themselves with weapons, and wait for the instructions of the middle-aged navy.

Only Ken next to him was dumbfounded.

“Didn’t I hear you wrong?”

“Pirate ship?”

“Or five pirate ships?”

He just said casual words.

Is it really a dream come true?

Ken couldn’t help but raise his head and look at the sky.


You are so nice!


Ken stepped up to the middle-aged navy.

At this time, the middle-aged navy also found Ken, and he was a little puzzled and couldn’t help asking.

“Ken, are you looking for me?”

Ken couldn’t help but nod, a smile on the corner of his mouth.

“This operation to arrest pirates.”

“Can you take me with you?”

“I want to shoot too!”

When the middle-aged naval man heard this, his eyes were a little surprised, and he whispered: “Are you sure?” ”

For this arrest.

It’s actually quite simple.

Because the strength of the Blood Blade Pirate Group is not very high.

The captain’s bounty is nothing more than 55 million pirates.

Although it is already a good level on the Great Voyage.

But it’s still far from qualified!

This is not the new world.

Therefore, more than 100 million pirates are basically rare.

Ken had a calm expression and said out loud.

“I won’t hold back, please rest assured.”

“If my performance doesn’t satisfy you, you can always make me stop.”

After the middle-aged naval man thought about it, he decided.

“You can shoot.”

“But if something special arises, I want you to listen to my command.”


Ken naturally had no opinion, bowed his head slightly, and agreed.


He looked over, and sure enough, he found the silhouette shadows of five pirate ships not far away.

The pirate flag has a miserable white skull, and the scarlet blade next to it is directly inserted into the skull’s eye socket, showing a tragic appearance.

This looks a little gloomy.

At this time.

The middle-aged navy man also instructed the navy under him, and he came to Ken’s side and asked.

“Are you a Devil Fruit powerhouse?”

Ken didn’t deny it, and couldn’t help but answer.


“I am Devil Fruit-Animal Ability.”

The middle-aged naval man had an expression of realization on his face.

No wonder Ken wanted to make a move, it turned out to be the capable.

Know that the Devil Fruit helps tremendously.

Even after ordinary people eat it, they can have good strength.

The prerequisite is to master the Devil Fruit ability.

For this.

In the eyes of the middle-aged naval man, Ken’s strength at this moment is already much stronger than most of the navies on warships.

As for why it is most of the navy, it is naturally also particular.

You must know that the Navy also has physical moves.

One of the more famous physical techniques is called “Six Styles”.

As long as you can master a few of these moves, you can fight with those with Devil Fruit abilities, and even win!

However, it is not so simple to learn the six styles.

Only hard workers can learn it with daily effort.

The navy that learns the six-style can also be called the elite navy, and its future achievements are naturally more promising than ordinary navies.

Like a middle-aged naval man, in the navy headquarters, he belongs to the rear admiral stage and has a good strength.

The six styles of this physical technique have all been learned, and even the color of seeing and hearing and the color of armament have been successfully mastered.

Although there is no blessing of the devil fruit.

However, he has also arrested many pirates, among whom they do not have the ability of Devil Fruit.

The middle-aged naval man was a little interested, and couldn’t help but ask: “Excuse me… What creatures do you belong to? ”

When Ken heard this, a smile appeared on his lips.

“Animal line – slime fruit!”

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