Ken walked to the door of Hannibal’s office, pushed it open and walked in.

“Who, who!”

“Why don’t you knock!”

“So bold!”

Hannibal looked at the latest beautiful book with interest, which recorded a disheveled woman, but Ken suddenly opened the door and came in, frightening him to quickly stuff the book into the cabinet.

Ken had good eyesight, and naturally saw this scene, his face was a little strange, he really did not expect Hannibal to be so bold, to watch indecent books like this in broad daylight.

“You… Who are you? ”

After Hannibal hid the book, he found that he had no impression of Kenan’s appearance, and thought that it was an enemy who suddenly broke in.

He couldn’t help but pick up the iron long trident that was exclusive to him, and his tone was a little cold: “Who let you in?” Do you dare to break into the office of Deputy Warden? I have the power to execute you!” ”

Finish speaking.

Hannibal kicked away the table and chair in front of him, and the trident in his hand instantly pierced.

It’s not okay to be seen with a little secret!

He was definitely going to beat this bastard to amnesia!

“Current Manipulation ——!”

Ken looked at Hannibal, who suddenly attacked, and he couldn’t help frowning, and his mouth said: “I’m not a pirate, if you attack me, I’m going to fight back.” ”

In an instant.


The brilliant blue-blue lightning thunder surged directly, surrounding Ken’s body, as if defending against a power grid, forcibly protecting Ken!

Hannibal hurriedly retreated, naturally did not dare to storm the past, his eyes looked at this scene in amazement, and his mouth was puzzled: “You are not a pirate?” ”


The other party is actually not a pirate, so how can he use the power of the deputy warden to directly beat this person?

And he peeked at this kind of indecent books, and he was actually seen by this young boy, and he felt that it was over!

If it is said.

What a system of fame he has!

As a deputy warden, I actually watch this kind of thing!

Corrupt customs!

“This is a letter that can prove my identity.”

“Presumably, the Marshal of the Warring States and the Yellow Ape General have already told Warden Magellan, but I don’t know if I told you.”

“And I heard that Warden Magellan can’t follow people due to physical reasons, so I can only come to you, and whoever knows you will come and attack me.”

Ken took out the envelope in his arms and threw it to Hannibal, and the last sentence condemned Hannibal for his indiscriminate actions.

When Hannibal heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

But he still took the letter, opened it directly, and looked at the contents.


“Oh my God.”

“This young boy identity… Is it actually so fierce? ”

When Hannibal saw the contents of the letter, his face was really helpless.

It’s good that it didn’t hurt this Ken.

Otherwise, maybe the yellow ape will have to find him to settle the account at that time!

He is an ordinary deputy warden.

Can’t afford to mess with the admiral.

But Ken surprised Hannibal.

When the attack was just over, the thunder and lightning inside Ken’s body spread out, making him a little flustered and did not dare to storm the past.

After all, when encountering thunder and lightning, the first reaction is naturally to want to retreat, and it is irresistible!

Hannibal also knows the current situation, and as a deputy warden, it is still clear when he should be serious.


He coughed in his mouth and couldn’t help but say.

“You want to spend a month in Advance City, right?”

“I have also understood this matter, naturally there is no problem.”

“Warden Magellan’s health may not be able to see you, so I will take over.”

“Now I’ll arrange your identity.”

“That domino guy has been busy lately, so you will help her guard the pirate criminals on the LV1 to LV3 floors.”

“Depending on the situation, if you are doing well, you can even go to the LV4 floor guard.”

“As for the number of LV5 floors, you can’t enter because you are a temporary worker, please understand this.”

Hannibal also conceals the LV6 layer here, mainly because the LV6 layer is too terrifying for criminals.

When he usually goes to the LV6 floor, he feels uncomfortable.

Every pirate criminal in it… All more powerful than him!

Of course, the reason for concealment.

Hannibal was also worried about Ken’s safety.

This is the yellow ape’s biological nephew, if he is wronged, he will go back when the time comes… What to do if I complain about him?

And the outside media are only clear about the Deep Sea Great Prison, the Advance City has only five floors.

The sixth layer is rarely clear.

It’s just too special to be exposed.

There are also LV6 criminals who have escaped before, that is, the sea thief Golden Lion Shiji.

This also led to a lot of media publicity, which made many places panic at the time.

It’s just that it was forcibly pressed down by the Navy headquarters and the world government.

After a long time.

Very few people remember.

“I naturally have no problem.”

“As for what just happened.”

“I didn’t see anything.”

“And Deputy Warden Hannibal is really a talent, and his promotion to the post of warden in the future is just around the corner.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth, and he couldn’t help but speak.

In response to Hannibal’s desire to become a warden, he secretly made a good relationship, so that it might be much easier to use it in the future.

And at that time, he will have to enter the number of floors below LV4, and if he does not plan to go down secretly, he can only start with Hannibal.

This guy is a deputy warden, and his power is only less than that of Magellan.

Sure enough, these words were spoken.

“Good, good, good!”

“I love to hear this!”

Hannibal, who originally had some small resentment towards Ken, suddenly became furious.

The things that were seen in indecent books before have long been forgotten.

This kid!

What a sensible!

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