Hannibal quickly arranged Ken’s identity and informed the people of the Advance City, telling them Ken’s identity to prevent them from attacking Ken.

In this way, Ken can then be active in the first or even third prison.

The fourth layer Hannibal did not advise Ken to go down.

Because the caretakers below … A little stupid, bad brain, not very good to communicate.

It is those four jailer beasts, with the degree of fruit awakening, they are simply sandbags to resist, and they can be easily suppressed against the noisy pirates on the fourth layer.

and Little Satty Jailer, who specializes in managing the fourth level of the prison, and by the way, can command four jailer beasts.

As for the fifth floor, Hannibal is in charge.

The sixth floor is guarded by Magellan, and due to physical reasons, he stays on the sixth floor for a long time, and it is not easy to move on other floors.

In this way, the division of labor is still extremely clear.

“This is your identification card.”

“You’re going to take it.”

“Because you’re a temporary worker.”

“A lot of people don’t know you.”

“If there are people in the city who will do something to you at that time, you can prove it by showing it.”

Hannibal handed Ken an identity tag.

Ken reached out and took it, finding a sign with his photo hanging on it, along with an explanation of his identity.

See this scene.

He couldn’t help but hang around his neck to avoid losing it.


“You can go down to the first basement floor now and familiarize yourself with the route a little.”

“The first basement floor holds the most pirates, but these pirates are very weak, I believe you can suppress them.”

“If there is something that can’t, you can ask me for advice then.”

Hannibal had a little smile on his face, and he still had a good impression of this kind of familiar young man.

Ken bowed his head slightly, and couldn’t help but speak.

“Then I will retire for the time being, and I will not disturb Deputy Warden Hannibal.”

Finish speaking.

He turned and left the office and walked straight down the stairs.

“He’s finally gone.”

“Keep looking, keep looking!”

“It’s hard to get off work, you don’t have to supervise the fifth floor, you have to seize the opportunity!”

“Gee… That’s a big deal! ”

Hannibal quickly took out the beautiful books in the cabinet, his eyes were dull, and he found hehe laughter from time to time.


Just after coming down the stairs.

Ken found that the prison range of this first level was really large, and there was a jungle in the distance, which was extremely luxuriant.

Just these jungles … Too sharp.

If ordinary people enter the jungle… It is estimated that it will be difficult to survive.

The first level is also known as the Red Lotus Hell.

The crimes of the prisoners in this layer are less serious, so through the baptism link, the pirates who did not die had to be tortured here.

There is a large area outside the cell that looks like a forest, the tree is a “sword tree” with leaves as sharp as a blade, the grass is a “needle grass” that can pierce the human body like a needle, and the prisoner will run back and forth because of the pursuit of poisonous spiders and jailers, and finally be tortured by the blood cut by these leaves and grass.


“It hurts…”


“Damn the navy …”

Ken heard screams from the jungle not far away, and immediately knew that the torture was being carried out there.

As a pirate, it fell into this fate.

I really deserve it!

He also didn’t want to go over and watch the tortured pirates.

Die and die, it’s not a good product anyway!

For this.

He stepped into the first level of the prison where the pirates were kept.

There are cells made of hard material.

Ordinary pirates simply cannot escape.

If you escape… Discovered.

The jailer has the right to kill on the spot!


“How hard it is to become One Piece.”

“Now that the strength of the four emperors is almost the same, monopolizing most of the territory of the new world, the new pirates will not be able to compete for the four emperors.”

“Just like that, you still want to be One Piece?”

“Then you have to defeat the Four Emperors first!”

“The key is that I haven’t defeated one until now, and it’s just ridiculous to become One Piece.”

“It’s really stupid!”

Ken’s eyes were cold, and he whispered in his mouth.

He entered the prison and found that there was a grim-faced pirate in the cell, and the screams from outside had made these pirates panic, afraid that he would be next.


There are still some lively pirates, with hideous faces and seem not too afraid of things.

When they saw Kenan’s face was a little rusty, they all thought that Ken was a new jailer, and they couldn’t help but ridicule.

“What’s going on in Advance City?”

“Are you so bad that you need young people to support you?”

“What a laughing death!”

Ken suddenly stopped walking, stared at the bald pirate with indifferent eyes, and asked in his mouth.

“Excuse me.”

“What’s your name?”

“How much is the bounty?”

These words fell.

The pirates who were imprisoned around all burst out laughing.


“This kid… No, it’s so funny! ”

“It’s really young, actually looking for this kind of person to be a jailer, it’s really getting worse and worse to advance into the city!”

When the bald pirate man heard Ken’s question, the corners of his mouth turned up, and he couldn’t help but say sinisterly.

“Come here.”

“I’ll tell you.”

Ken stepped forward.

The bald pirate man quickly spat out his spit, wanting to spray it on Ken’s face.

As a result, Ken reacted quickly, swayed his body slightly, and easily dodged.


“I didn’t vomit.”

“Now Uncle Ben tells you!”

“Lao Tzu’s name is Hilton!”

“It’s a pirate in the West Sea, with a bounty of seven million!”

“If it weren’t for Uncle Ben being accidentally caught by the navy back then, it is estimated that the bounty would have been tens of millions by now!”

When Hilton saw Ken retreat, he couldn’t help but clasp his hands to his chest, his face full of disdain.


“I probably already know it.”

“Then you just… Lie down here a little! ”

“Because it’s your disrespect to me.”

A cruel smile appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth.

In an instant.


He came to the cell of Hilton, with a hard iron fence in front of him, and he kicked the fence of this cell and stepped into it strongly!

This terrifying strange force appears.

The cell fence was kicked off in an instant.

“What… What the! ”

Hilton was startled, this is a hard fence that he can’t even bend, how can this young boy kick it off easily!

He felt… It seems to mess with someone who shouldn’t be messed with!

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