When Ken left the first level of prison.

Those criminals couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, finally did not have to worry about being afraid, and their emotions began to stabilize.

They did not expect the new jailer to be so bold, and kill the two pirates with a little verbal insult.

Fortunately, they did not follow the taunt, otherwise they believed that there were more than two criminals who died.

And that young jailer … Killing people doesn’t blink at all!

Now going to the second level of prison, these criminals are also a little gloating.

Maybe there will be criminals who will see Ken later, and it is estimated that they will mock, and then they will continue to die!

People are always so selfish.

As long as it’s not about themselves, even if the sky falls, it’s none of their business!


Ken enters the second level of the prison and finds that the area has been reduced, but the materials used to build the cells have become stronger.

It seems that the number of tens of millions of pirates is not as large as the previous level.

But Ken noticed something wasn’t quite right.

He saw many strange beasts wandering around outside those cells, seemingly patrolling the pirates for strange movements.

Chicken snakes, human-faced lions, poisonous scorpions.

It is a relatively unique beast.

This also made the criminals in the cell pale, and did not dare to act rashly, for fear that these fierce beasts would attack in.


Those strangely shaped beasts turned their heads and saw Ken’s appearance, and their pupils couldn’t help but be a little dull.

They are naturally not very intelligent, and although they are trained, they only have most of their instincts.

Slightly familiar people.

These strange beasts have also been seen and remembered in their minds.

But the arrival of Kean… Let these creatures think that Kenn is an escaped criminal!

Because of the impression of Kean.

Not at all!

In an instant.

The group of strangely shaped beasts slammed into Ken, opening their big mouths full of fangs, and actually wanted to swallow Kenan!

“I’m not a criminal, I actually want to bite people, this is not okay.”

“Disobedient beasts like you!”

“It’s time to knock it down!”

Ken couldn’t help frowning, a trace of blue-blue streamer wrapped between his fingers, shining with brilliant electric light, suddenly swept away!



These strange-shaped beasts, with white mist on their bodies, rolled their eyes, their bodies twitched, and had been electrocuted to the point that their whole bodies were paralyzed, and they could only stay in place and could not move.

Ken did not kill the beasts.

These beasts were cultivated by the hard work of the city.

It doesn’t matter if he kills the pirates… After all, criminals can be replenished at any time.

But killing these beasts is different.

Advancing City will definitely find him to settle the score, and he will definitely be suspected of killing the beast for no reason.

Ken doesn’t want to tear his face yet… Naturally, the handle will not be revealed now.

“The strength of criminals at this level is not enough.”

“Or go to the next level of hunger hell and look for a target.”

Ken’s eyes scanned this layer of pirate criminals and found that the strength of tens of thousands of pirates was not enough at all.

At least 50 million pirate criminals are required.

Fifty million criminals with a bounty are at least among them… It may be possible to learn swordsmanship, boxing, and so on.

Maybe there may even be the existence of a Devil Fruit Ability.

If he can devour it, it is equivalent to obtaining that devil fruit ability, and there is no so-called lifelong fear of the ocean “shortcomings”.

Naturally, he will not inherit the shortcomings, but only the advantages.

So he will never be afraid of the sea in his life!

“Stinky boy over there.”

“Where did you come from?”

“Have the ability to let me out, what’s the use of bullying this group of mentally retarded beasts!”

A bald pirate with a hideous face stared at Ken, and his mouth tempted: “Otherwise, when this group of fierce beasts recovers, they will bite you to death, let me out, and I will protect you!” ”

He was not afraid of this group of beasts at all.


Watch carefully.

This bald criminal with a hideous face, his whole body muscles are bulging, and the prison uniform he wears on his body is about to burst, it seems that in terms of physical strength, he should be among the best in the second layer of prison!

However, when Ken listened to these words, his eyes became cold, and his mouth couldn’t help but mumble.

“How is it… Are there some mentally handicapped criminals looking for death? ”

“Really think you’re strong?”

The voice fell.

He bent down to pick up small pebbles on the ground.

Then Ken threw his arm back.


Accompanied by the sound of rubbing air.

The bald criminal with a hideous face, the head of the upper body, suddenly turned directly into blood droplets, became a headless corpse, lying in the cell.


When the remaining criminals in the cell saw this scene, they couldn’t help but gasp for air, and their eyes were full of shock.

Gurba that brain dead!

Dare to provoke others!

People can put down these strange beasts at will, and naturally have good strength.

So as soon as these criminals saw that scene, they naturally shut up.

Although Advance City does not allow jailers to kill criminals.

But for teaching criminals … Still quite agreed.

If the criminal provokes the jailer, the jailer has the power to beat the criminal to a cripple, which is actually fine, as long as it is not beaten to death!

But he did not expect that the physically strong Gurba, with a disease in the brain, actually dared to provoke others.

At best, the jailers were punished.

But this guy Gulba… But death is used to pay the price.

I really deserve it!

“It seems that there are not so many mentally handicapped criminals in this layer.”

Ken stayed in place, seemingly seeing that no one had come to provoke yet.

Wait for a moment.

No criminal dares to speak up.

For this.

He stepped up and walked up the stairs to the next level of hunger hell.

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