“This layer seems to be a little hot, you must know that my physique has been improved by the monster octopus, and I have rarely sweated.”

Before Ken set foot in the third level of prison, he felt a scorching heat suddenly hit him.

He knew that this was the heat emanating from the fourth layer of the scorching hell, and the heat only rose slightly, and there was this unbearable temperature.

Being at this temperature for a long time will definitely cause problems with the body.

Advance City is really a horrible place to torture criminals.

If the body can’t withstand it… That’s easy to die in minutes!

No wonder every once in a while.

It is necessary to escort a new batch of pirate criminals in.

It is estimated that the pirate criminals in the city have died too many and need to be replenished!

“I don’t know if there are any candidates for me in the third layer.”

“I really want to devour a Devil Fruit power.”

“There is no weakest devil fruit, only the weakest user.”

“I quite agree with this sentence, even after I have the Devil Fruit ability, if I don’t develop well, I can even ask the Great Sage to help me analyze the direction of development!”

Ken was vaguely impressed by that sentence.

Some Devil Fruits are actually very powerful, but it depends on who uses them!

The degree of Devil Fruit power depends on the degree of development of the user.

Even if the direction of development is completely deviated, the effect of using it is not ideal at all.

This also caused some devil fruits to look extremely chicken, but they actually had great potential!

“I’ll go down and take a look.”

“The criminals in the third layer should have very little physical strength, generally will not move, because of hunger, the body has not been supplemented with nutrition, can only reduce activities to maintain the vitality of the body.”

“So… This also gives me the timing to reach excellent opportunities! ”

Ken’s eyes were full of killing intent, and at this moment, the idea of wanting to devour human beings suddenly couldn’t be stopped, and it all burst out directly.


The soles of Ken’s feet were on the third prison floor.

Suddenly, I felt an amazing heat on the soles of my feet, and it kept coming up.

His face changed slightly, and his eyes were surprised.

It seems that he still underestimated the heat of the fourth layer.

There is actually this kind of heat rising up on the middle floor.

No wonder the criminals in the third level of the hunger prison really can’t stand it.

Endure the torment of a hunger strike and the hot temperature anytime and anywhere, which is not a place for people to stay at all.

It’s just torture to death.

“But with my physique, there is no problem at all.”

“I just don’t know if I can withstand the fourth layer of the scorching hell.”

“If it’s hard to bear, then I can only devour criminals to enhance my physical fitness.”

Ken pinched his chin in thought, but his footsteps did not stop at all, and he walked directly into the depths of the prison.

As it goes deeper and deeper.

Ken actually saw criminals in the cell whose bodies were like withered bodies, these criminals’ eyes were bleak, and the human skin on their bodies was attached to the bones, which was really chilling.

“It’s tragic.”

He couldn’t help but sigh: “But I also deserve it, become a pirate, once caught, it will naturally fall into this situation.” ”

But Ken walked in with such swagger.

It has attracted the attention of many criminals.

It’s just that these criminals stared directly at Ken, and there was some madness in the depths of their eyes, but none of the criminals ever spoke.

Talking also reduces physical strength.

This will only accelerate the time to their death.

“Great Sage.”

“With your observations… Who is stronger in this? ”

“If I’m right… What is the win rate? ”

Ken lowered his eyes and scanned the criminals, as if he wanted to analyze the true strength of this group of pirates.

However, he overestimated himself a little.

Just looking at it alone, it is still difficult to analyze.

In addition, this kind of criminal stays inside the cell, completely without any movement.

There were not even criminals to take care of him.

It made Ken feel difficult.

It’s just that the criminals of the third layer are so clever so clever.

However, most of the time the hunger prison is too cruel, resulting in the character of the criminals here has been completely distorted.

Without food supplements, it’s no wonder it’s so desperate.

“That creature thirty meters ahead of you.”

“It’s a very strange breath coming out of its body.”

“Why don’t you take a look, I think it’s very suspicious.”

According to Ken’s vision, the great sage felt the breath of all the criminals in the prison, and finally analyzed it.



“Not human?”

Ken’s eyes were a little surprised, and the words of the Great Sage surprised him.

It is absolutely impossible for the Great Sage to go wrong.

That means … The criminal that the Great Sage spoke of.

It’s not human!

Could it be that it belongs to a very special race?

You must know that the races of this world have very peculiar abilities.

In a way, not weaker than the Devil Fruit!

“I’ll see.”

“It can surprise all the great sages.”

“What kind of creature is it!”

With this in mind, Ken walked directly to this specially built prison cell.

This prison cell is different from the surrounding cells.

It is completely covered with multiple layers of material, and it looks extremely strong.

Even if Ken faces such a cell.

It is estimated that they all have to go all out, and even whether they can be destroyed is not 100% guaranteed!

“How is it possible!”

“It actually is…”

Ken reached in, saw the appearance of the creature, and couldn’t help but be shocked: “Fur tribe?!” ”

A creature with a fluffy body, with broken rabbit ears on its head, a little red eyes, seems to have lost his mind, and his hands are sharp giant claws, but at this moment, he is wrapped around the cell by a large number of chains, and it is difficult to even move!

But why is there such a rare race as the Fur tribe in Advance City?

And Ken remembers it well.

The most special place about the fur people… That is, they can completely evolve under the night of the full moon!

If only this could be devoured.

Absolutely no loss!

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