“Get out of here!”

“You damn human!”

Suddenly the fur man raised his head, stared at Ken with red eyes, and roared in his mouth.

And it began to struggle, extremely irritable, as if it wanted to run out and kill Ken!

Its struggle, binding its large number of chains, also made a collision sound for it.

This also made the surrounding criminals look here, but they were not surprised, it seems that this special criminal often shouts like this.

“It’s interesting.”

“I actually have this killing intent.”

The corners of Ken’s mouth purked with a wistful smile.

What kind of criminals are they?

Is it worth the need for such detention?

Even the structure of this prison cell is so different, and there are so many chains tied here.

Is it possible that you are afraid that it will not escape?

“The fur tribe … I’d love to devour! ”

“I can’t wait to devour it now!”

Ken’s eyes were full of fascination, and he was naturally not frightened away by the fur tribe’s words.

However, he was also curious, why did this fur tribe hate humans so much?

Although the fur tribe has more or less contemptuous thoughts about humans, it has not reached the point of hatred, right?

It seems that it was caught here, and something happened that caused it to completely mislike humans.

However, the city will not catch the wrong criminal, and this criminal must have done evil things before.

Ken also does not sympathize with this fur tribe, who in his eyes has become his food anytime and anywhere!

Wait now… He just wants to enjoy it or not.

“Great Sage.”

“I want to devour the creature in front of me.”

“What do you think is the way… Can I swallow it without anyone having anyone? ”

“I don’t want to reveal my identity for the time being, and if someone around me sees me acting like this, it will be difficult for me to explain it at that time.”

“So you have to create a good opportunity.”

Ken resisted the thought of wanting to make a move, couldn’t help but take a few steps back, and began to ask in his heart.

He has already killed three criminals today.

It doesn’t matter if the criminals in the first and second layers are killed, I believe Hannibal will not have any doubts.

Even if he came to the third level of the Hunger Hell to kill the pirate criminals, there must be no problem.

The pirates on this layer are all in a half-dead state, kill if you kill, just don’t kill too much.

It’s just that the fur tribe in front of him is a little special, not a very ordinary criminal, which makes Ken also hesitate.

If he kills this fur tribe, he will be suspected by Hannibal!

It was even Magellan’s questioning!

“I have a way.”

“It’s just a bit risky.”

“But as long as it’s implemented, you can have perfect proof of alibi.”

“Absolutely no one will doubt you then.”

The Great Sage instantly calculated and calculated the most reasonable method at present.

And also a way that no one doubts!

“What method?”

Ken’s eyes were a little surprised, and he couldn’t help but ask: “Say it quickly!” ”

The great sage, he is still reliable.

He naturally did not doubt it.

“First you have to divide the body, and then the part of the body that is divided into a doppelganger that can be controlled.”

“Then let the doppelganger come to the third floor and personally open the cell where this special creature is kept.”

“According to my observations, this creature is extremely emotionally unstable, and once it escapes, it must be destroyed, and then escape, hiding in the shadows.”

“At that time, your body will stay with Hannibal, and you will have a perfect alibi, because your avatar has the ability of your own body, can imitate the human type, and become the dead Hilton before, so even if the avatar is caught, it will not affect you.”

The Great Sage slowly told Ken this method.

Just this method.

It really left Ken scratching his head.

Let him divide a part of the body?

Although his current body is considered a slime.

But how do you become a controllable doppelganger?

He can’t do this move at all!

And…… The avatar has the ability to be ontological.

However, whether he can destroy the prison cells on this floor, Ken cannot guarantee 100%.

“Don’t forget.”

“Slimes have primordial dissolving power.”

“That is, your inherent skill objects dissolve, and most of the objects can be easily melted.”

“Your doppelganger naturally inherits this trick, so don’t worry.”

As if guessing what Ken didn’t understand, the Great Sage explained again.


The corners of Ken’s mouth twitched, he actually forgot this inherent skill, how could he not have thought of it before!

But in this way, it seems that it is quite easy to destroy this prison cell.


Object dissolution This trick can melt a large number of objects.

“So how am I going to be separated?”

“I know that I can regenerate it at any time, naturally it’s okay.”

“It’s just a doppelganger move… I shouldn’t have learned it, right? ”

“How does this work?”

Ken asked again to the Great Sage.

“You won’t.”

“That doesn’t mean I won’t.”

The Great Sage uttered the astonishing words: “I can possess your consciousness, temporarily control your body, and then come and forcibly use this move.” ”

Ken covered his face helplessly, some did not want to see people, it was really helpless.

The Great Sage is really terrifying.

Fortunately, this is not an enemy.

Otherwise it’s a nightmare!

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