Ken eventually left the third level of the Hunger Hell, but did not take action against the criminals present.

There is still plenty of time, one month is perfectly enough.

He can’t be too anxious… The opportunity has not yet come.

This is just that he wants to eat meat on the first day, it is really unlikely, he does not dare to be too presumptuous, this is not the headquarters of the navy, and it is difficult for the yellow ape to support him.

However, he is also familiar with the structural area of the first to third layers, which is still very helpful for the next move.



Ken has also been in the city for three days, but he has gained a lot.

The first and second layers often kill a lot of criminals.

Many pirates can’t hold the torture, become cold corpses, and leave this world forever.

At this time… Ken dragged the body to the shadows and began to devour it directly, and no one suspected him.

Because Hannibal arranged his job, that is, to guard the first to third floors of prisons, and if a criminal died, he dragged the body to burn the stove and destroy it.

So the other jailers also thought that Ken was dragging the body to the burning stove, and they could not have imagined that Ken could have such a “weird” means.

But Ken was also a little puzzled and strange.

He just killed criminals on the first two floors, and he has not been exposed until now.

This surprised Kean.

He thought that the group of criminals might tell the other jailers that the incident that led to his murder was exposed, although he didn’t care, exposure was exposed, and it didn’t hurt at all.

It’s just that Ken underestimates the cold-bloodedness of this group of criminals.

Advance City killed too many criminals.

Just people beaten to death by jailers … It also seems to be worth mentioning.

“The corpses of criminals on the first and second floors.”

“I’ve devoured almost twenty in the past three days.”

“But none of them gained skills… I can only improve my physical fitness, which is already two-tenths stronger than when I came here before. ”

“It’s just that this group of criminals is really useless, how can they be so weak when they are alive, they don’t even have skills, and they don’t learn swordsmanship or boxing?”

“It seems that I can only go to the third layer of hunger hell to try my luck, I have to say that the criminals on this layer are very strong, and no one has died.”

Ken came to the Hunger Hell with ease, and the temperature that was originally hot for him was completely unfelt at this moment, because his physique was much stronger than when he first arrived.

It’s just that he also finds it tricky.

This third-layer criminal’s desire for life and death is simply against the sky!

All the criminals have gone on a hunger strike, and there are no dead people until now!

Otherwise, devouring a 50 million criminal will still help Ken’s strength improvement.


“What’s going on with him?”

“Can’t hold it anymore, resulting in death and becoming a corpse?”

With his hands behind his back, Ken swaggered over and watched the criminals

In these three days.

The criminals here also thought that he was a new jailer, and he usually kept silent and tried not to provoke Ken.

But the effort pays off.

Ken finally found the criminal in a cell in the depths, lying straight on the ground, without any breath emanating.

He thought that the man could not hold on, so he was dead, and was about to take out the key to open the cell.

“Boy, he’s not dead.”

“This person’s turtle breath skill can be disguised as the breath of a corpse.”

“It is estimated that you are a new jailer, which caused him to have bad thoughts.”

“If you don’t want to be attacked by him, don’t open the cell door, otherwise you will be in trouble when you die.”

Suddenly, in the cell next to him, there was an old-fashioned reminder.

Ken stopped suddenly, put the key directly into his trouser pocket, and looked sideways at the criminal who had alerted him.

That criminal is already extremely old, the wrinkles on his face have hanged, his facial features are a little difficult to see, and his whole body is full of fat and fat, not at all like a criminal staying in a starving prison!


“Damn fat pig, what do you think you’re good at?”

“Don’t pretend to be merciful, you kill innocent people, no less than me!”

The corpse that Ken had originally identified as a dead person slowly got up at this moment, sitting cross-legged on the ground, not looking like it was going to die at all.

Ken couldn’t help but be surprised when he saw the lifeless corpse, which actually came alive.

What kind of monsters are these.

There is actually such a means?

“You fucking old turtle.”

“Not killing you back then was my most wrong choice!”

The criminal with an old-fashioned voice before couldn’t help but sneer back when he heard this.


Ken saw the two criminals arguing loudly, and even rolled up his sleeves, as if he wanted to fight.

Other people’s criminals had to speak, for fear that talking would waste physical strength.

But these two criminals are good… Like an old wrongdoer, he is crazy to shoot each other, and he wants to strangle each other!

And Ken looks at the age of these two criminals a little old, not at all like ordinary pirates.

It doesn’t seem like a New Age person at all.

Can’t it be… These two are pirates of the old times?

The pirates of the old times had a bounty of 50 million, which can be compared to the current bounty of more than 100 million, or even higher!

At that time, there were many talents, and there were many strong people!

Unlike the current New Age Pirates … There are still many skills that have not been mastered.

For example, he has not even mastered the most basic domineering and most important means of seeing and hearing color and armed color.

To know the domineering thing, if you want to learn it roughly, it will take at least a long time.

As for the pirates of the new era, who can carry the banner and dare to resist this title alone?

Relying on the Pirate Supernova that group of people can’t make it?

They simply can’t withstand the pressure of the current Pirate Four Emperors!

Even the admirals flew … Pirate supernovae are not all lying on the ground, like dead dogs.

Didn’t grow up.

The so-called genius is nothing more than that.

PS: The data is a bit miserable… At the end, ask for a flower evaluation vote, there is so little data.

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