“You dead fat pig!”

“You dead turtle!”

Ken looked at the two old-time criminals and yelled loudly.

He didn’t intend to stop it, but it was quite interesting.

Such dynamic criminals are rare.

Unlike those half-dead criminals, who do not say a word all day and are not afraid to hold themselves to death.


It seemed that they were a little tired from arguing, and the two turned their heads angrily and did not continue to roar.

“Finally stopped.”

“It really makes me wait.”

“Let’s see if we can find out the intelligence.”

“The criminals who really make me want to devour… That’s a fur man! ”

“You must know that the talent of the evolution race is still very tricky.”

Ken stepped forward directly and personally came to the criminal known as the fat pig, and couldn’t help asking: “Since you reminded me just now, it’s better to tell me once, do you know who the criminal over there is?” I also just came to Advance City, and many criminals are not familiar with it! ”

The fat pig also has a lot of iron chains tied to his body, and his hands and feet are tied, but he can also move a little, so as not to be like the fur man, his whole body is chained, and he can’t even move.

For this.

When the fat pig saw the young jailer coming to talk, he couldn’t help but smile and said.

“You said the criminals over there, I don’t know very well.”

“I remember that guy stayed there before I came in and pushed into the city, and he was very resistant to the jailer, and every time the jailer came, he would yell at the words that humans should die.”

“By the way.”

“This dead turtle next to me also came in with me, he is really sinister enough, all the means of killing are sneak attacks, you say this kind of person is not disgusting!”

To the end.

The fat pig also satirized the criminal old turtle next to him by the way.

This made the old turtle grit his teeth with hatred, his eyes breathed fire, and he almost wanted to quarrel again.

When Ken heard this, he couldn’t help but pinch his chin and frown.

Even these two special old-time pirates didn’t know the identity of the fur clan.

It seems that fur people are the most special criminals in this layer.

No matter what.

Ken is bound to devour this fur man!

Advice for the Great Sage.

He is also a little ready to start implementing.

“Young jailer over there.”

“I’ll tell you… Don’t look at the fat pig so kind, in fact, his killing intent is no less than mine, if you are not careful, you will die in his hands! ”

“He might want to approach you with this personality, and then kill you in an instant when you accidentally don’t react, do you understand?”

The old turtle also couldn’t help it, leaned over and said bad things about the fat pig.


“I really want to kill this little brother.”

“But I’m not like someone… Want to pretend to be a corpse, want to fool the jailer, and then sneak attack. ”

“It’s disgusting enough.”

The fat pig unexpectedly did not refute, but instead stared at Ken with killing intent in his eyes, and said this without hesitation.


The fat pig looked at Ken expressionlessly, there seemed to be no fluctuations in his heart, he also felt bored, and couldn’t help but disgust: “You are really bored, hurry up, I don’t want to see you.” ”

For fat pigs and old turtles.

They have great strength and are fearless even if they taunt jailers.

The jailer couldn’t beat either of them anyway.

“These two criminals are alternate candidates.”

“I’m looking for an opportunity to slaughter both of them, or… Kill with a knife! ”

“They are also pirates of the old times, they should master a lot of skills, if I can master it, it will be good.”

“And it can also make me stronger after devouring.”

Ken was expressionless, but thought so inwardly.


His eyes glanced vaguely at the fur prison cell over there.


He has made up his mind.

Let this emotionally manic fur tribe “escape” tonight!

If possible.

Provoke the hatred of the fur tribe and let it kill the fat pig and the old turtle, and when the time comes, he will pick up the corpse and eat it on the spot.

What a good idea.



Ken returned to his resting place, where he lived on his own, without fear of being discovered.

“Great Sage.”

“You come to control my consciousness, and then you split into a special doppelganger!”

“I’m going to do it tonight!”

Ken called inwardly.



The Great Sage begins to try to control Kenan’s consciousness.

When I was just getting started.

Ken’s instincts were not yet able to accept the control of the Great Sage, and he was still frantically resisting.

Familiarity for a moment, though.

He was completely free and had let the Great Sage completely take control.

Ken was in a subconscious state at this time, but he could also feel the situation outside.


The “Great Sage” Kenn’s pupils darkened, as if he suddenly changed into another personality, so strange.

This made the subconscious Ken feel a little curious.

It has to be said.

This method of the Great Sage is simply shocking.


The Great Sage controlled Ken’s body and directly reverted to the slime in its original state, and then the slime’s viscous blue liquid began to split out.

In a short time.

The slime form has been reduced by a third.

However, it has also stopped and has not continued to divide.

The viscous blue liquid that split out began to squirm, as if it had vitality.

The next moment.

The viscous blue liquid suddenly expanded, and its form began to grow, slowly turning into a human appearance.

Take a closer look.

The viscous blue liquid that split out has successfully turned into Ken’s appearance, but the godless eyes and lifeless human body make Ken clearly know that this avatar has no independent consciousness.


When the Great Sage saw this scene, he directly returned the control to Ken.

It has no malice and no idea of taking away.

The existence of the Great Sage… Just want Ken to be at the peak of this world’s combat power!

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