Ken takes back control and suddenly realizes that something is wrong.

He felt so tired now that he almost fell to the ground.

And I can’t wait to sleep on my stomach in bed!

Ken immediately thought before… The Great Sage controls his body to transform into slime form.

The split body then becomes a doppelganger, resulting in possible sequelae.

Could it be for this reason?

Also yes… Doppelganger is still a rather peculiar move.

It’s not surprising that there are a little after-effects.


“It’s really uncomfortable.”

“But barely.”

Ken frowned, but forced the discomfort to look up at the doppelganger in front of him.

The doppelganger’s eyes were dull and lifeless, so he stood in place dumbfounded.

But Ken had a special feeling.

It seems that he can control this doppelganger and command this doppelganger as he wishes!

It doesn’t matter if the doppelganger dies.

Because it won’t eat him back at all.

“This is equivalent to splitting out, can’t it be taken back?”

“No wonder I’m so tired at this moment.”

Ken couldn’t help but feel a little helpless when he thought of this possibility.


Thoughts came to him.


The avatar in front of him directly changed, instantly becoming the Hilton who died before.

Ken’s face was full of surprise, he did not expect that he could really make this doppelganger look like someone else at will.

However, it is limited to humans and creatures that Ken has devoured.

And the ability of the avatar is also much weaker than that of Ken.

However, if it can produce a split doppelganger infinitely.

Ken feels a little invincible, creating a variety of powerful monster doppelgangers.

Of course, the premise is that he can withstand it!

Splitting out a doppelganger is so tired.

It is estimated that he fainted on the spot after splitting the two doppelgangers!

Splitting the three doppelgangers is estimated to produce irreversible injuries!

“It’s better not to engage in this kind of troublesome operation.”

“Otherwise, something will happen then… There is not even a place to cry! ”

Ken quickly shook his head and put the idea behind him.


Under the direction of his thoughts.

The doppelganger can make movements, just like a real person, and it is completely indistinguishable.

People who have just a little eyesight can feel the lifeless body of the doppelganger, as if they are living dead.

It’s just that it can make the body lifeless, and it’s not impossible.

At least like the old time pirate called the old turtle in the third layer of hunger hell, he has this strange method.


“I’ve got to make a perfect alibi.”

“Because the Advance City is so strict, it is almost impossible for criminals to escape.”

“Like the golden lion escaping from prison back then, he also paid an extremely heavy price, cut off his legs, and forcibly escaped from prison!”

“However, I secretly controlled the doppelganger to go to the third layer, let the doppelganger use the object to dissolve, and directly destroy the prison cell.”

“This creates a forced escape from prison by the Fur Clan, and I was staying with Hannibal at the time, completely without any suspicion!”

“If ideally, the fur tribe escapes from prison and may kill the two old pirates of the fat pig and the old turtle.”

“By that time, Hannibal was even magellan frightened and directly killed the fur people.”

“So… I can devour three corpses! ”

Ken’s mind drifted through the method suggested by the previous Great Sage.

He wants to make sure that nothing can go wrong at every step.

After thinking about it several times.


Ken still has some difficulties.

He looked sideways at the doppelganger, and couldn’t help but be a little confused.

“How will the doppelganger get to the third level of hunger hell?”

On this way, you have to pass through the first layer of Red Lotus Hell and the second layer of Beast Hell.

The key doppelganger can’t use Ken’s appearance to go there, and here in the remote corner of the city, there are hidden camera phone bugs, and the prison cells are recorded at any time.

If the doppelganger goes forward with Ken’s face.

Then Ken, who stays with Hannibal, will naturally be exposed!

It is impossible to have people who look exactly the same in the world!

Not even twins!

And not everyone can enter the propulsion city!

Suddenly there is an identical “Kenn”.

Naturally it’s easy to suspect!

The members who were able to come in this time… There is only Ken, there is no second place at all!

“Great Sage.”

“You have one missing link in this link!”

“How do I get into the third level of hunger prison?”

“I can’t get in at all!”

“After all, without the identity of Advance City, if you enter the prison cell rashly, you will definitely be sanctioned on the spot!”

Ken was a little helpless, and forced to ask the great sage.


The Great Sage’s tone was full of humanity and a little shock.


“You don’t know?”

“Isn’t that a simple thing?”

“Can’t you turn the doppelganger into a bug, an ant, or even a fly!”


Ken looked dumbfounded.

Bugs, ants or even flies?

What the?

Is this okay too?

That’s right, too!

An insect creature of such a small size.

How can a photography phone bug be photographed!


“Doppelgangers are limited to humans and creatures that I have devoured.”

“I haven’t devoured ants yet… Flies are insects. ”

“The Great Sage… You wouldn’t want me to swallow this disgusting thing, would you? ”


Ken held his head helplessly, his face full of resistance.

It’s just that.

It occurred to him something very special.

Ants, this insect creature, have a terrifying talent!

That is, it can lift heavier weight than itself!

I don’t know…… Can predators plunder this talent?

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