
Under the frenzied attack of the moon lion.

The fat pig was completely unable to resist, and had already knelt down on his knees, the light in his eyes had disappeared, he had lost his breath of life, and he was completely dead.

“And you guys——!”

“All dead——!”

The moon lion directly slapped the fat pig’s corpse, and then got out of the fat pig’s prison cell, staring at the remaining criminals with murderous eyes.

This caused the remaining criminals to stand on end, and they kept banging on the prison cell, only to find that they could not be destroyed at all.

This goes on….

This crazy monster!

It is absolutely necessary to put criminals in the third layer … All slaughtered!

They simply cannot resist!

Because they have not eaten and hydrated for a long time, they really want to fight, and they are not as strong as they were at their peak!

The key is if the strength is at its peak.

You can’t beat this crazy monster at all!

“It’s amazing.”

Ken Doppelganger, who was still in the cell of Moon Lion Prison, naturally observed this scene, and his eyes were a little greedy.

The stronger the Moon Lion… The happier he is.

If you devour this creature.

Definitely makes his strength improve quickly!

And the old turtle and the fat pig are not weak enough to be killed at will

All that can be said is… The speed and strength of the Moon Lion completely crushed these two people, causing these two old-time criminals to directly fall with hatred.


The Moon Lion riots, frantically destroys the prison cells here, enters the interior, and kills the criminals strongly!

As a result, the smell of blood here is getting stronger and stronger!



“Do you still have questions?”

“If there is no problem, I have to rest, a little sleepy.”

Hannibal wiped the sweat from his face, just kept answering Ken’s questions, causing him to be a little tired, he was also prompting Ken, almost until the order, hurry up!


“Bell bell bell!”

“There is a riot in the third layer of the hunger prison!”

“Request for support!”

Hannibal’s office burst into red light, piercing alarm bells, and oppressive atmosphere, directly sweeping in!



Hannibal stood up abruptly, his face filled with incredulity.

This scenario.

He had seen it back then… That is, the sea thief golden lion broke his legs, forcibly escaped from prison, and successfully escaped from Advance City!

Now it actually appears again?

It’s just that the criminals who escaped from prison are only the criminals of the third layer, and their strength should not be very strong.


“That fur man in the third level of prison is very problematic!”

“It won’t be a jailbreak, will it?”

“It became that special form back then, even I couldn’t get close, and it was Magellan’s Warden who suppressed it later!”

Hannibal seemed to remember something and felt troubled, and he couldn’t help but pick up the trident next to him, and wanted to hurry to support.

He is the deputy warden … Can’t back down!

For this.

“Ken… Take my phone worm and call Magellan! ”

“He’s in the sixth level of prison… There should be no alarm bells! ”

“You remember to call Warden Magellan, hurry up and let him hurry to the third floor of the hunger prison to support, I will go to see the situation first!”

Before Hannibal left, he took out a phone bug directly in the cabinet and handed it to Ken.

He didn’t want Ken to support, the key Hannibal didn’t know Ken’s strength, and if it was too weak, it couldn’t help in the past.

And if Ken were to support… If you accidentally die there.

At that time, he will have to face the huge pressure of the yellow ape!


“Deputy Warden, you have to be careful!”

“My strength is low… May not be able to help you. ”

Ken pretended to be panicked and took the phone worm.

“It’s okay… There I am. ”

“It should just be ordinary criminals.”

“I’ll be able to solve it soon.”

“Just remember to inform Warden Magellan!”

The corners of Hannibal’s mouth smiled bitterly, but if it was the fur criminal… Then it will be difficult for him to solve it.

Now those who are able to suppress it … There are only two in Advance City.

One is the warden Magellan, and the venom on his body can be easily put down as long as it touches the moon lion!

The other is the chief caretaker Hiliu, but he is currently imprisoned on the sixth floor, and the mistake he has committed is too great for Magellan to endure, so he cannot support this battle, nor is he allowed to support!


Hannibal quickly ran out of the office, leaving Ken alone in the office.

“Inform Magellan?”


“Hannibal should not be able to defeat the moon lion, it is estimated that he will have to retreat and wait for Magellan’s appearance.”

“Now the jailer beasts of the fourth layer have also rushed to the third layer to support.”

“It’s going to get bigger and bigger… If the situation gets too bigger, it may not work for me. ”

When Ken saw Hannibal leave, he was naturally unwilling to continue acting, revealing his original character and his eyes were full of coldness.

Fortunately, his doppelganger remained on the third layer, observing the situation over there at any time.

But the current situation.

The Moon Lion had already slaughtered more than half of the criminals on the third layer, and it was already a scene of blood flowing like a river.

Just quickly.

At the stairs below the fourth floor, four strange-shaped creatures have emerged and are coming to support.

Ken was impressed… Those four strange-shaped creatures are the jailer beasts!

A jailer beast with the level of animal fruit awakening!

But for Kean… These jailer beasts should be regarded as relatively failed fruit awakenings.

Although the jailer beast has the ability to awaken part of the fruit, has extremely fast recovery power, and is extremely resistant to fighting, if you can’t kill the jailer beast directly, it will frantically pester you!

It’s just that the jailer beast also has serious shortcomings.

That is, the jailer beast has a low IQ!

And Ken felt… These creatures of the jailer beast should not be regarded as a successful fruit awakening, so in terms of strength, it is not very strong, that is, relying on the power of recovery, which makes people feel difficult.

“I just don’t know if the Moon Lion can beat these four jailer beasts.”

“In the plan… The jailer beast is also my devouring target! ”

“It’s just the difficulty of devouring the jailer beast… It’s not that simple! ”

Ken fully felt the sight of the doppelgänger and paid attention at all times.

He waits for the battle between the jailer beast and the moon lion!

Just don’t know who wins and who loses?

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