Advance City.

The sixth level of infinite hell.

Magellan covered his stomach, his face was a little pale, and his spirit was a little not very good.

Nearly ten hours a day out of twenty-four hours he had diarrhea, which no one could bear.

The time I can work is about four hours.

The key is that the breath he inadvertently exhales can stain the food with poisonous gas, causing the food to become poisonous.

Of course…… It is okay for him to eat this poison, that is, it will cause diarrhea, and if others eat it, it may lead to death.

So when he works, no one next to him will bother him, he is too dangerous, if you don’t wear a gas mask, it is easy to faint, and if there is no antidote, it is easy to lead to death!

After all, if someone comes to annoy him, it is estimated that he will not know how he was poisoned!

But don’t look at Magellan so embarrassed, he has the power and ability to execute any prisoner in the city on the spot!

Even if it is a sixth-level criminal.

If you annoy him… He can’t kill him!

This is also the power of the warden, and he also has this strength!

“It’s a real trouble.”

“But the degree of diarrhea today is not very serious, and today’s activity time can be four hours.”

“Take a look at today’s situation.”

Magellan clutched his stomach and planned to return to the fourth floor of the Scorching Hell Office and get to work.


Those criminals of the sixth layer just watched Magellan leave here with cold eyes, but no criminals dared to snort.

Let’s be honest.

There are not many criminals in the sixth layer.

Magellan inspected a little, and after finding that the group of criminals was quiet, he stepped into the fifth layer of extremely cold hell with a satisfied expression.

But as long as you look closely, every criminal on the sixth layer here is an extremely famous big man.

The bounty has already reached hundreds of millions.

Even criminals with a bounty of one billion are not for nothing, such as the pirate golden lion, one of the leaders of pirates in the old times, but unfortunately fled twenty years ago.

The criminals imprisoned here are monster pirates who have been erased from history because they are too vicious, and the prisoners on this layer are all near-legendary figures, and the end is either death penalty or life imprisonment, because the prisoners on this layer have done a lot of evil, and some events beyond the level of cruelty have been covered up by the government, and even the newspapers deliberately concealed them.

Although this group of criminals is too vicious, the strength is extremely strong.

However, after being imprisoned in Advance City, he also knew that there were tigers in the mountains here, and he should not be provoked.

Over here.

Magellan can be considered king!

He has the power to slaughter criminals!

There was even a time when… There is a criminal on the sixth layer, inadvertently provoking Magellan, causing Magellan to directly fight, directly beating the criminal into serious injuries, and letting the criminal fall into the sequelae, the body is mixed with toxins, every once in a while, there will be a pain that is better than death!

Now, so many years later.

Even if there is an antidote… It is also difficult for the criminal to expel the toxins from his body, and it can be said that he is already half-wasted.

For this.

The criminals here are very famous.

It’s just that…… Face the Magellan guy.

Or try not to provoke, although Magellan rarely kills criminals.

But every time he struck… The criminal must be seriously injured!

If there is no Magellan’s antidote, the physique is not too hard and cannot withstand it, it is really easy to die!

“This guy doesn’t look at us more and more, damn it, when I was in the storm, Magellan wasn’t born yet!”

“What can you do about this, we are just criminals, and we are no longer pirates of the past scenery, so you will say less and make noise at night.”

“I really miss the old days, I am really unconvinced.”

“What’s the use of nostalgia, nostalgia for the time when you were beaten by Golden Lion, Roger, and Whitebeard?”

“You old fellow… When you were rubbed madly by Lokes on the ground, you were kind enough to say that I, obviously you are even more embarrassed than me! ”


After Magellan completely left the sixth level of infinite hell, these criminals couldn’t help but sneer, pulling each other’s black history.

The remaining criminals had a sneer on their lips and silently listened to these interesting things.

To be honest, the criminals of the sixth layer, when everyone was not imprisoned in the city, they had all met, but they were also familiar and enemies.

Just didn’t think of it.

Now everyone is caught!

I have to say… The headquarters of the Navy is still very strong.

In particular, it is the Warring States and Karp of that year, and the Zefa, the scenery is infinite.

These three navies were crazy people back then, specifically looking for pirates to fight, defeating them and directly arresting them, if they didn’t fight, then most likely those pirates ran too fast and couldn’t catch up at all.

At that time, everywhere I went, there was really no grass.

At that time, these three navies joined forces, coupled with the help of the extremely intelligent crane, and they were able to catch a large number of pirates every time.

Two-thirds of the criminals they have here were caught by Karp, Sengoku, and Zefa.

The strength is inferior to people, then there is no way.

Can already survive in the hands of this group of people, has done their best, but unfortunately in the end it is still defeated!

To know… They were still beaten by the three navies of Karp, Sengoku, and Zefa, resulting in defeat!

This is also a loss!

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