“How is it possible!”

“Where did you find out my identity?”

“No, no, no, I don’t believe it!”

“I can’t be betrayed!”

Bruno broke down emotionally, his tone was a little urgent, and his eyes were red.

Such a move.

As a result, his injuries became more serious, and there was severe pain in his internal organs, because most of them had been destroyed by Ken, and his physical functions could not be healed at all.

If it weren’t for his unusual physique, he would have died here directly.

And he has been lurking in the water capital for five years, and he has never missed a shot.

This also caused Bruno to relax a little cautiously.

Because the water capital has never encountered a very special strong person, even the personnel of the navy headquarters have never been here.

The top leader of the naval branch here is nothing more than a commodore.

Such a commodore … CP9 members can deal with it.

For this reason… What caused Bruno and all CP9 members to relax their vigilance at this moment, the water capital without the strong, what are they afraid of?

But only Rob Luckey is different.

That guy is the most elite and powerful member of CP9!

The temperament is extremely indifferent, and he does not look at the lives of ordinary people at all, and maintains a high degree of vigilance at any time.

This is also the gap between Rob Luqi and other CP9 members!

Even if all CP9 members go together.

It is estimated that it will not be able to defeat Rob Luqi!


“I can’t use the exit air door to divert me!”

“The key … I can’t physically support my transfer. ”

“No wonder this man… Didn’t kill me directly. ”

“So you just want to see me joke?”

Bruno’s face became more and more pale, and he also wanted to resist, but the life force in his body flowed madly, and there was no strength to do at all.

Until now, he was already a little sleepy, and he wanted to sleep like this.

He knew very well… Once you sleep like this.

To wait for him is death!


Ken felt Bruno’s breath of life, which was getting weaker and weaker with time.

This is normal.

He chose to sneak attack this method… Naturally, it is impossible for Bruno to react.

And even if Bruno wanted to use the fruit ability to transfer… He can also kill Bruno in an instant!

This is the confidence of crushing in terms of strength.

From the beginning.

He can’t lose!


Ken walked to Bruno, looking at the other party’s unwilling face, and his face couldn’t help but be a little sarcastic.

“That’s no more than you CP9 spy members.”

“I didn’t get the blueprints for the construction of the Hades battleship for five years.”

“You guys are really useless!”


When Bruno, who was about to die, heard these words, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth again, as if he was so angry that he vomited blood, extremely unwilling.

“You actually… Even know this? ”

“Who the hell are you, how can there be people like you!”

“Could it be that there are undercover agents hidden in the organization?”

“Otherwise, something so confidential… Even the headquarters of the Navy is not clear! ”

Be aware of this confidential event.

It is clear to CP9 members and the top level of the world government.

The headquarters of the Navy has been kept in the dark until now.

And they also have to make sure not to be discovered by the headquarters of the Navy.

So their CP9 organization lurked in the water capital for five years.

It’s just the fear of accidentally being exposed.

“Tell you before you die, lest you die blindly, I may be very merciful in this regard.”

“The construction drawings of the Hades battleship are not on the iceberg!”

“You guys have always been wrong!”

“Now… It’s time for you to hit the road. ”

Ken reached out and pinched Bruno’s neck with his palm, lifting it up easily.

This also caused Bruno’s eyes to be full of confusion after hearing Ken’s words.

The construction drawings of the Hades battleship are not on the iceberg?

Iceberg is a disciple of the legendary shipmaker Tom!

Drawings for the construction of the Hades battleship … How could it not be on him?

And who the hell is that!

“Sue … Sue…… I! ”

Bruno was pinched by Ken’s neck, his feet were off the ground, and his face turned blue, but before he died, he wanted to know the truth!


He inadvertently uses the Type Six Fingergun to attack Ken.

The results were incredible.

His fingers just penetrated directly through the clothes, piercing into Ken’s body, and he couldn’t pierce it at all!

What kind of flesh is this?

How could it be so hard!

It is even harder and more indestructible than when he uses the six-style iron block!

The point is… This person has not applied any protective measures.

Other words.

He said that with the defense of the flesh… Block it easily!

“Hey, hey, hey!”

“You poked my clothes!”

“You want to die so much, then I will fulfill you now!”

“As for where the construction drawings are… I won’t tell you! ”

Ken lowered his eyes and looked at the holes in his clothes, feeling a little surprised.

It seems that his defense power at this moment is amazing!

Ken is not afraid of Bruno’s attack at all, and even if he can’t defend it, he can be healed again, and he has never been afraid of injuries!

It’s just that.

He did not learn the Rokushi Iron Block.

There was no use of armed color domineering.

Now there is this defense… It seems that there is a lot to gain in advancing the city.

As a result, his strength has completely surpassed this group of CP9 spy members!


Bruno rolled his eyes, completely unable to breathe, causing his injuries to become more and more serious, and his physical functions had reached the end of his life.


The moment when the breath of life dies.

Bruno didn’t even think about it… Who is in the hands of the real Pluto battleship construction drawings?

Doesn’t that mean… CP9 spy members lurked during these five years.

Wrong direction in the first place?

Waste five years of time?

“I might be a little bad.”

“Before you die… It actually hit him! ”

“It’s just a pity… I didn’t lie to you. ”

“The real Hades battleship construction drawings are not in the hands of the iceberg at all.”

“It’s in Frankie’s hands… It’s the perverted guy who often comes to your bar to buy Coke. ”

“Although you can’t hear it anymore.”

Ken half squatted down, stretched out his finger and put it under Bruno’s nose, and after feeling that the other party did not have any breath, he slowly said: “But don’t worry… There are your companions with you on Huangquan Road. ”

The voice fell.

He reformed into his original slime form and swallowed Bruno’s body directly.

In an instant, the Great Sage began to operate.

“Start parsing.”

“It takes three minutes to parse.”

“Parsing successful.”

“Acquire Skills – Gate Fruit!”

“Acquire skills – Six Styles!”

“Get Mimicry – Bruno!”

“No patience.”

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