“Finally got this devil fruit.”

“So I’ll go in and out of everywhere after that… Almost no one can stop me! ”

“It’s just that Bruno is still too poorly developed, it’s just ridiculously bad.”

Kane’s mind flashed with about Bruno’s understanding of the Doorway Fruit.

It’s just that.

These development understandings are simply full of holes in Kean’s view!

Next, the Gate Fruit became his ability.

Naturally, you have to take advantage of it!

“A little reminder to the iceberg.”

“Good character is not bad… It is not clear that there are so many spies lurking around. ”

“It always feels weird and pathetic.”

Ken walked out of the deserted bar with ease.


This bar, which had no customers, suddenly became even more deserted.

As for Bruno, after this guy died.

It will take some time for CP9 members to find out.

Maybe you might even think he’s just missing.

After all, Bruno, who has the fruit of the door, can leave the water capital anytime and anywhere, and it is no problem at all.

It’s just a pity.

He is dead.


Ken followed the map’s instructions and went directly to where Chief Shi lived.

Iceberg not only serves as the head of the water capital shi, but also as the president of the Carrera corporate headquarters, and owns several docks.

In this way, it is simply a template for winners in life.

It’s a pity that he is an ordinary person after all, and his strength is low.

If Ken doesn’t come… Maybe this guy from the iceberg may die at any time.

CP9 members wanted to use “gentle” means to obtain blueprints for the construction of the Hades battleship.

It’s just that.

If Bruno is found dead.

Maybe the CP9 members think that the target is exposed, maybe they will directly force the iceberg to say the design of the Pluto battleship!

With the personality of an iceberg… Even if it is death, he probably will not say it.

But…… What if CP9 members threaten the lives of the people of the Water Capital?

After all, the iceberg is a shi, and he has to think about the city, as well as the people!

In that case.

Maybe the iceberg can only be forced to tell the truth!

“I’m just here to save people.”

“By the way, you just get the door fruit.”

“Although it would offend the world government.”

“But what is there to be afraid of.”

“I don’t have any good feelings about the world government!”

“The Hades battleship is such a bad weapon… It shouldn’t appear. ”

Ken’s eyes were full of coldness, and he had this idea in his heart, wanting to completely strike at the power of the world government!

Once the Pluto battleship construction blueprints were obtained by the World Government.

At that time, you can overwhelm the naval headquarters and the four emperors of pirates!

This will make Draco even more arrogant!

I wish I could not step on the heads of the world!

He didn’t want to see this kind of scene!

The CP9 spy organization must be completely suppressed now!


Before Ken entered the house where Chief Shi lived, he was stopped by two tall bodyguards.

The two bodyguards said calmly.

“Stop coming.”

“Ahead is where Shi grows up.”

“Idlers are not allowed to enter!”

“Please leave.”

When Ken heard this, he couldn’t help frowning.

He didn’t have any identity, and if he had naval status, these two bodyguards would not stop him.

But if he wanted to break in, how could these two bodyguards stop him.

Of course…… He is a civilized man.

Treat ordinary people without doing it at will.

For this.

Ken pretended to accidentally walk to this place, his face was a little helpless, and he said apologetically.

“I’m sorry.”

“I had no intention of coming to this place, but I didn’t expect it to be the residence of Chief Shi.”

“I’m disturbing you.”

“I’ll leave now.”

Finish speaking.

He turned and left.

Seeing this, these two bodyguards were very satisfied, but they didn’t expect this young boy to be so sensible.

If this young boy breaks in and accidentally disturbs Shi Elder.

They’re going to beat people out!

A minute later.

Ken came directly to the blind spot of this house.

The two bodyguards over there couldn’t see him either.


Ken stretched out his palm and gently pressed it against the wall.


The wall is forcibly turned into a door and can be opened directly, allowing complete free access.

“That’s really interesting.”

Ken’s face was full of surprise, and it was also the first time he used the Door Fruit ability, which was naturally a little strange.


He stepped in, and the door of the wall behind him directly reformed into the original substance, instantly returning to its original state.

He also didn’t want to make a big fuss, so he didn’t break in at the front door.

After all, the iceberg is not his enemy, and that’s enough.

In addition, he is a civilized person, how can he forcibly break into people’s houses?


Ken, who entered the interior of the house, found that there were actually many bodyguards here, wandering around the courtyard at will.

This gave Ken a bit of a headache, and he quickly hid in the grass to avoid detection.

“I can’t break in, can I?”

“Makes me look like a bad guy.”

Ken scratched his head, feeling a little helpless.

If he’s the bad guy… How is it possible to use this sneaky method to get in!

It’s been all the way in!

The main thing is that he wants to see the iceberg, and then he can’t let outsiders see it.

Otherwise, if this were to be clear to CP9 members, there would be some doubts.

Then cooperate with small warships at the coastal pier.

Maybe you can think of a lot of things because of this.


Suddenly, Ken’s face was full of doubt.

He thought of a new skill that he had never used yet.

That is from the old era criminal old turtle and marine life sea python, the two skills are turtle breath skill and convergent breath, successfully fused into – stealth!

This skill hasn’t been used yet!

For this.

Ken couldn’t help but ask the Great Sage in his heart.

“Great Sage.”

“What’s the use of stealth this skill?”


The Great Sage replied.

“It allows you to be hidden while stealthing.”

“That is, the so-called stealth!”

“But there are a lot of disadvantages.”

“For example, people who learn to smell domineering… Can detect your breath. ”

“And when you are touched, it will suddenly appear.”

This really surprised Kean.

If sneaking with the door door fruit.

Isn’t this a necessary weapon for assassination?

After all, who uses the domineering sweep of sights and smells anytime and anywhere!

Isn’t this idle and has nothing to do?

And when he was touched… It is estimated that the enemy has died a long time ago!

“These two skills work together.”

“It’s seamless!”

“And… What an insidious means! ”

“But… I love it! ”

Ken’s eyes shone with a peculiar light.

He had a big plan in his heart!

A plan enough to shock the whole world!

That is… Assassinate Draco!

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