“Is that your full strength?”

“Then it seems that I still overestimate you a little.”

Ken looked at Luqi’s face with jealousy, and couldn’t help but feel a little bored.

He hasn’t really moved yet… The other party was a little intimidated.

But then I believe that Lu Qi will definitely not use the Six Styles of Aoyi Six Kings Gun!

As long as this trick relies on the scoundrel of the door fruit, it can be guarded against at any time!

And as long as Lu Qi uses the Six Styles Aoyi Six Kings Gun many times, his physical strength is absolutely greatly consumed!

When the time comes… Maybe you can’t even resist!

Believe in the character of Luki… Don’t let yourself fall into this crisis!

“It seems that I can only take him down in close combat!”

With this idea in mind, Robluch directly intends to end the battle in close combat.

He is now a person who uses the Devil Fruit ability, directly turning into a leopard human form, and his strength and speed have already increased many times.

In addition, he is the strongest among the members in terms of physical skills!

As long as he has an iron defense, I believe that the opponent can’t take him!

In an instant.

“Rokushi Shav!”

“Rokushi Iron Block!”

Luqi’s figure blurred, extremely fast, directly attacked Ken, and covered with iron steel defense, both fists slammed out, causing this house to be smashed by a strong force, instantly smashed!

“Good to go!”

Ken did not have the slightest idea of retreating, and also used six-style iron pieces and directly put them together.

“Knock knock knock ——!”

The continuous sound of collision sounded wildly.

Ken completely crushes Luqi in terms of strength, and every time he can easily rush the power over, making Luqi regress madly, it is completely difficult to fight.


Lu Qi had some moves that fused with the Six Styles, and they kept bursting out, and Ken actually had no defense, relying on the steel body of the Six Style of Iron, eating it alive, and hitting it back with his backhand.

This also caused Lu Qi to fall into a disadvantage, this madman in front of him, actually did not defend, completely exchanged injuries for injuries, this way of fighting, is simply more arrogant than him!

And every time he took a step back, the buildings under his feet instantly spread out cracks as deep as ravines.

The first time he was… So embarrassing!

He is known as the strongest and most ruthless killing weapon in the history of “CP9”, and is known as the strongest in the 800 years of “CP9” on Justice Island!

How could this be!



Houses are being destroyed and the entire building is being affected.

The headquarters of the famous Carrera company in the former capital of water.

In a short time.

It has already begun to crumble and collapse at any time.

“Run away!”

“What’s going on?!”

“It’s not clear… It looks like someone is fighting! ”


The panic of the shipbuilder was also heard outside, and he fled this area directly to avoid being killed by the collapse of the Carrera company’s building!


“Knock ——!”

Accompanied by a muffled sound of collision.

Carrera’s corporate headquarters collapsed in an instant, turning into ruins on the spot.

However, in the midst of the ruins, there were two figures, shooting straight into the air.

“This guy is not easy to deal with!”

Rob Luch frowned, the corner of his mouth hung with the blood that had just flowed, it seemed that he had also suffered a lot of injuries when he fought against Ken.

The point is…

He couldn’t actually break Ken’s defenses?

How is this possible?

Even if the steel body of the six-style iron block… If you receive his six-style moves, you will inevitably be injured as well!

For this.

He was at the moment when the building collapsed.

Lu Qi directly used the moon step and fled to the sky, he felt a little bad, and temporarily avoided the enemy.

In the past, when fighting against each other.

He crushes each other!

This time it was actually reversed… In addition, the six-style Aoyi Six Kings gun was also restrained.

He seems to be a little unbeatable!

“What are you running?”

“CP9 captain Rob Lucie… You are actually so scared that you run away? ”

When Ken saw Lu Qi fleeing to the sky, he directly followed behind him with a six-style moon step, and even couldn’t help but mock.

This also humiliated Robluci, who fled in front, but he quickly suppressed this emotion, intending to flee here first, and then come back to the field!


Maybe Ken devoured Bruno a little too weak, Bruno this guy learned the six styles, completely less profound than Rob Luci.

Luqi can strengthen the Six Styles, for example, you can perform the Six Shaving and the Six Styles Moon Step at the same time, directly on the basis of the shaving to enhance the flexibility of their own movement, and when used, they can form sharp tracks in mid-air.

Coupled with Luqi’s transformation into a leopard human form, this runs even faster!

As a result, Ken was a little unable to catch up.

He looked at the distance between him and Luqi, getting farther and farther away, and he was also a little annoyed.

“Will you not be able to play tricks?”

“I will transform too!”

A chill flashed in Ken’s eyes, and he whispered in his mouth: “Moon Lion Form – Manifest!” ”

The voice fell.

“Nourish ——!”

The dazzling thunder current spread, Ken’s body suddenly soared, his hair color turned white, and it had extended to his waist, a thick tail, directly growing out, and his eyes became extremely red.

In an instant.

Ken completely discovered that his strength, speed and other attributes were significantly improved.

“You keep running with me?”

“Speed … I’m already faster than you! ”

His figure streaked through the extremely violent thunder light in the sky, instantly chased behind Lu Qi, and slammed out a punch, a trace of electricity wrapped around his fist, and instantly knocked Lu Qi to the ground!

With a loud “bang”.

Robluci’s figure turned into a rainbow light and fell straight to the ground, causing him to spit out blood and spray it on the ground.

Fortunately, when he was bombarded by Ken’s punch, he had already forcibly used the six-style iron block, otherwise he would have been absolutely hit hard.

It’s just that.

The power of that punch… Amazingly big!

His Man of Steel was almost about to explode!

When Luqi fell to the ground, he couldn’t hold the ground at all, and he smashed down hard, making his injuries more and more serious, and now he still has a bit of a headache.


Ken’s figure turned into a brilliant thunder, directly smashed to the ground in the air, stepped on a huge body that had skyrocketed to five meters, and instantly rushed to Robluci.

“What’s going on?”

“What kind of Devil Fruit ability is he?”

Lu Qi endured the pain in his body and quickly got up, wary of Ken.

The point is.

How can Ken become something similar… What is the type of animal capable person?

The other party’s whole body is full of silver-white fur, his eyes are extremely red, and the tail behind him is shaking at will, and there is actually a faint sound of breaking the air, which is terrifying to see.


The opponent’s huge body is wrapped with the rays of thunder and lightning anytime and anywhere!

What kind of devil fruit is this?

The ability to open doors in the air before… And now similar to the form of an animal line!

He seems to have touched … A real monster!

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