“I’ll give you a chance.”

“Use your true full strength!”

“Directly use your full strength!”

Ken’s eyes were cold, and there was a wistful smile on the corner of his mouth: “This is your last chance, I won’t keep my hand next!” ”

The voice fell.

Air friction makes a thunderous sound!

“Boom ——!”

Ken was extremely fast and shocking, and his arm spread out a pitch-black armed domineering aura, which instantly slammed into Robluci’s abdomen.


In an instant.

Rob Luqi’s face was red, and he couldn’t help but spit out a large mouthful of blood again, and the whole person flew out upside down, along the ground, rubbing madly on the ground.


A path of blood spread out from the ground.

“The… Damn it! ”

“My consciousness … Not good! ”

Robluci was lying on the ground, his whole body was already convulsing, and his whole consciousness was in a state of confusion, and he was about to pass out at any time.

How can it be.

He didn’t relax at all, just wanted to be wary of Ken’s attack.

It’s just that…… It’s really fast!

He couldn’t react to his six-style paper paintings!

How fast is this?

What a monster!

And also…… The moment he was blasted out, he found that Ken used armed domineering.

No wonder the six-style iron block could not be defended.

After all, the physical technique of the six-style iron block… It’s like a weakened version of the armed color domineering.

Although the six-style iron block is developed to the extreme, it may not be weak and domineering with armed colors.

It’s just that…… I want to develop the ultimate six styles.

Even Tarob Luki… It is impossible to develop to the extreme!


“Stand up!”

“I haven’t lost yet!”

With amazing willpower, Robluch gasped, his face was full of red blood, and forcibly dragged his severely injured body to stand up!


Just stand up.

He is already extremely amazing, as for whether he can still fight.

Already unlikely.

“It’s amazing willpower.”

“It’s a pity that even if you are a genius… Didn’t grow up! ”

“You’re nothing now!”

“You’re just a weakling now!”

“A loser who has lost before me!”

Ken was a little surprised to see that Lucy could still stand up.

He just slammed that huge fist through… But with the idea of killing Luqi!

“Less nonsense.”

“Dead or alive.”

“Myself… Count on that. ”

Rob Lucci spoke intermittently, but his eyes were still so persistent.


“Then you quickly lie down!”

“I know you’re struggling to stand on the ground now.”

Ken urged thunder and lightning, and his body spread with dazzling electricity, bursting out at an amazing speed, and instantly rushed behind Robluci, his palm spread with armed color domineering, and a hand knife stunned Luqi, making the other party lie directly on the ground.


“Really fast!”

The moment Rob Lucy rolled his eyes and passed unconscious, this thought floated through his mind.

When he passed out, he had already returned to his original human form in his leopard human form.

He has completely devoid of any physical strength … Rokushi iron blocks can be cast.

Otherwise, he would not be so embarrassed and stunned by a hand knife!


“Pass out early… I won’t cut you with a knife either!” ”

Ken stared at the air in front of him and whispered, “The door of the other space.” ”


A large hole was cut in front of him, and the interior was filled with dark green space.

Inside lay a fainted Kaku.

Now pour well.

Rob Luch also came to accompany him, but he would not be so lonely.

“Let’s go inside.”

Ken raised his arm, and his thick palm could already hold Rob Luci’s sturdy body, and then threw Luqi into the alien space.

Different spaces can survive both living and inanimate organisms.

So Ken won’t worry about Kaku and Luki dying inside.

Unless the two of them were injured too badly to be physically able to withstand the past, resulting in death.


Ken looked at the thunder light that spread from time to time on his body, which could make himself extremely fast, and he was a little curious, after all, it was also the first time to become a moon lion.

“Moon Lion Form… So strong? ”

“In terms of critical speed… Just soon! ”

This is still a moon lion type without the blessing of moonlight.

If it’s night, it’s even stronger!

And…… If it’s a full moon!

This increase will be amazing!


Ken began to fade away from the moon lion form and return to his original human form.

While fighting Luki, he inadvertently rippled around, causing some buildings to collapse.

However, it is believed that the water capital has deep pockets and can be built at any time, as long as no one dies, it is estimated that the iceberg can be accepted.

“There is still a Kalifa left, but this woman is so weak, I can knock it down at will.”

“There are also the next members, although there are quite a few CP9 personnel.”

“It’s just that they didn’t gather, and some members are still on the Justice Island side.”

“The only personnel currently in the water capital are Luqi, Kaku, Kalifa, and Bruno.”

“It also allowed me to take good opportunities that could be easily solved.”

Ken stepped straight up, thought carefully, and quickly left here to avoid being seen by outsiders.

The iceberg guy sent Kalifa to collect the goods, and if it was done, it should go to Carrera’s company.


Not there.

It seems that Kalifa has almost returned to the area on the other side of the iceberg.

He had to rush back again.


Return to the house where the iceberg lived.

Ken directly uses the stealth skill, enters the stealth state, and directly breaks in.


When he arrived at the door of Iceberg’s office, he couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.

There are actually two breaths inside?

A breath… He has touched it before, and it is naturally an iceberg!

And a breath… Stronger than an iceberg.

Could it be Kalifa?

For this.

Ken planned to see what was going on.

He secretly opened the door of the alien space, entered the inner alien space, and observed the situation outside.


When Ken entered Iceberg’s office house, he saw a graceful blonde woman with gold-rimmed glasses and a cold face, her yellow blouse with a short black skirt, and sexy mesh stockings on her thighs, looking particularly seductive.


“This is the goods you asked me to collect.”

“Please take a look.”

Kalifa handed over the manifest in her hand and placed it on the iceberg platform.

It’s just that.

She noticed that something was not quite right with Iceberg’s face.

Kalifa was a little confused… What’s going on with the iceberg today?

The other side.

Iceberg’s face was a little nervous, after all, after knowing that Kalifa was the enemy, and he could kill him at will, he didn’t panic to have a ghost!

“Why hasn’t Ken come back yet?”

“I don’t know if he solved Kaku and Luki.”

“I have to calm down and not let Kalifa find out that I already know her identity!”

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