After Iceberg calmed down a little, he pretended to be calm and picked up the list, but his hands were shaking.

This also increasingly made Kalifa suspicious.

She has been with the iceberg for five years… It is already a habit of being familiar with icebergs.

It’s just that today’s iceberg performance is really not quite right.

This is the time.

The phone worm rings on the countertop.

Iceberg quickly picked up the phone worm and asked in his mouth.

“What’s the matter?”

Soon the owner of another phone worm replied.

“The president … Not good! ”

“Our Carrera Company Dock One has been destroyed!”

“There were fights on our territory that caused the building to collapse, but fortunately there were no dead people.”

“And I see it very clearly… One of the personnel of the fight is Rob Luci, I really didn’t expect him to be so powerful, obviously the whole person is usually very cold! ”

“It’s just that Luki guy… I couldn’t beat the young kid on the other side at all, completely frantically suppressing Luqi, and even I saw that Luqi was not lightly injured! ”

“Finally… I don’t know what means these two people used, the two people floated directly in the air and ran away directly on the spot! ”

The voice fell.

Iceberg was a little dumbfounded and didn’t know how to answer the past.

The essential…… He’s not the only one here!


Kalifa’s eyes widened slightly, and after hearing these words, the whole person was in a state of disbelief.

Luki was actually attacked?

Wrong…… How did Luki reveal his identity?

You must know that Luki has not touched for five years, and many shipbuilders think that Luqi is one of the hard-working shipbuilders.

“Could it be… Luqi’s identity was inadvertently exposed?! ”

Kalifa couldn’t help but think of this idea.


She was a little flustered… If Lu Qi is exposed.

Are the remaining CP9 members exposed?

Was she exposed?

These thoughts haunted Kalifa, making her more and more anxious.


There was a chill in the depths of her eyes, and she muttered in her mouth.

“It doesn’t matter if I’m exposed or not.”

“But even Luki has been exposed… Presumably, the situation is already bad. ”

“Even Luki can’t beat that enemy… It seems that only retreat can be made! ”

“I have to quickly contact Bruno and Kaku and evacuate the water capital!”

“As for … Iceberg. ”

“I directly stunned him first, this time I used tough means to get the design drawings of the Hades battleship first, even if I couldn’t understand it… You have to get it by force too! ”

In an instant.

Kalifa threw away the record plate in her hand, instantly tore through the identity of the secretary who had been disguised for many years, and planned to directly attack the iceberg!

“Not good!”

Seeing this, the iceberg was so frightened that he hurriedly retreated, a little miserable, how could he call the worm at this time!

This is clearly harmful!

“Did you really find out my identity?”

“How could it be… When will you find out my identity? ”

“Today? This morning? ”

“Yes… It should be this time, while I go to collect! ”

Kalifa saw the iceberg act like this, her face changed suddenly, and she couldn’t help gritting her teeth: “Very good… Expose your identity, it seems that I can only do it to you. ”

Iceberg’s face was a little nervous, and his tone couldn’t help but ask bitterly.


“I didn’t expect you to be this kind of person.”

“I treat you well.”

He spent 8 years merging the seven companies of the seven islands of Rinsui no Shichima, and cooperated with the world government to make Carrera a shipbuilding company used by the world government, so that the officials of the world government could not attack the iceberg.

did not expect the world government to be so ruthless … Actually tearing his face because of the design drawings of the Hades battleship?

Directly forcibly attack him?

The World Government… It’s hateful!

This moment… The iceberg mood has completely changed!

“Hmph!” Kalifa snorted coldly, completely unappreciative, she stretched out her slender fingers, pushed the eye frame on the wing of her nose, and said in her mouth: “Iceberg, I advise you not to resist, you can’t beat me.” ”

Iceberg was forced to look at the bodyguards outside the door and window.


Iceberg couldn’t bear to let these bodyguards come out to protect him.

These bodyguards may be very powerful among ordinary people.

But in the eyes of CP9 members… It’s totally a level opponent!

He asked the bodyguards to go up to the enemy… It just killed this group of people.

“I want you to catch me.”

“Don’t kill civilians outside.”

“They are innocent.”

Iceberg sighed with a somewhat tired face, and actually didn’t want to resist, sitting directly on the ground.

He was afraid that he would resist later.

After causing Kalifa to catch him… I want to vent my hatred and kill the civilians outside.

He’s a shi… I don’t want to see this scene!


“That depends on my mood.”

“Good mood… Naturally does not kill. ”

Kalifa’s eyes were full of ruthlessness, and it was naturally impossible to listen to the iceberg’s orders!

She…… Already not the secretary of the iceberg!

Now it is CP9, a secret spy agency directly under the World Government!


“You… Behind! ”

Iceberg looked behind Kalifa with a look of shock on his face.

“What do you mean?”

This also made Kalifa wonder, but she didn’t pay attention to it, thinking that it was just Iceberg’s deception of her, and then Iceberg jumped out of the window to escape, she would not be deceived!

Now she has to keep an eye on the iceberg!

If there is a change in the iceberg, she will directly strike out the iceberg!

And if someone approached this office, she would have felt it long ago, and naturally thought that the iceberg was just a lie!

It’s ridiculous!


A helpless voice of a young man came directly behind Kalifa.

“The iceberg… What the hell are you doing! ”

“Want to expose me?”

“If I hadn’t known your character, I would have thought you were an inner ghost.”

In the air, as if cutting out a door entrance, Ken stepped out directly, his palm directly turned into pitch black, spreading armed color, and instantly backhanded was slashed on Kalifa’s white neck.

The whole process is done in one go!

“How, what’s going on?”

Kalifa, who suffered from this huge force, did not react, and directly passed out.

Before stunning.

Kalifa couldn’t have imagined at all… Can someone actually come out of the air?


Isn’t that Bruno’s ability?

Even if Bruno uses his ability to come out, there will definitely be a breath!

Damn it…… I didn’t expect that what Iceberg said was actually true?

It’s really clever and mistaken by cleverness!


Ken caught Kalifa’s graceful delicate body and felt the soft touch coming, his face was a little blushing, but he quickly coughed twice to avoid ugliness, and threw Kalifa directly on the sofa next to him.

“Don’t be rude!”

“Color is empty!”

“I didn’t touch anything, I didn’t see anything, I just didn’t mean it!”


Ken adjusted his state and felt that the timing was really just right this time.

Thankfully, he came back quickly… Otherwise, the iceberg will be poisoned by Kalifa!

Fortunately, he used his stealth skill to enter the stealth state.

After that, when he left the door of the other space and came out directly, there was no sound, and there was no breath!

That’s why… Kalifa didn’t feel his presence!

This caused Kalifa to relax and was easily stunned by him!

But…… Cooperate with the door fruit in the stealth state.

It’s a seamless god-level match!

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