After Ken heard this reminder from the Great Sage, he immediately thought of the existence of the system, and a large number of thoughts could not help but float through his mind.

“The appearance of the Great Sage during this period of time made me forget the existence of the system.”

“But at that time, the system was so weak, I didn’t expect it to sleep for so long.”

“However, the Great Sage thinks that after the awakening of the system, it can make me benefit more?”

“Yes… My predators aren’t perfect, and the Great Sages aren’t fully evolved! ”

“Maybe you can rely on the system… One-time evolution! ”

“That’s when I can get stronger.”

He is still very excited that the system is about to wake up!

There is no system… There is no such thing as he is now!

The point is.

If you can make the Predator and the Great Sage evolve and become a whole new level, this improvement is extremely terrifying!

For this.

If the system wakes up, it can be questioned.

“I don’t know when the system will wake up, I hope it will be in the near future!”

With this idea, Ken silently kept it in his heart.


Three days later.

In the sea area outside the water capital, three giant warships directly drove over, looking full of courage.

The leader this time is naturally the yellow ape!

After all, the closest nephew is in the water capital, plus this incident should not be underestimated.

The Warring States sent the yellow ape to take over the matter.

But…… Even the Warring States were a little frightened.

I didn’t expect the world government to be so shameless.

He really dared to start with the design drawings of the Hades battleship!

It’s a lot of guts!

This time the Navy headquarters directly arrested CP9 members… Let’s see, do you dare to take people from your world government?


Three giant warships were stationed at the coastal pier.

But next to it, there is also a small warship

“This warship … Is it Ken who is pushing the city to rob? ”

“This stinky boy… It’s a bit of a captivity. ”

The yellow ape fell into the capital of water, and his eyes saw this small warship.

When Ken left Advance City, Magellan had already informed him.

but did not think… Ken actually wanted to leave the windless zone alone.

It’s not good to snatch a small warship … This incident also made the yellow ape feel helpless.

But it’s fine.

Seeing the situation, this kid has passed the windless zone safely, and Ken also came to the water capital to directly find out the CP9 spy agency that had been hidden for five years.

This contribution… Not small!

The headquarters of the Navy has had a vendetta with the world government for a long time, although they are only high-level feuds, everyone is very unhappy with each other, if it were not for the special era now, it is estimated that they will really fight in secret.

“Hurry up and take a look at this kid.”

“By the way, bring him back to the headquarters of the Navy.”

The figure of the yellow ape became ethereal, and the whole figure instantly turned into dazzling particles of light, directly rushing towards the area where the iceberg lived.

Just a few moments.

The yellow ape has already come to the area where the iceberg lives, and the speed is unbelievable.


The other side.

In these three days.

Ken lives directly on the iceberg side, and lives quite dashingly.

To have good food and good food, to have fun and have fun.

I have to say that Iceberg understands his mind very well.

Knowing that a young man like him… What needs are needed!


“What’s going on?”

“This is so fast!”

“Who the hell is this?”

Ken was stuffing the grapes into his mouth, but suddenly felt a breath, at an alarming speed, coming, his face changed abruptly, and he muttered in his mouth: “What a terrifying speed.” ”

This speed… Even the Moon Lion form can’t catch up!

In an instant.

He quickly poked his head out, and at the edge of the window, he found that in the sky, a large number of light particles were gathering, and began to assemble into the human form of the yellow ape.


Ken exclaimed in his mouth.


It was actually the yellow ape who came over in person?

Originally, he thought that this incident, it was already quite good to send Vice Admiral Mole over, but he did not expect to send a naval admiral!


He quickly put on his coat and walked out of the house directly, finding that the iceberg was also rushing out.

It seems that the iceberg has also found light particles outside, and it is clear that the navy headquarters has arrived.

At this time.

The entire sky seemed to be dyed with a layer of golden soft light.

Ken after leaving the house with Iceberg.

The yellow ape slowly descended on the ground, and the previous vision of heavenly descent had naturally disappeared.


“Stinky boy.”

“Long time no see, it seems that you have become a lot stronger.”

When the yellow ape raised his head and saw Ken, he was a little surprised, and he clearly felt the condensed momentum on Kenan’s body.


During his time in advancing the city, Ken learned a lot.

It was not in vain that he bothered to get the old man of the Warring States to agree to Ken to advance the city experience.

“Where, where.”

“I’m compared to my uncle… It’s still a lot worse. ”

Ken walked to the yellow ape’s side, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “But at least… I don’t need my uncle’s protection anymore, and ordinary pirates can’t hurt me. ”

The yellow ape was somewhat relieved to see that Ken was so confident.

But he didn’t come here to talk to Ken.

After all, the old man of the Warring States has an order, and he must find out about this matter.

The yellow ape’s face was a little serious, and he asked in his mouth.

“You said something to the phone worm before… Are you sure there’s nothing wrong with that? ”

“Really something about the design drawings of the Hades battleship?”

“This world government is quite insidious.”

“I know that the Water Capital is a cooperative relationship with the World Government, and I really didn’t expect to attack the iceberg shi.”

The voice fell.

The iceberg also came here, and when he heard this, his face turned resentful.

“I can testify to this.”

“My master, Mr. Tom, was a legendary shipbuilder back then, because he had a heavy treasure, he was framed by Justice Island until his death.”

“This heavy treasure… Presumably General Huang Ape also knows, so I won’t describe much. ”

“Only this time… My heart fell and I couldn’t keep this thing in the world. ”

“So… I’ve destroyed it! ”

Hear it here.

It made the yellow ape a little surprised.

This heavy treasure is naturally the design drawings of the Hades battleship.

It has actually been destroyed?

Although there are advantages to destroying it, there will be no such organization as the world government to cause trouble in the future.

Fortunately, only the world government knows about this.

If only the evil forces of the whole world were clear.

It is estimated that the water capital has long been destroyed by many forces!

Whoever is like the world government, grinds in five years.

It’s better to grab the design drawings of the Hades battleship first, and if you can find Nicole Robin in the future, you will definitely be able to create the Hades battleship!

“So it is.”

“But Ken… Where are the CP9 spy members you brought down? ”

“I have two missions this time, one mission to find out about the Hades battleship, but it has been destroyed now, so I won’t delve into it.”

“Another task is naturally to arrest the CP9 spy members and detain them in the city.”

The yellow ape also didn’t pay attention to the matter of the Hades battleship, if the iceberg was hidden, what could he do to force the iceberg to be tortured?

For this.

He was a little troublesome, so he wanted to finish the task and go back quickly.

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