“I hate CP9 members.”

“So I threw them in the prison of the Navy branch.”

“But they’re in these days… I go over to supervise every now and then. ”

“But no one dares to escape from prison, if they break from prison, they will be beaten back by me directly.”

Ken heard the words that the yellow ape wanted to arrest this group of people, and couldn’t help but answer directly.

He also didn’t want to imprison CP9 members in a different space.

Otherwise, when the time comes, it will be explained… It’s troublesome enough.

“Okay then.”

“Arrest them directly.”

“Then go back to the headquarters of the Navy.”

“As for this incident… Naturally, our naval headquarters has to deal with the world government. ”

The yellow ape turned his head sideways to the iceberg and said, “But I think… You still don’t want to continue to cooperate with the world government, people already want to kill you, and you still cooperate with the world government, naturally there is no benefit. ”

Iceberg couldn’t help but nod.

“I know this thing, I know it in my heart.”

He no longer has a good impression of world government.

Want to get blueprints for the Pluto battleship?

Even if not destroyed… Nor to you!

Instead, it is a lifesaver for him!

As long as he doesn’t say… Frankie doesn’t say… Ken doesn’t say.

Who could have known that the design drawings of the Hades battleship were actually on Ken.

Smell a rat?

Doubts are also useless!

Iceberg has personally seen Ken’s strange methods, and after that strange space unfolds, it is simply the safest and most hidden place in the world!

How is it possible to find it!

Presumably, the design drawings of the Pluto battleship can be sealed this time.

Iceberg also trusts Ken’s heart.

When the other side starts… He did not want to get the design drawings of the Hades battleship, but planned to destroy it.

If it weren’t for Frankie’s reluctance in the back.

It is estimated that Ken really wants to destroy it.

“Iceberg shilong.”

“See you soon!”

Ken followed the yellow ape’s footsteps and left here, and when he left, he couldn’t help but wave to the iceberg and parted: “I hope you can carry forward the water capital and become the best city in the world.” ”

Iceberg listened to this, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Do what I can!”


He was not mistaken about Kean!

This kid is very pleasant!


After the yellow ape directly escorted Luqi, Kaku, and Kalifa to the warship prison, these members did not dare to resist, their faces were a little silent, and they were unwilling to speak.

This is a great admiral… It’s almost like looking for death when you resist!


The warship began to move, completely leaving the bustling water capital.

The yellow ape quickly found Ken on the warship and directly asked Ken to come to his room, and couldn’t help asking.

“Ken, you have also experienced almost the same, do you want to rest for a while when you return to Marin Fandor this time?”


Ken shook his head, his tone a little helpless.

“The experience is still far from it.”

“I’m just in the first half of the Great Voyage… Slightly stronger. ”

“But… In the midst of a new world. ”

“I may not be very strong.”

This made the yellow ape a little impressed by Kean.

Because Ken is not arrogant, but feels that he can continue to improve.

Even if he didn’t have this mentality before… When he was twenty years old, he was just an ordinary naval soldier.

Who would have thought.

Decades later.

This ordinary naval soldier turned into a senior admiral?

The future is unpredictable.

For members of the CP9 spy agency.

Before the yellow ape came… Investigate a little.

All of these members were proficient in the Six Styles of Physical Arts, and some of them were Devil Fruit Abilities, and their strength was definitely not very weak.

Not everyone in CP9 can beat it!

It’s just that.

These members were all addressed by Ken alone.

How long is this?

It had been less than three months since he gave the Devil Fruit to Ken!

Isn’t this a genius?

Obviously not so long ago… It’s just some young people with decadent minds, and now they have changed greatly!

But the yellow ape thought of the grim scene in the new world, and was a little curious.


“You want to enter a new world?”

“It’s a very dangerous place… Tens of millions of pirates are walking all over the place, and more than 100 million pirates are everywhere. ”

“Although this statement is a bit exaggerated… But the New World is even more sinister than the Great Voyage. ”


A helpless smile appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth.

This is… No kidding.

The new world is really sinister.

Most of the islands of the New World were occupied by the Four Emperors.

Pirate Four Emperors… Dealing with unfamiliar people is quite ruthless!

After all, people think that if you come to grab territory, it is impossible to release water, right?

And the difficulty of wanting to enter a new world… It’s not low.

The first method: make a request to the world government, and then go directly through the holy land of Mary Joa, located at the peak of the red continent, so you can only abandon the ship, although it costs a lot of money to buy a ship, and the application is time-consuming, but it is safe.

Of course…… It is impossible for the pirates to apply successfully, and it is impossible for the world government to agree!

The second method: the use of argan mangrove resin in the Chambord Islands will coat the ship, and from here it will dive 10,000 meters through a huge hole under the red continent, through the “undersea route” Fishman Island to reach the New World, but extremely dangerous.

Only 30% of people can reach the new world with this method every year!

This remaining people… All of them have been buried in the ocean.

You know, it’s an ocean 10,000 meters below!

Among them, the sea king class… There must be ridiculously many!

And in terms of body size… Absolutely huge!

Sea king of the hundred-meter type … It is estimated that it is all small meaning!

Kilometer type Neptune … It may even happen!

But there is no way, the pirates can only choose this dangerous method, enter Fishman Island, and then go to the new world.

After all, after becoming a pirate… It is also impossible to make a request to the world government to travel to the New World.

This is a relationship between enemies, how can it be allowed to enter!

“You think about it first.”

“The mood you want to enter a new world… I understand. ”

“After all, it is difficult to grow up in the headquarters of the Navy.”

“It’s just that I hope you think about it… Entering a new world is no child’s play. ”

The yellow ape stretched out his hand to pat Ken on the shoulder, and his tone was a little relaxed: “You don’t need to be so nervous, at least you are now stronger than many people, and this is enough.” ”

Finish speaking.

The yellow ape left the room, intending to let Ken think about it.

Even his calm personality is not very willing to stay in the naval headquarters.


Because it’s too boring!

The admiral must sit in the headquarters of the Navy!

This is also to prevent danger from happening!


But there are many sea pirates who have come to make trouble at the headquarters of the Navy!

Right now…… The Warring States do not want to see this scene.

Every admiral must stay in his headquarters if he has nothing important.

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