Ken’s heart couldn’t help but beat faster.

Items that can be taken out by the system… Needless to say, it is absolutely superb!

The point is…

There is also a price!

That is, the system needs the devil fruit.

It seems that it is just going through the period of weakness … Haven’t really recovered yet?

For this.

Ken asked with a deep breath.

“The system … How many Devil Fruits do you need? ”

“It’s a little bit of a trick for me.”


The system replied.

“I also want at least ten special fruits.”

In an instant.

Ken’s mouth opened slightly, and his eyes were a little confused.

Ten Devil Fruits?

Where do I have to get this?


Rob whom?

The point is that the Devil Fruit is so rare.

If ordinary people can get one, it is already considered to be considered extremely lucky.

And the price of the Devil Fruit is extremely expensive, and in the underground black market, the starting price of Bailey has to be 100 million Bailey!

When the time comes, the price of the real sale is definitely not low!

Want to get ten devil fruits… It’s just a dream!

The key is even among the four emperors of pirates… It is estimated that there are no ten Devil Fruit ability people in the crew, right?

How do I get ten Devil Fruits?


Ken was a little scrambling and had not-so-good ideas.

“I remember that the Navy headquarters was in stock.”

“There should be spoils of the Devil Fruit, right?”

“How about a little bit of it?”


He quickly shook his head … Just throw away the whole idea of danger.

If this is discovered by the headquarters of the Navy.

Surely even the yellow ape will not be able to save him!

“Ten… Ten Devil Fruits. ”

“Can you have less?”

“I can’t take that much at a time.”

“This item is too rare!”

Ken had some headaches and finally consulted with the system.

It’s just that.

The system seemed aware of Ken’s concerns and couldn’t help but explain.

“After this special fruit is taken by humans, it can actually be forcibly taken.”

“I can teach you a method, you can kill these people who have taken this special fruit, and you can forcibly take it.”

“In this way, I can also extract the energy in it, and you can also complete the task, why not?”

The voice fell.

A hint of surprise flashed in Ken’s eyes.

Kill the Devil Fruit power… Can you take the enemy’s Devil Fruit?

Such words.

It’s a lot easier to get ten Devil Fruits.

After all, it is not a devil fruit that has not been taken, and a devil fruit that has not been taken is too rare to find.

It’s just that this means as the system says … Somewhat similar to the Star Absorbing Dafa?

Directly rob the energy in the body of the Devil Fruit ability?

This can also be regarded as a devil fruit?

But yes.

Some Devil Fruit Abilities are actually not very strong, and after becoming Devil Fruit Abilities, it can only be regarded as a waste of resources.

Just like Bruno, the former Door Fruit Ability.

He clearly has the ability of the “Space Department”… Deeper moves will not be developed.

This also led to Bruno’s death at the hands of Ken!

“It’s a lot easier.”

“Just by killing the Devil Fruit ability, you can seize the energy in it.”

“I can totally do it!”

Ken thought of these thoughts and couldn’t help nodding secretly.

It’s just that.

There are also disadvantages to this.

After he kills the Devil Fruit Ability to seize energy, and then uses the Predator to devour the enemy, it is estimated that he will not be able to learn the ability of this Devil Fruit.

Because the Devil Fruit Essence has been absorbed, it must be handed over to the system for recovery.

However, other aspects of physical skills, domineering, and strength can still be plundered.

For this.

He found that there was no benefit and quickly asked.


“This deal doesn’t work!”

“Now only your good… What are my benefits? ”


The system replied again.

“Naturally, I won’t treat you badly.”

“What do you want?”

“I can exchange with you!”

These words made Ken’s eyes shine.

Something he needs now.

That’s to make two special skills evolve!

The difference is: the predator and the great sage!

These two helped him a lot… It’s just that I have used it until now, and I feel a little tired.

He must let these two special skills evolve directly!


“I need items that allow special skills to evolve.”

“Do you have one here?”

Ken thought for a moment and couldn’t help but ask.

The system did not think about it, and replied.

“Natural possession!”

“Evolution Crystals – can make special skills reach a whole new level, greatly improved!”

“Five special fruits… Can be exchanged for an evolutionary crystal. ”

“How is this deal?”

Ken suddenly felt a little moved.

Five Devil Fruits… You can exchange it for an evolutionary crystal.

Other words.

If he completes the tasks assigned by the system.

You can completely let the Predator and the Great Sage evolve!


Ken couldn’t help but agree, and the next plan was to act around the Devil Fruit!

“Then I’ll issue the task now.”

“Hopefully you can finish it soon.”

The sound of the system begins to dim until it disappears completely.

[System Mission Issued – Capture Ten Devil Fruits]

[Mission Completion Reward – Two Evolution Crystals]

【Mission time limit: unlimited time】

Ken looked at this brand new mission with a big smile on his lips.


The new world he had to postpone for a while before he could pass.

In the midst of the great voyages… He remembered that there were many Devil Fruit Abilities!

A little sweep of these Devil Fruit Abilities, it is estimated that they can exchange for an evolutionary crystal!

Although devouring the Devil Fruit ability… It can make him improve his strength a lot.

There was just one sentence that made him feel very true.

Bite off more than you can chew.

Enough ability is enough!

Like this door fruit ability, Ken got a lot of harvest!


“The first evolutionary crystal… To whom to give first? ”

“Predators … Or the Great Sage? ”

Ken frowned, although he hadn’t gotten the evolution crystal yet, he was thinking about how to use it now.

The predator evolved into the King of Gluttony.

Plunder the talents of creatures of any race – never fail!

You must know that among any race, even ants have extremely terrifying talents!

Just like ordinary ants – objects that can lift nearly a hundred times their own weight!

If this were to be converted to humans… It can simply destroy the world!

Everywhere we went… Barren!

As well as a large amount of racial talent.

As long as the predators evolve into the king of gluttony.

When the time comes… Devour and you’re done!


“I feel like I need help at the moment.”

“Fighting alone … Still a little lonely. ”

Ken’s eyes were a little lonely.

His plan… After arriving at the back, it is an enemy of the world government, and even the Draco will be slaughtered!

It is said that many people have great power.

He needs helpers…

This helper is also in his mind – the Great Sage!

As long as the Great Sage evolves into – the King of Wisdom!

It has the ability to accelerate thinking, analytic identification, juxtaposition calculus, singing discarding, all-encompassing, integration and separation, and ability change.

It can even evolve into the Integral Divine Core of abilities – Charles!

Boost the help… In a way, even higher!

And maybe the Great Sage can really help him personally!

However, instead of giving him advice… Let him how to do it!

“The first evolutionary crystal… I’ll choose the Great Sage to evolve. ”

“It has helped me so much, I naturally have to choose the Great Sage.”

Ken no longer hesitated to decide this choice directly!

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