After Ken noticed that there was no response from the system, he began to think.

“In that case.”

“I can’t stay in Marin Fandor either.”

“To be rewarded… Then I have to do it! ”

“But for now, it’s better to strengthen my strength first.”

“It’s best… I can devour an extremely explosive Devil Fruit ability! ”

He frowned and pondered.

In the first half of the Great Route.

Which Devil Fruit Capable is stronger?

Although it has the Moon Lion form… You can make up for it a little.

It’s just that his current means of attack are not enough, although it is completely easy to deal with pirates who are not very strong.


Ken can’t stay in the first half of the Great Voyage.

His goal… It’s a new world!

For this, he must also have more powerful means!

And he now relies on the Gate Fruit ability as well as the stealth skill.

It’s completely a life-saving skill, even if he can’t beat it, he still has no problem if he wants to escape!

Just this cowardly act.

How could he possibly go and do that!

Of course, the most overly real situation.

That is.

When the time comes, he will face the Four Emperors of Pirates… Can’t beat it at all!

Can he even beat the deputy emperor and captain under the four emperors… He is not very clear, these personnel have a lot of means, and it will take some time to defeat them.

The new world requires constant vigilance.

Otherwise, I don’t know how he died!


“Great Sage.”

“You help list my current patience.”

“I seem to have thought of something…”

Ken suddenly had a flash of inspiration, as if he had grasped some inspiration, and he couldn’t help but let the great sage come out to help.


The Great Sage began to function and listed the patience that Ken currently possessed.

[Pain Void, Physical Attack Reduction, Underwater Resistance, Thunder Reduction, Moonlight Mapping]


His pupils widened slightly, and he muttered in his mouth.

“Thunder Relief?”

“Can I get less lightning attacks?”

This is the patience of Thunder Relief!

Ken had already thought of the first half of the Great Voyage… A Devil Fruit powerhouse is so powerful that it explodes!

That is, in the empty island, there is a natural thunder fruit ability hidden, and he is known as a god – Anilu!

“The ability of the Thunder Fruit… This is a super explosive attack! ”

“If you can devour this ability.”

“I won’t lack explosive attack methods at the moment!”

“Combined with the ability of the Gate Fruit, it is completely attackable and retreatable!”

“It’s just perfect!”

Ken’s eyes showed greed.

He wants to deal with Anilu, but it is not very simple.

The key thunder fruit burst extremely high.

Ordinary people can’t hold on to one round in the face of Anilu, and they turn into ashes in an instant!

Unless there is a rubber fruit with an insulator!

But…… Ken can’t run and devour Luffy, can he?

When the time comes… If Karp goes crazy, who can stop this old guy?

“But it’s fine.”

“I currently have the patience of Thunder Relief.”

“In the face of the thunder fruit of Anilu… I can totally take this furious thunder attack! ”

“Although Anilu has the fluid effect of the Natural Fruit series, normal attacks may not work.”

“But I also learned the rudimentary armed color, which can easily grasp the fluid and deliver blows!”

“I can even beat him to death, and then forcibly devour him and seize the Thunder Fruit ability!”

This idea arises.

As a result, Ken couldn’t stop a little, and he couldn’t wait to go to the empty island to fight Anilu for three hundred rounds now!

You know, Anilu is still very powerful… He was self-taught, and directly learned to see and smell domineering… And with the ability of the thunder fruit, it can accept radio waves and greatly enhance the range of domineering sight.

For this.

Anilu is also known as the “Heart Net” ability by this method, because he can hear the voices of the entire empty island.

No wonder claiming to be a god!

Having such means … It is estimated that no one in the whole world has mastered it!

This is a means that must be combined with the Thunder Fruit.

It can be said that it is… A unique means in the whole world!

“Great Sage.”

“How many thunder attacks can my thunder reduce patience be immune to?”

Ken thought of this patience, after all, it is not thunder immunity, he will still be hurt, naturally some doubts.

For this.

The Great Sage replied.

“Can be immune to 83% thunder attacks.”

In an instant.

Ken clapped his hands, his face full of excitement, and his mouth shouted.

“Very good!”


“I’m invincible… You feel free! ”

He doesn’t believe that immunity to 83% thunder attacks can’t beat Anilu!

Plus other means to cooperate.

He definitely has a very high winning percentage!

Even if he is injured, he has the means to regenerate, even if his head is cut off, he can easily regenerate!

Want to kill him completely?

Unless all his physical strength is consumed first!


After solving Anilu, he has to worry about how to obtain the Devil Fruit.

Ten Devil Fruits.

That is, to solve ten Devil Fruit powers!

Anilu doesn’t count in it… He intended to plunder the Thunder Fruit, so it could not be included.

If you’re lucky.

Maybe he will be in the middle of nowhere… Devil fruit that has not been taken can be found.

Ken had a little headache and couldn’t help but mumble in his mouth.


“I remember very well, the golden bell on the empty island, and the text of history below the bell.”

“How about getting this thing and handing it over to the headquarters of the Navy?”

“I should be able to get a lot of contributions, right?”

“Because the Navy headquarters can exchange items in the headquarters inventory according to the contribution.”

“If I want to get the Devil Fruit at the headquarters of the Navy now, I must use legitimate means!”

“This time I expose the World Government CP9 spy agency incident… I got a lot of contribution. ”

“In this way, maybe Sengoku can let me exchange it for the Devil Fruit!”


His idea was quite good, and there was no problem at all in using legitimate means in exchange for the Devil Fruit loot.

Because the Warring States at this moment … The mood is extremely relaxed, and it is somewhat leisurely!

He has been suppressed by the world government for many years, and now that the scandal of the world government has been exposed, he should see if the five old stars dare to give orders so stinky?


Warring States knew that it was the act of the nephew of the yellow ape, and he was still a little surprised.

He didn’t think… Can Ken actually progress so fast when he goes to Advance City?

Or…… In the future, he will let more naval elites go to advance the city experience?

Don’t expect these naval elites to advance as much as Ken.

At the very least, you have to go up and see!

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