Before Ken came to the headquarters of the Navy… He had already asked the great sage to analyze what the Warring States needed to ask, and even calculated it through exhaustive methods!

For this.

He had discussed with the Great Sage last night.

In the end, Sengoku no matter what he asked.

Ken was able to answer it easily… There is no problem at all!


After Sengoku heard Kean’s answer, he couldn’t help but have a little headache and muttered in his mouth.

“Ancient texts … The text recorded in the design drawings of the Hades battleship is actually this text! ”

“If it weren’t for the World Government’s demon slaughter order back then.”

“How could O’Hara be destroyed, although the naval headquarters was also at fault, and actually sent troops to attack!”

“It’s just a pity… At that time, I was a senior general, and I was not in the headquarters of the Navy at that time, which did not affect the marshal of the Navy at that time. ”

“In fact, O’Hara should not be destroyed, the world government is really too rotten!”

“And the five old stars really have a problem… What are they trying to hide? ”

“100 years of lost history… What exactly is so serious? ”

“The text of history that leads to today… We do not have any stocks in the headquarters of the Navy, the point is to have … I can’t analyze what it is! ”

The Warring States are extremely disgusted with the five old stars.

It is clear that he controls such a lot of power, but he does not really use the right place!

For this.

After Sengoku learned that the design drawings of the Hades battleship were the contents of ancient written records, he lost some interest and did not want to continue to inquire.

Rather, too.

If the Water Capital can still build the Hades battleship… It’s been built long ago!

So don’t worry any further.

Just thinking about ancient writing.

Sengoku felt helpless… Today, they find many small objects that have disappeared for 100 years before.

Although not a historical text.

However, it also records events from a hundred years ago.

It’s just a pity that no one in the headquarters of the Navy parsed the meaning of the ancient text!

Even the world government.

For this.

All these years.

The bounty for Nicole Robin is also getting higher and higher, just in the hope that the bounty hunter can catch her!

Fortunately, Nicole Robin hides deeply… It was completely undetected.

Even if it is discovered… She was able to escape.

Otherwise, really let the world government catch Nicole Robin.

Design drawings of the battleship Pluto… It is estimated that it has long been taken away by the forced action of the CP9 spy agency!

However, it is clear that Nicole Robin did not do anything evil, and was actually affected by the O’Hara incident to this extent.

It has to be said.

She’s so tired now!


Sengoku continued to inquire about the incident.

But every time, Ken was able to answer easily.

Fortunately, he has the existence of the Great Sage, and he can deduce what the Warring States will ask about.

These things.

He still has to hide a lot… After all, he killed Bruno and seized the Devil Fruit ability, which must not be exposed.

“Things are pretty much the same.”

“Ken… You did a great job this time. ”

“Is there any intention to join the Navy?”

“When the time comes, you will also follow the yellow ape… He is so bad as your uncle that he can take you to take fewer detours. ”

Sengoku didn’t think about this incident, it was over anyway, but he appreciated Ken very much, and directly issued an invitation: “As long as you join the navy, we will definitely pour resources and train you immediately!” ”

It’s not easy to become stronger.

If you join the headquarters of the Navy … Can make rapid progress in a very short time!

Just like.

Sengoku can send someone to teach Ken to master the six-style technique quickly.

As well as quickly grasping the domineering and armed domineering… This is extremely time-consuming.

If someone teaches… You can learn faster with fewer detours!

And this means … In the first half of the Great Route.

It can be considered an extremely rare means … Very few people learn!

Think about it.

World Government CP9 spy agency organization… This group of members has only learned the Six Postures.

As for the color of sight, smell and armament, I have no mastery at all!

It is necessary to master the color of sight, smell and armament… It takes a lot of time.


If Ken behaves well… When the potential is extremely high.

The headquarters of the Navy even took out extremely rare natural devil fruits… Cultivate Ken directly!

Like among the three admirals of the Navy today.

Every great general has the top Devil Fruit of nature!

Glitter fruits, frozen fruits, magma fruits.

Natural fruits are already rare, and even the top natural systems are even rarer!

But…… The headquarters of the Navy is also trained successfully!

Successfully cultivated into three generals!

This also makes the naval headquarters more and more powerful!

It’s just that now the situation is a little special!

With the death of One Piece Roger, the advent of the era of pirates is indirectly revealed.

Countless people began to become pirates, wanting to get Roger’s treasure back then, as well as the hidden truth!

This also makes personnel who want to become navy … It’s starting to get less!

And want to enter the Navy … There must be justice in terms of heart!

Otherwise, if someone with an evil heart joins in, it is just a-stirring stick!

For this.

Sengoku is optimistic about Ken … This incident that exposed the world government led him to understand Ken more deeply!

“Join the Navy?”

“I’ve heard this many times.”

At this time, it was Ken’s turn to have a headache and did not know how to answer Sengoku.

This is a marshal… He is the word of refusal.

Wouldn’t it be a little bad?


He still raised his courage and said directly.

“Marshal of the Warring States.”

“I’m young now… I want to see this vast world. ”

“So joining the Navy in this aspect … I don’t have that idea yet. ”

“But don’t worry… I will never go against the Navy! ”

“Just like this incident, I will inevitably strike when I encounter it.”


Sengoku seemed to know Ken’s answer, but he wasn’t surprised at all.

After all…… The yellow ape also told him, and the young man also told him.

Both of them had wanted Ken to join the Navy.

It’s just that Ken is not very willing anyway.

But…… Being young is a good thing.

Now young people … It seems that they do not want to be tied up here in the headquarters of the navy.

“But Karp this guy is good, after becoming a lieutenant general, he lived so dashingly.”

“The general does not want to be… If Karp becomes a general, with the contribution of this old urchin, he can be more than enough to become a marshal of the navy! ”

“It’s not like I… After becoming a general and even a marshal. ”

“My hair is starting to turn white!”

Sengoku was a little envious of the life of his old friend Karp.

It’s also good to live so freely!

In the future, if he retires the position of marshal … Maybe you can become a naval instructor, and it is quite good to train the next generation of the navy!

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