After Sengoku learned that Ken did not currently have the idea of joining the Navy, although he felt helpless, he did not force Ken to enter the Navy.

After all.

Strong twisted melon is not sweet!

For this.

Sengoku’s eyes were a little interested, and he couldn’t help but speak.

“So do you have anything you want?”

“For your contribution this time.”

“The headquarters of the Navy can reward you with something.”

“You just say it… The headquarters of the Navy can still satisfy you. ”


When Ken heard this, a smile appeared on his lips.

“I want the Devil Fruit.”

“I wonder if you can reward me?”

This made Sengoku a little puzzled and asked directly.

“Didn’t you eat the Devil Fruit before?”

“This is still the Devil Fruit that the yellow ape helped you claim… Now that you have eaten the Devil Fruit, you can’t eat the second one. ”

“Don’t you know the consequences of eating the second devil fruit?”

Sengoku also thought that Ken was unclear about the characteristics of the Devil Fruit.

It is impossible for humans to eat the second devil fruit… It has been proven countless times!

There are always greedy people who feel that after eating the first devil fruit, they feel that they have become extremely powerful and want more abilities!

Then run to greedy for the ability of the second demon fruit, resulting in the explosion of the body and death!

Presently…… There is simply no one who can survive by eating the second devil fruit!

There is no such person at all!

“Naturally, it is impossible for me to eat the second devil fruit.”

“I’m pretty clear about that… However, the Devil Fruit is quite valuable! ”

“After all, such a rare object… I collect it well. ”

A helpless smile appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth, naturally knowing what Warring States thought.

It’s just a pity.

He hadn’t eaten the Devil Fruit at all.

But he still has to pretend to come out… Pretend to be a Devil Fruit Ability.

Coupled with the fact that he wanted this devil fruit, he naturally had to provide it to the system to absorb.

The system thing, even if the Warring States want to break their heads, it is impossible to think of it.

For this.

Currently in the eyes of Warring States and Yellow Ape and others.

Ken is the Devil Fruit powerhouse, and it is impossible to eat the Devil Fruit again!

He wanted to take the Devil Fruit, and he probably really wanted to collect it.

“Preservation of value… I guess you can figure it out. ”

“How do you feel that you and the yellow ape are a little outrageous.”

“When he does things… It’s really weird! ”

When the Warring States heard Kenan’s reply, they were a little crying and laughing, and they couldn’t help but think of the yellow ape, who obviously had such a strong strength, but he was unwilling to contribute, and even often lazy.


He thought about it a little.

Ken wants to reward the Devil Fruit… Actually, it’s not impossible.

Although the devil fruit is precious.

But…… Key Devil Fruit ability after death.

The Devil Fruit will re-distribute to a certain part of the world.

So sometimes… Devil Fruit is not even lacking.

As long as those who can kill the Devil Fruit ability, the Devil Fruit on their bodies will naturally leave, stay on ordinary fruits, and successfully turn into the next Devil Fruit.

“There are also seven Devil Fruit loot in stock.”

“Four of them are animal, two are superhuman, and one is natural.”

“This natural tie should be reserved for the cultivation of naval elites with more potential.”

“So the natural department must be ruled out, the key is that this thing is so rare, it is completely more difficult to get than the animal line and the superhuman line!”

The point is.

The Navy headquarters also wants to reward the Devil Fruit to the naval elite.

It’s just that this time the new generation of the Navy … There is no one worth a little focus.

Plus contributing to this aspect… Extremely rare!

Only Ken this time… Inadvertently exposed the situation of the world government, and then received a lot of contributions.

The contribution of the ordinary navy … It really doesn’t necessarily mean that you can redeem the Devil Fruit!

The key devil fruit has been in the inventory for a long time.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Devil Fruit was special.

The Warring States all doubt whether it will be moldy!

So use the contribution to exchange for the Devil Fruit… Yes!

“As you wish.”

“You can collect the Devil Fruit if you want!”

“But you remember… Don’t eat the second devil fruit! ”

“Otherwise, if you explode and die at that time, the yellow ape will probably have to find me to settle the account!”

Sengoku quipped to Ken, afraid that Ken would be young and vigorous and accidentally eat the second devil fruit.

However, the Devil Fruit preserves its value… That’s right.

A random devil fruit can be sold for more than 100 million Baileys!

And it is still a case of priceless market!

Normal situation… It’s completely hard to see the Devil Fruit!


The Navy headquarters can have so many Devil Fruit trophies in its inventory.

Presumably, I don’t know how many pirates were swept up… Then accidentally find the loot!

Even if there are Devil Fruits on the market.

The headquarters of the Navy is deep-pocketed.

Buy it directly at the highest price!

This stuff can’t get out… If the pirates get it, wouldn’t it be purely an act of capital enemies?

“Then thank the Marshal of the Warring States!”

Ken’s face was full of joy when he heard Sengoku’s consent.

I didn’t expect it to be so simple!

Anyway, contribute this thing… It is completely useless for him not to join the Navy!

Might as well exchange the Devil Fruit directly!


If only Ken was clear… In the inventory of the Navy headquarters, there were actually seven devil fruits.

It is estimated that he really can’t help but want to risk getting a few more!

As long as he got the five Devil Fruits, he directly exchanged the evolution crystals to the system, and instantly caused a qualitative change in the Great Sage!

But in his impression.

The headquarters of the Navy has so many navies … Devil Fruit is a consumable that should be rewarded often!

But did not think.

This year’s talent for naval talent … Some are uneven.

A lot of people are not worth cultivating.

For this.

These devil fruits were naturally hoarded.

Otherwise, if there are only one or two devil fruits left.

It is estimated that the Warring States really will not give it!

“Karp… You are now in charge of the inventory warehouse. ”

“You go help take it!”

“I remember that the yellow ape returned the key to you before!”

“Don’t be lazy!”

Sengoku turned his head to stare at Karp, his tone a little urgent.

He had to get Karp to act.

Otherwise, this old urchin would be too comfortable to live!


“It’s so troublesome.”

“Can I not go?”

Karp had a smile on his face, not looking old at all, and even he kept eating senbei, making the scene a little funny.

“You old urchin!”

“Think of your grandson!”

“Your grandson Luffy has been out to sea for a while!”

“I don’t even know how you raised it… Didn’t you see the news report the other day? ”

“Your grandson Luffy actually defeated Nanabu Haisha Klockdar!”

“I’ll just say that the Seven Martial Sea System is useless!”

“Qiwu Hai can’t even beat Luffy who just went to sea!”

“What a laughing death!”

When Sengoku saw Karp’s appearance like this, he shouted in anger, and he was a little unbelievable about this news.

These words made Karp laugh even more.


“You don’t look at whose grandson this is!”

“I trained Luffy to become a marshal… It was this guy who was inexplicably seduced by the redhead of the Four Emperors, causing him to really go to sea as a pirate! ”

“But that guy from Shah Klockdar… Definitely not very good! ”

“This also shows that the institutional measures of the Seven Wuhai are definitely not perfect.”


This made Ken next to him a little moved after hearing this.

“Luffy defeated Shah Klockdar?”

“It seems that time cannot continue to drag on!”

“After a while… Luffy is expected to go to the empty island! ”

“Nope… Anilu, I have to beat it in advance! ”

“Then I have to take the main text of history there!”

He has mastered the current timeline!

It doesn’t seem very late.

Distance from the top war… It is estimated that there are still about three months.

In the past three months… He can definitely become stronger!

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